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Posts posted by Vanamonde

  1. GOG.com sells Il-2 for $10 or so. It's interesting, but there's almost no instruction or learning help. The "tutorials" are non-interactive vids of the game. It may be as great as people say it is, but I don't want to spend weeks figuring out how each individual plane flies, so I just mess around with instant missions. Not bad for $10, though.

  2. It's a difficult game. You'll fail a lot at first, but then you'll figure out what you did wrong, and move on to failing at farther and more exotic locations. :) Don't let crashes discourage you. They're part of the fun.

  3. So I built this goofy-looking ship for an Eeloo mission.



    (I don't understand why some people dislike career mode. I mean, look at the marvellous dorkinesses we have to resort to when we have limited parts. :D )

    Then I got impatient waiting for a launch window and tried to go the long way around, and got a Duna intercept instead.


    What the heck? Hadn't been to Ike yet in .23, so off we went. Diverted to aerobrake at Duna.


    Arrived at a poor time for an Ike encounter,


    but got an intercept anyway.

    Then the genius of my design became evident. Once in space "high over Ike," I took a full set of all applicable science readings, in pairs, so as to max out transmittable science, and then ejected the spent materials bays and goo pods, since their data was already passed along and they were inert mass.


    (The spent science devices were ejected on Ike-impact trajectories, to reduce space junk.)

    I then repeated this process in "space near Ike."


    And then the probe set down on the surface, and took a third and final set of paired science readings.


    Total yield: 506 science. Kerbal science marches (clumsily) onward!

    One thing which helped overcome the (self-imposed) adversities of the mission was that the prototype was profoundly overbuilt, and had somewhere around 60% more dV than the mission required.

  4. Ladies and gentleman, this discussions has wandered very far from laser countermeasures, and tempers are becoming heated. Please take a moment to enjoy other threads on the forum, and come back here when you can discuss the subject of laser countermeasures without insulting each others' intelligence.

  5. Hello Fidget98160. The graphics are re-worked periodically (Mun just got a makeover), and the others will be getting additional "art passes" as well. I don't know if specific, final goals have been set yet, though. We'll also get new parts and replacements for old parts from time to time. The whole game is in-development and subject to change. :)

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