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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. The discussion has been going around and around about one point for quite a while; are the console purchasers justified in being angry? Answer: it doesn't matter if they are justified. They ARE angry, and being told they shouldn't be only makes them angrier. It's human nature. You folks on the other side would feel the same way if someone was telling you not to be angry about something you care about. So since everyone has already said his/her piece on this matter several times by now, it's time the discussion moved on. From now on, please stop telling console users they shouldn't be angry. It's off-topic and could even be considered trolling.
  2. @stickman939, so the thread with which yours has been merged.
  3. There are already several threads about this, so let's not start more, please.
  4. And good morning to you. SSTOs are the hardest thing to make in KSP. Congratulations.
  5. This thread has been moved to the Tutorials subforum.
  6. Not new, but congratulations on finding it.
  7. Moved to The Lounge, since it's not about KSP itself.
  8. Yes, Lokachop, they were recently made available because so many people asked for them.
  9. On the Kerbnet display, they should show up as question marks.
  10. Your purchase will prove to be a splendid investment.
  11. What aspect of the mission is giving you trouble? Also, your question has been moved to the Gameplay subforum.
  12. You saw nothing. You heard nothing. Nothing!
  13. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  14. An Imgur update a while back broke album linking on our forum. They've been trying to get it working again, but so far without success.
  15. You can add a poll to a thread only while composing the original post. Sorry, but one can not be added to an existing thread later.
  16. This mod appears to no longer be updated. The thread will be closed now, but can re-open it if OP wishes.
  17. We can discuss things and even disagree with each other without resorting to insults or accusations of trolling. Some posts have been removed from this thread, and please keep things polite.
  18. I would be honored. It has a slightly Cold-War-Russian look to me. How about, Flechette? Falchion? Frontiersman? Or maybe Roc?
  19. Because it might still be a bug, Mr/Ms. Noseypants.
  20. There was a change made to drag lately. Blunt objects have more, while streamlined objects have less. Could this be the cause of your issue? What does the plane look like? Pics, please. Derp. Missed the part about it happening in vacuum. Nevermind.
  21. How did this not get moved to Suggestions months ago when it was posted. Oh well. It has been now.
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