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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Version releases. Hot patches. Exhaustion.
  2. The game rules say this must be about real countries, guys. Like, say, what do you know about the Republic of Madagascar?
  3. 1.0 was extensively tested by a team of experienced testers prior to release. Not all the bugs they found could be fixed by the announced release date. It happens. The testers didn't find every bug that every user might encounter on every possible permutation of hardware and software. That also is inevitable. You are angry that patches are breaking your saves and craft. That is unfortunate, but it also proves that Squad cares about its product and is actively working to make it better. However, they can't win in this situation. If they didn't break your saves with patches, other players would be just as angry at them for not trying to fix the bugs. Every game ever made has bugs. Every game that ever will be made has bugs. Good companies work continually to fix their bugs. The fact that there are still some bugs in the game does not mean anybody did anything wrong. The fact that Squad is actively working to fix them does prove they are doing something right.
  4. This suggestion for the game's development has been moved to Suggestions and Development Discussion.
  5. There has never been such a thing, and likely never will be. If you are holding out for this ideal, you are in for a lifetime of disappointment. "Had" to or cared enough to? How many other game makers do this? A "volunteer" is pretty much the opposite of "slave." Anyway, it needs to be said again: nobody is saying 1.0 didn't have bugs, nor that you are required to be happy about the bugs it does have. The point of this thread, the only point KasperVld was trying to make, is that the testers do a lot of hard work, without pay, for the sake of making the game better for all of us. You are not required to believe they are perfect. But they are deserving of respect and gratitude, and there is no call for insulting them.
  6. Guys, it's getting so a significant proportion of the posts in this game are disputes over the rules. If that doesn't stop, we'll have to close the game down, and we'd rather not do that.
  7. This is a how-to kind of a question, and so it has been moved to the how-to subforum.
  8. KSP has always been a space game. It always will be a space game. But due to popular demand, they have devoted a lot of time recently to replacing the aerodynamics system. This is not a change in the course of the game's development. It's just something they've been concentrating on recently. Once they have aero in a state they like, they'll go back to concentrating on the space side of the game again.
  9. The Kerbal has to go outside to do it, though. If you are descending through atmo at the time, he/she will most likely be blown off the ship. So you can do it in space or after landing, but not when it would be most useful to be able to.
  10. This thread has gotten into 'adult content' and personal attacks. Time to close it before things get worse.
  11. You are free to disagree with each other, but let's please not insult each other over it. Refering to others as "ignorant" and "a cancer" is only going to make people mad, and less inclined to listen to your points.
  12. Why is that traitor bombing his own airfield?
  13. Some posts have been removed from this thread because they were off-topic and devolving into personal arguments. VoodooV, it's unfortunate and frustrating, but you will need to provide full information to enable others to help you with this problem. If mods are installed, they may be a factor, even if you are not using them at the time that the difficulty arises. And other folks, please don't complain at the guy for being frustrated. Let's all just deal with the issue itself, and not throw blame at each other, okay?
  14. Who gets taught what in which grade in which country is beside the point. Numerous posts trimmed from this thread. Can't we just be happy for a fellow player reaching an understanding milestone of the game?
  15. This how-to question has been moved to the how-to section.
  16. A crew of intrepid explorers got marooned on Bop when their ship ran out of fuel, and is still there, awaiting rescue. That was in version .17 or so.
  17. Things are getting rather insulting and personal in here. Please back off from the personal attacks.
  18. Yep. That's how it works. This is an important insight in most player's learning process.
  19. Since this is not a KSP question but a Shadowplay question, moved to Space Lounge.
  20. This work of a fan has been moved to Fan Works.
  21. The threads and sections that are important depend on what you're looking for. What did you have in mind? Here's a guide to guides and tutorials, though keep in mind that many will have been rendered obsolete by 1.0's release.
  22. Yes, it got a major overhaul. Glad you like it.
  23. Moved to modded support, where the right people are more likely to see it.
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