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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  2. 0.21 SAS: Trying to pitch up a little bit with your plane? Why not pitch up another 20000 degrees too? This is what happened on the Aeris 3A
  3. You need to get a fresh reinstall from the ksp store, or you can restart the game and see if it works.
  4. I made a super simple rocket with a probe core and SAS and the SAS just lets the rocket veer off course.
  5. It's such a shame that the new SAS ruined the update for me. I was really excited for the new parts (mainly the new parts ), buildings and terrain. But now flying a rocket to space is like wrestling a snake that just wants to go anywhere but the where you want it to go.
  6. Not kidding, it actually sucks. I'd rather have a wobbly rocket than one that can't even fly straight with SAS. For manned rockets, though, it kinda works.
  7. Flew fine since 0.18. I can fly it manually, but the SAS doesn't do crap when I use it.
  8. Brand-new rocket built in 0.21 and even with a normal SAS. It's still not helping. This same design works great in 0.20.
  9. The Aeris 3A flies better without SAS than with it. Also, SAS is making my rocket fly like a worm.
  10. Nope. Brand new craft, still as crap as before.
  11. I feel you bro. Gravity turning is a pain in the butt now.
  12. No, I don't need the torque. I just what the SAS to stop the roll with the probe's reaction wheels.
  13. Are you kidding me? It's crap for small rockets (I had to use the plane SAS for rockets because the normal one is too heavy, and it sucks!)! My rocket's rolling out of control (there's a plane SAS in there).
  14. The more I use the new SAS, the more I hate it. It's great for big manned ships, but it's horrible for the small rockets that I build. The 1m one is too heavy, so I used the airplane one, but that one sucks and I struggled to control my rocket while gravity turning. The SAS isn't helping me kill the roll while I'm flying and the reduced reaction wheel torque certainly doesn't help at all.
  15. They increased the mass of the ASAS modules so I had to use the airplane ones.
  16. They're about as big as a 1m stack separator. I can either mount them inline at the front or as a stack of 2 radially.
  17. I'm thinking of building a shade-like ship with 4 three-separator powered panels. I would be much more effective than the shade's ant missiles.
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