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Everything posted by Giggleplex777

  1. "Constructive" criticism. Anyways, I was bored and I wanted to compare your cannon with mine. It was fun.
  2. The whole rocket. Also Kamikaze is the best way to get rid of pretty much any ship. Discussion over.
  3. Let's see: Actually, they cost about the same Anything can have some trusses attached to them (which will allow me to add separators) 18 shots weigh 6.75 tons and that is all that is required to shot (doesn't need a rocket to shoot with). With a 8.5 ton cannon and manoeuvring system, the total mass with the Laythe stage is about 25 tons. Since the whole system weighs 9.5 tons with 12 shots and manoeuvring system, it can be carried by a simple rocket that will be jettisoned later. And lastly, it doesn't jam with its spent cartridge deflection system. Also, I can shoot those engines off. Edit: I should only shoot off one engine, and then I can laugh at your ship as it spins around in circles when ever you they to use the engines.
  4. The only thing that your cannon has that is better than mine is the fact that it has less debris (and maybe because it can shoot its spend separators, too). Mine's Superior in: Being light weight Very low or no fuel consumption (if the spent cartridge deflectors are not used) Higher damage (5 separator version) Compactness
  5. Blow off the engines! Then I'll take a shot at the insides.
  6. Your "bayonet" has a big weakness: You can pretty much disable it by shooting at the command pod. Then, they can just blast off the engines. It's all about hitting the soft parts.
  7. I bet that I can disable that with my Trash can o' Boom. ^Testing against targets.
  8. I just realized that this challenge is just to reach 80 000m, not getting to 80 000m orbit.
  9. I've noticed my engines making different sounds once a tank is empty.
  10. I'm currently refreshing the forums and the store page and hoping for 0.21.
  11. We were talking about the Atlas-Able. 5 failures, 0 successes. Even the N1 had a better success rate.
  12. You guys can just stare at this guy's profile and reload every minute if you want: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/member.php/32097-xPDxTV Edit: he's making it right now. Edit2: okay nevermind.
  13. I remember before 0.17, someone made a challenge where you have to take off, land on the Mun, return to Kerbin, and then do every thing again with the same ship. That was hard.
  14. Thunder Well 32 stack separators and a 1 x 1 panel The panel flies out of draw range within 2 seconds, and the launcher is torn apart by the recoil force.
  15. @Spartwo: your mainsail missile is too big and heavy. Just use a FL-200 or -400 instead of the rockomax tank (basically, do what I did).
  16. Happy Birthday! Didn't you make a birthday post last year?
  17. 2 seconds of fuel is more than enough for close-range battles. Plus, you can always add more fuel. The missile can accelerate more 3 times faster than an SRB.
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