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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. No idea, but there have been several little glitches lately. I thought so for a while, but our IT guy says he hasn't been doing anything.
  2. Where I live, the adults need to be lectured about crossing the street. Idiots wandering in the roads everywhere I go, lately.
  3. If you would like to discuss Musk's other projects, please do so in those threads, or start one if there isn't one already. This one is about SpaceX.
  4. Attachments came with the forum software, but are turned off here because it would cost Squad more to pay their server host to store attachments and pictures. Instead, upload your files and screenshots to file sharing sites, and then use the links they provide in your forum posts.
  5. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  6. This discussion of add-ons has been moved to Add-on Discussions.
  7. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  8. Interesting approach. I like assembling things using tugs, but have only done so around Kerbin.
  9. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  10. Now that the legal aspects (if any) have been brought to the attention of the appropriate people, why don't we stop speculating and arguing about it and leave the matter to those appropriate people? Also, thread moved to The Lounge since it isn't about KSP.
  11. It is indeed Spanish, but played backwards.
  12. Thread open again, but only so long as people play nice.
  13. Nothing that I know of. @ManeTI? Also, another thread on this same subject has been merged into this one, to keep all the info in one place.
  14. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  15. Please don't make the arguments personal. Other people are going to have differing opinions, and there's no need to attack each other over them.
  16. We would rather our members not try to sell things to each other. It would attract an undesirable element, and there's enough advertizing on the internet already.
  17. @Space_taco, I'm sorry but I had to remove your log file. Text blocks that big cause page loading problems. Please upload the file to a sharing site and use the link they provide in your posts.
  18. This (amusing) report of an (amusing) mission has been moved to Mission Reports. Congratulations on saving it.
  19. One of those classic British designs which is 45% awesome, 45% dorky, and 10% vintage Buck Rogers. Good job.
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