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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Moved to Spacecraft Exchange, the place for showcase threads.
  2. This thread has deteriorated into personal animosities, and is no longer serving a constructive purpose. Please, go do something else for a while, folks, and return to the forum when you can discuss the game without insulting each other.
  3. It's a false dichotomy to suggest that the only alternatives are harsh negativity or meek silence. Pointing out a problem is not the same thing as throwing angry accusations and insults around. The latter helps no one.
  4. Vanamonde


    Moved to Space Lounge, as this is not about the game itself.
  5. Not sure what this is, but it doesn't belong in Science Labs. And so, moved.
  6. Welcome to the game, and to the forum, clivman.
  7. A number of posts have been removed from this thread. For the second time, if you can't be polite while disagreeing with someone, don't post at all.
  8. b1ackhat, it's not whether KSP is terribly frustrating or a lot of fun. It's that KSP is terribly frustrating and a lot of fun. There have been times when it made me want to throw my PC out of the window, but that actually makes it more exciting and satisfying when it goes well. Yeah, I will cuss and swear for days while I'm trying to get a new ship design to work, and then when it finally does, I will be proud and satisfied and post pictures of it here on the forum.
  9. The most important advice I could give people is simply to avoid speaking in an angry and accusatorial way. Example #1: "The SuchAndSuch part doesn't seem to be working, and I can't make a ship fly with it." Example #2: "The SuchAndSuch is badly broken, and it was irresponsible and lazy of Squad/ModMakerDude to put this piece of garbage out this way." Both convey the same message. But one is likely to lead to a productive discussion, and the other is just going to invite more angry complaints. There are people who will object that this is sugar-coating and self-censorship, but really, it's a matter of enlightened self interest. Would you rather get a moment of pleasure out of saying something nasty, or post something that's more likely to get your problem fixed?
  10. I've seen this on some forums, but never here. Are you by any chance composing the post in a word processor and copying it over? That often causes formatting glitches like this.
  11. Looks like you're using the non-gimballed engine, for one thing. It can't help with steering.
  12. While I have to agree that I find this story dubious, it's unpleasant for everyone if we go around the forum mocking each other and accusing each other of lying. Please, people, either discuss the subject politely, or just skip to the next thread.
  13. This affair about an add-on has been moved to Add-on Affairs.
  14. Let's please not have a thread testing out which terms will and will not go through the filter. If you find a term that's being erroneously blocked, just PM a moderator about it.
  15. This instructional post has been moved to the how-to subforum.
  16. It depend on what you want to do once you get there. For one thing, if it's a round trip, the lower you orbit the more fuel you'll have to burn to climb back up on the return leg.
  17. Something upsetting happened, and a forum member needed to vent about it. Please don't go psychoanalyzing and criticizing each other over it. Time to move on to other discussions.
  18. Wait... what... ? How did we get to climate change? Please, guys, let's get back to talking about the SLS itself.
  19. The wiki, imperfect and incomplete as it may be, is probably the best source that exists, right now. This is because the game is still a work-in-progress, and no more formal documentation has been created, as even fundamental aspects of it are still in flux.
  20. This question about how to play the game has been moved to Gameplay Questions.
  21. Moved to General, since there's no actual gameplay question.
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