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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Guys, if a thread isn't going well, please don't just keep heaping pointless posts on it. All that does is create clutter that other members have to wade through to find valuable content. Space_Kraken, I'm going to close this mess now. When you figure out your picture issues, start a fresh thread.
  2. As has already been discussed many times, resources are off the table right now, and possibly permanently. That is why the subject was included on the "what not to suggest" list, and that is why this thread will now be closed.
  3. You can turn update checking off through the settings screens. If you're going through Steam, there's a different method. I don't know it: not a Steam user. Either way, you won't miss an update. They're announced here.
  4. Commander Jebidiah, upload your screenshots to a free hosting site like Imgur.com, then copy/paste the link they provide in your post.
  5. Nice mission, and nice report. I've made some of these reports myself, and know how much work goes into them. Welcome to the forum! (Oh, and moved to mission reports.)
  6. Welcome to the game and to the forum, TheAlmightyOS! Pictures of your ship always are helpful when asking others for construction help, and here in the gameplay questions sub-forum (to which I have moved your thread), you will find people happy to look it over and give you advice.
  7. This suggestion about the development of the game has been moved to the suggestions and development sub-forum.
  8. Dimetime35c, there are already several threads about the Kraken Drive. Yours has been merged into an existing one for the sake of keeping the forum tidy.
  9. Folks, N-body physics is on the what-not-to-suggest list because Squad has no plans to ever use it, and even if Squad ever should decide to convert to this model, it would be a major project and far, FAR down the priorities list. And since talking about it in the meantime tends to clutter up the forum endlessly and start arguments, it was decided to make this topic off-limit on the forum. The thread will be closed now.
  10. Well, Jeb used his backpack RCS, so technically...
  11. "We kind of want to launch our rocket, but we also sort of want to burn it at the stake." "Why not both?!"
  12. Have you simply walked or driven around and explored KSC? There are many interesting little details on and around those buildings. The island runway has some fun things to investigate as well. Also, the planets are really pretty. Sometimes I like to go back to a satellite I've previously put in orbit of one of them, and just watch the terrain roll by.
  13. Congratulations! The first one is very exciting, but even after many, there's still something satisfying about it.
  14. Since there are already ways to deal with this, moved to gameplay questions rather than suggestions. Carry on.
  15. They'd have to flap pretty hard to get it up to interstellar speeds. Now the Bussard ramjet, on the other hand...
  16. Hello Killstr3aks. Welcome to the forum.
  17. This is a very rare bug that I have only seen once or twice. In fact, I thought it was fixed several versions ago. Anyway, if you quit the game and start it up again, it's likely your missing Kerbal will be back where he's supposed to be, responding normally.
  18. If you're going to do this, the best way would be to hypedit the craft to the Mun. I must confess that while I dislike using mods as a rule, I do use hyperedit for testing like this. I have one save in which cheats are okay and I don't care if Kerbals die because I consider it my real program's computer simulations, and once I have a design fully tested, I copy it over to my "real" game save.
  19. Until you're within 10 or so kilometers, the easter eggs are just sparking specks. You can see them from high orbit, *IF* you know exactly where to look*, but a visual search to find them in the first place is pretty much hopeless. Consider that Minmus alone has about the same surface area as Denmark, and imagine trying to find a handful of specks on its surface. If you do want to try it, the best method would be something like arise257's suggestion of a probe in low orbit which can brake hard to come down as a marker when it spots something. * At least this used to be possible. I haven't seen one this way in quite a while, so this may have changed in recent release versions.
  20. Guys, we already had to close one thread like this because the arguments were turning nasty. We'd rather not have to do it again. Do not resort to insults, no matter how strongly you feel about the subject, and remember to talk about the subject and not each other, or we will have to lock this thread as well.
  21. And now, it is. Indeed. Gaze with awe and envy at my majestic assemblage of pixels! <-- Yonder.
  22. Hello Hyperbob. Welcome to our forum.
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