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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. @Fallingintoblack: Why do you have all those engine nacelles?
  2. Why don't you rearrange the engines into the L-1011's configuration?
  3. It's here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24646-0-22-Figaro-Global-Navigation-Satellite-System-Launch-a-Working-Kerbal-GPS-System
  4. I'm still brainstorming about what I want to build for this challenge.
  5. Screenshot: Holy crap the screen resolution on the Nexus 7 is high!
  6. The Munshine X used to have fairings, but they were removed because they made the rocket look more like a big tube.
  7. If you attach tanks radially to a medium girder piece, the connect is much more robust.
  8. I figured out a way to prevent structural failure on the rocket with the medium truss.
  9. At least the N1 didn't fail 20 times in a row. Most of the failures occurred during first stage burn.
  10. Before we had rover wheels, everyone used rocket engines and RCS. This became one of the main uses for the ion engine after it was released.
  11. This can get 170 tons to orbit. The subassembly that I posted was just an experiment.
  12. Its advertised max capacity doesn't seen right to me. According to my rough calculations, It shouldn't be able to lift 150 tons to orbit.
  13. The longest I've flown that rocket with a 160 ton payload intact was 00:01:50 MET. I want to see someone beat that. Edit: I got to 2 minutes 20 seconds! The rocket disintegrated 4 seconds after first stage separation. Edit2: It seems that the structural failures are the result of how the payload is strutted to the launcher, as every failure started from the connection between the payload and the LV (the SAS modules). I'll have to reposition those. Edit3: Finally used all of its fuel. It didn't make it to orbit.
  14. Does anyone what to test this (maybe) 160 ton lifter? Subassembly Just putting it out there now: Its success rate is lower than the N1.
  15. I finally built something that will rival your T-9 and Temstar's Supernova: 165 Tons to orbit 190 parts
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