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combat squirrel

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Everything posted by combat squirrel

  1. Just had a go on this in sandbox mode (usually play career) and I LOVE IT, amazing work, thank you so much ! don't listen to the tools moaning when its finished, do it in your own time and I appreciate the effort here ! thanks!
  2. It would be good, but it seems its a LONG way off by the sounds of it, if the game engine developers can't get it stable, never mind the game that runs on that - long lead time. My i7 3770k @ 4.6ghz and 32gb DDR3 1866mhz with Nvidia GTX 670 will remain untapped for now..............(yet still struggles over 400 parts right now! lol)
  3. I am also thinking of doing the same!! got this so far to experiment with the switches: Looking forward to seeing your build
  4. And so our adventure continues! Our ship all ready sets its heading to duna FIRE THE ENGINES ! All is going well on our interplanetary journey Things are looking good from inside the can, nice little view from the ship window and the guys chilling on their journey We arrive at Duna........... AIR BRAKEEEE! a fine calculation with a ship of this size. Orbit was made and they touch down their base parts and begin to fuel for Kethane: THE APOLLO ERA IS OVER for our kerbals! , Duna has been hit, the photos are so so, now we re-organise our time and efforts in to true space research............soon ill add life support mods and begin the shuttle/ISS era in KSP and pay a whole lot more attention to getting some ace shots!! Check back soon for more!
  5. Hi all !! By day my profession is a full time photographer and I thought id do a huge kerbin adventure in my own style and concentrate on getting awesome pics as if I was there The Plan: Send my crew to Duna with 3 craft, lander, kethane extractor, kethane refinery, and mothership taking it all, the ships are designed around craft by the awesome craft offered by Temstar and Wayfare. The setup: Here the main load structural section is launched: Drive section launching: Here is the main ship 'DESTINY' , the mid 3 sections are the interstellar section, at the back is the launcher stage for the drive section, I decided to use this to boost the entire ship out of Kerbin orbit due to the phat mainsails; at the front is the lander launcher, now transferring fuel to the mainsail section (the rest are fully fuelled): She's ready: Jeb uses KAS to tie her together : Watching the sun blocked out by a part of the ship Continued next time for the journey to Duna.............
  6. Tried it, doesnt fly just rolls over and heads for floor followed instructions EDIT: requires 25% thrust to not tip, sort of goes straight up now EDIT2: I get her flying characteristics now, a good training vehicle to show the affects of thrust manoeuvring and thrust balancing.......got her into orbit on 1 wing haha
  7. Excellently written, great tutorial - thanks
  8. AWESOME screen shot, what mods you got to make kerbin look nice?
  9. "Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/database.php on line 4 MySQL connect failed. Too many connections" lol
  10. "Warning: mysql_connect(): Too many connections in /host/www.kerbalspaceprogram.com/htdocs/lib/database.php on line 4 MySQL connect failed. Too many connections" lol
  11. Aaaaaaaaaaaaghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh *runs around in circles* im 31 years old man !! Im a professional in my area!! How the chuff has a game got me excited like a kid at xmas again!!!
  12. I wonder why they did with this version? Did they want to perhaps test their new servers or something to see if they could take max download? lol
  13. Just watched morpheous now! http://morpheuslander.jsc.nasa.gov/live/ ACE
  14. Put us out our misery Squad!!!!!!!
  15. :'( My heart is broken, do we have any rough time on release? Its well into the 17th now, 5pm nearly in the uk
  16. ITS NOT OUT ?! how are people getting it ?! Im on the download page on my account and it still says 0.22 ?!?!
  17. How do the escape pods work? are kerbals meant to go inside them somehow ? I can't figure out how right now tbh!
  18. Hmmm mod doesn't seem to do do anything for me no parts burn up in the atmosphere at all unfort.
  19. Not a bad movie, however im going to make a video using KSP to show how clooney drifts off is total rubbish, he had stopped at the end of the tether, therefore he wouldn't drift off when he detached himself! lol
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