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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. I used a similar method to Rune's while attaching two LFBs to make a powerfuller core stage for my SLS. It's the only ARM liquid fueled engine I use, and really hope they don't nerf this one.
  2. I didn't lift 90 tons with 6 parts-- I did it with 92. My rocket was a big bundle of clipped booster that looks like the SLS.
  3. Come on, that's the same as lifting 36 tons with 1.25m parts and then with 2.5m parts. They're bigger, so they're obviously going to lift more.
  4. Darn it, I knew someone would say that! I've tried building the SLS three times already, and none of them turned out the way I wanted. I might give it another go.
  5. The LFB and KS-25 cluster aren't very OP when used with the large parts. In fact, their real life equivalents are much more powerful and weigh about the same (the SSME only weighs 3.5 tons and produces more than 2200 in of thrust). They're only overpowered if you use them in a an asparagus configuration, which is true for pretty much every engine. The KR-2L, on the other hand is OP. It's meant to be an upper stage engine, but it has a high TWR than the KS-25 cluster and is also more efficient. I'm finding that my upper stages are larger than my first stages!
  6. With a launcher that big, 120+ tons is not a big deal.
  7. Is the parachute covering the hatch?
  8. Cassini's Huygens probe landed on Titian (a moon of Saturn). Galileo had a atmospheric probe that it dropping into Jupiter.
  9. Woah, That was unexpected! I'm working on a new version right now, this time with SLS boosters.
  10. I think we should a do complete overhaul of the standard Munshines with the new parts, as well as some some of the unnecessary struts from the low-tech models.
  11. I shortened the core stage of my SLS to make the proportions with the boosters right. I also made a new fairing out of wing parts. They're not as good as I would like them to be, but at least it's the right colour and has a lower part.
  12. Darn it! You built a 500+ ton lifter with less than 200 parts before I could.
  13. Here's my SLS Block I without an upper stage: About 90 tons to orbit. This is SLS Block II: Can't get this to lift 130 tons, unfortunately. I'll have to keep trying. Everything above the decoupler is the payload.
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