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combat squirrel

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Everything posted by combat squirrel

  1. Ok it half works, the landing gear explodes as do the rear rudders, I found something about adding reflective heatsheld to these parts but I am not a coder and do not know how, anyone got a config with this added?
  2. So I tried this config and it didnt work using FAR, any ideas?
  3. Just played with open GL, not one problem works fine...............haha wow im so glad discovered the issue is DX,lol
  4. Hey all, so there is a thread for which mods are 0.25 compatable, however I Have a number of those and my install crashes far to much to be playable, so im thinking some parts are not compatable, how about we screen shot our mods folder and say if its compatable or not and what happens when it crashes, I am simply trying to find a 0.25 install that has most of the mods I want THAT WILL ACTUALLY WORK WITHOUT CRASHING EVERY 5 MINS. So list your: 1) KSP version, 2) 32/64bit 3) Details of why crashing and memory use. 4) Does your install work ok for hours on end ? I will go first: 1) 0.25 2) 32 bit 3) Just quits on me after 5 mins, memory use on dying is 3.2gb so no where near the ram limit of 32 bit 4) No quits after 3-5 minutes, unplayable My mods:
  5. Any clues? I am massively disappointed with 0.25, 1st ever version I have found to be horribly unstable researching on how to duel boot ubuntu with Win 8.1 so I can try the game in Linux
  6. Am getting odd crashes with this, any ETA on new version for 0.25 ? ksp looks rubbish without it
  7. As title, im running 0.25 32bit but its horrifically unstable, and I have what I would call my 'minimum required mods' to play it how I want to. However something is making it crash an awful lot, is there anything in the error log I should be looking for to find out what caused the issue ? Any help much appreciated, thanks.
  8. As title, got currently available mods at time of writing however the tech tree doesnt update when you press it - you have to leave, go to main screen and back before the changes take affect?
  9. Sort of got it working found a planet factory install Jan 6th and now it loads up 'krags planet factory' and has : Sentar explansion abaddon verion menai but the load screen has the words 'defaut' behind it and looks wrong, any ideas ? EDIT2 : Some planets such as fantoma have the words 'default' wrapped around them HALP?!
  10. Cant seem to get this to work, installed planet factory CE and this, nothing seems to happen ?
  11. Didnt work not seeing any buildings around the KSP complex? EDIT: seeing a random building inside the craft creation centre though!? lol edit 2: ok i have new launch sites etc, but no more buildings around main ksp area?
  12. Thanks, so I get v 0.22 for Kerbin City and 24.2 for kerbal konstructs and it will just work ?
  13. Any ideas on how to get this work so I have a town like in Bob Fitches latest video? tried to go through all the various ad hock updates in the thread but nothings working
  14. I can confirm this works WITHOUT active texture management on KSP 24.2 64bit, just an FYI
  15. This crashes on my 64bit install, really annoying as want KSO, error: error log: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25870/output_log.txt
  16. Anyone got a good deadly reentry config that works better with NEAR ? I ask because deadly reentry isnt any great risk with near now, I tried modding it myself but it just ended up everything being destroyed on entery, need a pro balance it,lol
  17. Hi there, this mod does appear to work, however I still have tons of parts in my build screen that says i must unlock to use, but they ARE unlocked in the tech tree, something going on here where its not transfering the parts to the build section? EDIT: In career mode this is not working in 24.2 32bit
  18. When I load this with 24.1 now it says its an incompatible mod
  19. Hi Helldiver, been reading a few ungrateful comments toward you with regards to this mod. It's a small token but id like to apologies on behalf of anyone that's moaned (even though nothing to do with me), and say thank you for all your hard work on this great mod, im over in the UK and greatly appreciate your time and effort on this ! Just thought id post something positive and true for once!
  20. So, I am an 'advanced' Kerbal player, played it a good couple of years but everytime I have sampled F.A.R... ALL my rockets ALWAYS flipped end over end at around ~22-26km, no matter what design, even using rockets others had made with FAR in mind. Because of this I always played the game without it because it was infuriating. but i am determined now to use it, as proper aerodynamics sounds ace..................so anyone, why the hell can NO rocket launch with FAR without it flipping out? (I used to let the rocket just spin until it stabilized again but I lost so much DV it was pointless)
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