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Everything posted by Spudrotuskutarsu

  1. That'll be mine, the save i gave somehow reverted 5 minutes backwards.... I'll go "land" it. The capsule has been dealt with Pic of station (didn't add anything) Save link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iqnywq4ez3ihscr/KSS.sfs?dl=0
  2. Mission complete! Jebediah Kerman, and SpudroTuskuTarsu + (some random kerbonaut) are joining the crew aboard the station. I'll upload a video later about the mission. the updated save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/umzdnttif7y3hc6/April%2026.4.2016.sfs?dl=0
  3. I've gotten the black part thing when i transferred a craft from 1.0.5 - > 1.1 pre-release with the vector engine. Not tried with 1.1 release
  4. Alright the new science and habitation module has been docked! (i'll upload a video of the flight soon) Now you can enjoy the view of the developing space station from comfort of the Cupola pointed towards the station And a updated picture of the station Up to date save : https://www.dropbox.com/s/fb45qoqs2bxtdag/april%2019.4.2016.sfs?dl=0
  5. It could show what EC generation is on Kerbin and have a small reminder about distance to Sol affecting EC generation
  6. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FTFY
  7. This? Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager http://store.steampowered.com/app/308270/
  8. December 2011, got as a birthday gift from a friend. Addicted ever since
  9. http://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Synchronous_orbit found by googling your question, Google search is a marvelous thing ninja'd
  10. Here's my submission, 2628m/s with my DS X1 "Shooting Star" I used KER for heat readout, .Craft file if you are interested to try it yourself https://www.dropbox.com/s/d8gm6ehevz135cf/DS%20X1%20MK2_0.craft?dl=0 (Warning doesn't like taking off)
  11. Here's my entry: Payload: 36tons (one full orange tank) Time: 15 Seconds
  12. No worries, this was the first time out of Kerbin orbit for months so i sent something "simple". I'll try to make something bigger over the weekend
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