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Lead Moderator
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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. If a thread has a point, please make it clear in the original post. Otherwise these things have a tendency to wander all over and degenerate.
  2. Welcome (back?), bubbleawesome.
  3. Mod question moved to the mod section.
  4. KSP: F2 hides the interface and F1 takes screenshots. Minecraft: F1 hides the interface and F2 takes screenshots. This causes me no end of aggravation.
  5. When 1.0 comes out, I will merge threads on duplicate topics. (I'm getting an early start.)
  6. For those of you disgusted by hype posts, here's a thought. Don't click on and read and post in the clearly labeled hype threads. Problem solved. No need to ruin everybody else's fun. Sheesh.
  7. Companies are just for fun and have no official standing with the Forum or with Squad.
  8. Illustrating your suggestions would help make your points.
  9. Ladies and gentlemen, complaining about necros is itself a violation of forum rules now (2.5), since such comments do not add anything to discussions while contributing to forum clutter. Please keep your comments on-topic, and hit the report button rather than reply just to point out necros.
  10. Did they care about spy sats? The concern was that if the Russians could put a transmitter up there, they might be able to put a warhead up there.
  11. Merged into the prior hype thread. Let's keep it to one, please.
  12. You can either assemble it as part of the ship, through docking rings or decouplers, or build it as a separate craft file, make it a sub-assembly, and attach it to the ship later.
  13. I was made a moderator by accident. (They haven't noticed yet.) It's DLC. Send Kasper another $50.
  14. Well, you do not get the last word if another moderator is around, because we can post in locked threads anyway. Like this. Come over to the Moderation Side! You don't know the power!
  15. +1. That is genius, Shadow. What better place to search for fuel than in the fuel tanks? Takes the mystery out of it. I mean, it says "fuel" right in the name of the thing, right? Why didn't anyone think of this sooner?
  16. Banned for being an ex-moderator.
  17. Once, long ago, this thread had a topic. Who now among us can say what it was, before it was lost to the creeping mists of time? Go now gently into that good night, noble thread. You have earned your rest. Adieu, old friend. Adieu.
  18. Let's please not turn this thread into yet another Venus colonization discussion.
  19. Given the scale of the thing, you'd have to drain an awful lot of magma, and then the problem is, where do you send it? What do you do with a quantity of glowing-hot semi-fluid the size of a Great Lake? Also, I have no actual knowledge of the geology, but I wonder if drilling into the thing might create a weak spot that sets off the very thing you're trying to forestall. I don't think it would be feasible.
  20. People, please remember that posts should be mostly words that say something (2.4.b), and that big walls of repeated text aren't much fun for other people to read through.
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