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combat squirrel

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Everything posted by combat squirrel

  1. Hi there I am using the Pegasus 2, awesome btw !! however it doesnt use up fuel flying it ? the only resources available are mono prop and electric?
  2. Holy C**P Monkeys, that is awesome!! I am soooooooo gonna have a look at this later on, amazing.
  3. Inspired by this hilarious picture: Can you build a rocket that will 'orbit' (i.e. go around kerbin once or more) while in the atmosphere, atmosphere scale in game must be at least slightly in the atmosphere. be interesting to see how much registered drag there is at the top of the atmosphere lol
  4. ME I want this, I have tried a few times to orbit this station, no luck,lol Went to 3rd party parts for some epic power, still no luck,lol
  5. Totally agree, this is just such an awesome achievement - congrats to the NASA team
  6. well yeah tis all very interesting, love how they coded the software into string...litterally
  7. Just a random bit of info for you guys, the overall memory available for the entire Apollo flight computer, to fly it to the moon & back was equivalent to 72kb in modern terms....that\'s 0.07031 megabytes, or 0.00007 gigabytes, - if at one point we could write software where 3 people\'s lives depended on it, guiding a 3500 ton rocket at speeds approaching 7 miles per second, why cant Microsoft get it right with unimaginably more PC power ? haha Just thought id post this as its cool how were now playing a full simulation of flying space vehicles in KSP , albiet it is simulating the entire world it works in, how big is the code for just navigation on auto pilot plug ins for example? Challenge set for the awesome programmers of KSP (haha I only joke, maximum respect to you guys I love this program!!) (Also is it possible to donate some funds to the project? I bought it already of course but I dont mind coughing up more money if it will help the development of this game)
  8. Got a 2.7km orbit going on....seee if i make it all the way,lol EDIT: Going to drop the fuel tank at 2.7, move to a higher alt and advance time faster and see if it stays there. NOPE smashed into a hill , glad did that though, my module is ok, gonna increase in height then make a landing I reckon.
  9. Ok Satellite deployed at 3.6km, going for a 3.2km high orbit now and chase cam satellite in for ground my ship in the distance:
  10. love this idea Currently at a 5km orbit and lowering now...... Going to place my satellite in the lowest possible munar orbit and see how loowwww i can go, satellite 1st no need to sacrifice my kerbs needlessly EDIT: Deploying satellite at 3.6km.
  11. Hi all, so I got flying to the mun and minmun nailed down, orbiting etc, I have been using some of the great packs available such as the thor rocket (my fav), BUT my general experience is very low, I would like some help on how to: 1) Launch satallites... how is this done, how does the game engine handle them ? any good mods? is it a case the satallite is just a \'mid rocket section\' which you drop in orbit then come home ? 2) Build massive space stations, both orbital and munar - there is so many mods im lost as to what to do to achieve this - id love to build something insane in orbit. ANY pointers greatly appreciated.
  12. Hmm not seen that, im intruiged though, iv found nothing that will fit on a capsule other than underneath it.
  13. Hi all ! Hope your all well, im a massssive fan of KSP, I was wondering if it would be possible to make a MechJeb thats tiny and can be fixed to the command module without it being noticible (very thin)...I usually just use the standard mechjeb but dont like how its doors open and stuff when its in use, its an awesome tool but I dont want to see it so to speak, any ideas? Thanks
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