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Posts posted by Vanamonde

  1. non up to date docs, inconplete docs,

    It's not clear to me what you mean by this. Squad hasn't stopped making documentation, but rather they haven't started making documentation. The game is still so heavily in development that they don't waste time writing up features that will be changed, so that they don't have to re-document.

    no more posts from them AFAIK

    In addition to weekly Devnotes and irregular announcements, HarvesteR himself has posted recently. The Squad guys don't post very much because they're busy making the game, but they certainly aren't ignoring the forum.

    lack of tools update like the part-tools 0.23 which doesn't contains unity package).

    They can't update every aspect of the game in every update.

    I'm not speaking as a moderator now, but as a long-term player and observer of the forum. Every few months, somebody stats one of these threads which boil down to, "This is my pessimistic subjective impression of how badly the game development could breakdown, so I am going to start angrily blaming Squad *now* for things they have not done yet, and might not ever do." It's an over-reaction, and premature. If you don't like the way something is being handled, if you believe it should be done another way, post about it in the Development sub-forum. They *can't* make everyone happy and they won't do everything the way you personally might want things done, but they do listen and consider player opinions. There's no need to be so angry about it, and there's no need to (as other threads like this have done) start throwing around accusations of incompetence and dishonesty. And there's certainly no need to treat other forum members as enemies, and throw around insulting terms like "fanboy."

  2. You can't force people to like your offerings. They may come to you and they may not, and you need to respect their preferences every bit as much as you want them to respect you and the work you're offering them. From your second post, it seems you're coming to understand that, and please try not to take things quite so personally.

    And since this thread seems to have served its purpose, why don't we close it now and get on with discussing the game?

  3. GOG.com sells Il-2 for $10 or so. It's interesting, but there's almost no instruction or learning help. The "tutorials" are non-interactive vids of the game. It may be as great as people say it is, but I don't want to spend weeks figuring out how each individual plane flies, so I just mess around with instant missions. Not bad for $10, though.

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