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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Clarification: I'm the one who PMed adsii1970 to ask for more badges, but it wasn't just my idea to continue them. The mod team talked it over and agreed that everybody likes them.
  2. @conradbethel, your question has been merged into the master thread for this sort of thing.
  3. Personally, I would not check for new releases until the holidays are over. Just saying. No inside info.
  4. This is going to turn into a craft sharing thread, and so it has been moved to the craft sharing subforum.
  5. Thank you for the thought, but yes, except for the KSP main theme (which HarvesteR wrote), Squad does not own the music in the game, and so has no copyright to enforce.
  6. Let's not do the pro/anti-MechJeb thing again. No one's making you use it, and no one's forcing you to complain about other people using it, either.
  7. Hardly anybody makes biplanes. Do that.
  8. Sounds like the modders will have the info you need, so your question has been moved to the modding subforum.
  9. This thread is so old that the aircraft parts in it are no longer in the game and the info is no longer relevant, so it will be closed now to avoid confusion. But welcome to our forum @Kennosuke.ken, and we appreciate your efforts to be helpful.
  10. Guys, let's go over this again. Only the OP of a thread can ask for it to be closed. Only the OP of a mod thread can tell us if someone else has permission to take over a mod. Only the submitter of a post can edit it or give moderators permission to edit it If the word does not come to the mod team directly from the OP/mod creator, we have no way of knowing whether it's legitimate and we cannot grant the request. If you are going to take over someone else's work, please have THAT person contact the mod team.
  11. That's because there is no way to delete accounts. The info is retained for future reference.
  12. Isn't the subject of this thread supposed to be the recent movie? How about we get back to that and leave the other stuff for other threads, guys?
  13. Guys, this is an actual spaceflight thread. The KSP stuff belongs elsewhere.
  14. So people don't post rule-breaking stuff and then erase the evidence.
  15. Rather than have bystanders speculate and argue about what's going on, please let the involved parties work things out by themselves.
  16. Where did you get this demo, @BaelRathLian? That doesn't sound right.
  17. If you think the other mod is better, go use it. But please do not come to this thread just to dump on it. People work hard on these things.
  18. Sure. I mean, no. Uh.... maybe? What is that? @ManeTI?
  19. The thread for the mod in question sounds like the best place, or failing that, in Add-On Discussions.
  20. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  21. This report of a mission has been moved to mission reports. And congratulations.
  22. The control part of this craft is pointing straight up. It thinks it is lying on its back, so you are not yawing left or right but rather rolling left and right.
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