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Everything posted by EvilotionCR2

  1. Oh my gooooooooooooooood!!!!! Its amazing!!!!
  2. Do you want one big rocket falling into one area or much more of small rocket parts falling into multiple areas?
  3. Aliens and weapons are confirmed to never be in the game.
  4. We should use the Orion.And 5 years of thrusting lol,and 100$ per 100g...
  5. Well,Kathryn Janeway would approve on your use of coffee.
  6. Favourite engine? CryEngine...Uh,that one,then my word goes to the mainsail,it's the main sail of every big rocket.
  7. 10 It looks I'm one of the younger. Sometimes I'm saying that I'm 21,just cause.
  8. This mod looks very good! My favourite CZ-SK let's player Vladoportos (he's too on this forum),did videos about it,and I immediately good hooked in! Just installed it,never played,but looks fun!
  9. Ja som založil prvý CZ SK pokec,eÅ¡te pred katastrofou xD. A na anglinu som sa nikdy neuÄÂil a furt som z nej mal jednotky takže anglina není problém,ale ten Stayputnik lol. Rád by som požiadal N3X15 aby nám urobil na wiki
  10. ÄŒau es! Slováci a ÄŒesi! Minule to bol úspech! Tak poÄÂme eÅ¡te raz!
  11. I've seen also a KSP videos from someone named EvilotionCR2
  12. Only when I do videos or mess 'round.
  13. How did you did this?! I dropped 20 probes into it! And no landed! And they were maked for high gravity landings.
  14. Oh,I wanted to post this issue with dissapearing parts while using this. I'm happy that I'm not first! KSP is now loading with installed fix and waiting for it to load,because I want to make a film named "Kerbal Wars" which is a parody to Star Wars. I will edit this post and see if it works.
  15. You do not need to rebuy this game later.
  16. Crew managment? I hope it's gonna be optional,and they VERY dissapointed me with the resources
  17. Why do you need a TOG if you can have a Maus!
  18. First played 0.7.3,then continued playing until 0.13,then I thought that the game was disscontinued. When I was randomly browsing YouTube videos I saw a video about KSP 0.15,and bought KSP. Joined forums after 0.16 was released.
  19. 11. Use engines to do underwater exploration. 12. Build a house for Kerbs with furnature. 13. Make orbital platform for missiles.
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