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Everything posted by Vanamonde

  1. Welcoming another Swede to the forum. And not to be all scoldy when you're still new, but there is actually a forum rule against discussing/asking about release dates, because it has led to nasty arguments in the past. They come when they're ready.
  2. There have been times when the Squad guys would have been in serious physical danger if they were near me. I shut the game down and go stomping off in a towering rage. And the next day, I think of a way around the problem, and come back. It's just part of the psychology of we who play games of this sort. We tend to care about them a little TOO much.
  3. There are always things being worked on which are later dropped or replaced with something else, not just in KSP, but in any major project. I suspect a Q&A like this wouldn't be very interesting, because the answer to just about every question would simply be, "We decided not to use it." What more are you looking for? (Not being snitty. Just asking.)
  4. Here's a craft file you can download which delivers an orange tank to an orbit of 300km or more. It doesn't need a tug because it's a robotic ship itself. Use it, or take it apart to see how it works.
  5. Sorry to be a spoilsport, but politics is indeed off-limits for our friendly little forum (2.2.b). Thread closed before it turns friends into enemies.
  6. I am proudest of our ability to remain focused on the subject of the thread. (Hint, hint.)
  7. You mean like the docking trainer I made?
  8. My suspicion is that the Mk 1 and I-2 pods are the ones intended to include re-entry heat shields when that factor is added to the game. After all, they're the ones that actually look like capsules and have aerodynamic shapes for falling backwards through atmospheres. So I always assumed that the weight of the 1-2 was, in part, due to it having a built-in heat shield and being built to keep a crew alive during re-entry. But this is just my assumption.
  9. Physics warp does things you wouldn't expect it to do, such as making vehicles behave as if they're heavier than they are. Experiment: have the vehicle parked with the brake on, and go into physics warp. You will see the structure sag as if it's getting heavier. And when it does, there's more of that misalignment of the wheels to the ground that I was describing earlier, and it might even (I don't know) magnify differences in traction between the two sides of the vehicle.
  10. Everybody tries that idea sooner or later. Efficiency isn't the problem. Steering tends to be a nightmare and structural failures are common. Also, thrust can get out of hand because it has to start with what it needs to lift the whole mass, but that becomes proportionally stronger as you discard tanks, and can lead to the ship damaging itself with excess G loads. If it could be made to work, though, it would be more efficient than discarding engines with expended stages as in more conventional staging methods.
  11. I suspect you have so much thrust pushing into so much mass that the SRBs are simply tearing loose. You do have them strutted, but it looks like each one is only strutted to other SRBs which are no more firmly attached. I would suggest to you strutting across the stages to distribute the stress on the SRB/adaptor joint, using an arrangement similar to this example. You can use helper parts like that little cubic strut to avoid the nuisance of hitting the part directly above the SRB.
  12. I have to disagree about that being a good thing. Since computers became powerful enough to run real-time for FPS and non-turn for tacticals and strategics, every game HAS to be real-time, even if there's no advantage to it. Take the newer X-Coms. You have to continually pause the game to re-assess, get situational awareness, and change orders. Well, as long as you're stopping it all the flippin' time anyway, why not just leave it turn-based so the player doesn't have to putz around with manually stopping the action every few seconds? It just creates busywork. Similarly, RPGs used to be three-quarter view looking down on a party of characters. Now you can look out through your character's eyes and get a more immersive experience, but what did we lose in that change? You can't run a party of characters anymore. You have to trust additional party members to idiot AI that constantly mis-uses their skills and/or gets them killed. Also, if you only have one character, no lock can be very difficult to pick because your party no longer has a dedicated thief. Your party no longer has a healer casting restorative spells, so you have to take time out to do that to yourself or drink potions. Etc., etc. Personally, I would love to a see a come-back of party-based RPGs because they were so much richer in terms of gameplay. But, as always, the gaming field tends ever towards dumber and more action-oriented games.
  13. Topics like this were not banned because they were considered evil. They were banned because the endless discussion from primarily uninformed people was repetitious, leading nowhere, and clogging up the forum. Once a modder demonstrated a feasible method rather than merely talking about it ad nauseum, Squad was flexible enough to change their minds on the subject.
  14. For file sharing, I like Mediafire.com. The interface is quite easy to use, though they they've allowed ads on their pages to become a real nuisance. Also, it occurs to me that this should be in the gameplay and how-to section. And so, moved.
  15. This is the last of the game's major milestones that I have yet to achieve.
  16. Pictures always make it easier to answer questions like this. Can you post some?
  17. Two things: 1) If one side of your vehicle is getting a little more traction, it will try to pull ahead of the other side, resulting in the vehicle turning toward the slower side. The weird thing is, this can happen even when the ground *appears* to be perfectly flat. 2) Is the vehicle heavy enough that the structure sags? If so, your wheel mounts might be twisting and therefore no longer perpendicular to the ground. That will also cause swerving, to varying degrees.
  18. It is possible to assemble and fly much larger structures than that. But they are extremely sensitive to imbalances of mass. One thing that helps is to apply thrust in small increments rather than all at once, to give the SAS time to adjust. But more importantly, do all of the fuel tanks on your ship which are not on the centerline have equal amounts of fuel in them? If not, you can right-click on two tanks to transfer fuel between them in flight.
  19. I'm sorry guys, but we've had to forbid a few subjects on this forum because in the past they've had a tendency to turn into nasty arguments. As strange as it may seem, this is one of them, so there is a rule against discussions of this kind. Regretfully, we must close this thread now.
  20. X-Com Apocalypse had some flaws, but was a terrific game. None of the sequels measure up to it. It was the last one of the type that had a good management/research side in addition to the tactical combat. One of my all-time favorite gameplaying moments comes from XCA. One of my favorite tactical tricks was to toss one of those hopping-seeking alien grenades outside the door of a UFO, and then wait for somebody to open the door, so that the grenade would hop inside and chase him. So one time I had this big UFO down with my squad lined up outside the door and set that trap. Somebody triggered the grenade and I heard it hop-hop after him. Then it went off, the dead alien dropped his weapons, and you know how sometimes those would explode? Well, it set off a chain reaction. It was blam!-scream-clatter-blam!-scream-blam! It went on and on and I was laughing until I couldn't breath. When things finally quieted down I sent my squad in, and the entire crew had been wiped out. Man, that was fun.
  21. A point to consider: the lower the orbiting ship is, the smaller the window for a rendezvous launch. If you're not good at rendezvous, or just don't want to have to rush, put the mothership higher and give yourself more time to maneuver and a more forgiving margin for error.
  22. This spacecraft sharing thread moved to the spacecraft sharing sub-forum. Carry on.
  23. Well, the wheels have come pretty thoroughly off of this thread. Why don't we all take a break and go do something else for a while? Thread closed.
  24. Guys, what that says is that some of the devs spent some of their week testing some aspects of the game sub-divisions they are responsible for. That is not the same thing as a version going to testing. In other words, don't hold your breath, and I'm going to close this thread to avoid confusion.
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