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Everything posted by Rushligh

  1. yea, someone else PM'd me about that. it must be a problem with dropbox. i can see them just fine. ill report in a bit once i have them uploaded somewhere else.
  2. since 1.0.2 came out i've been busy getting all my mods together and working: the results are in! while im still working on my latest cyclops varriant, the folks at OPT have gotten some nice new parts... the Shuttle Sequoia (redwood rocket ahemhemhem....) Passenger complicity of 72, crew complement of 8. Rear opening cargo bay doors and ramp sizeable enough to carry a small space station/vehicle. Enough fuel for two low orbit jumps, or one tip to high orbit, maneuvering, and eventual de-orbit/retro thrust. Easily able to escape kerbin (albeit maybe a 1 way trip!) Maximum safe speed in atmosphere: 2100 m/s (until engines overheat) So far uses: OPT 1.8 (latest interm release) Suicidal Insanity's MK2/3 Expansion(s) (you must install the 1.0.5 version, then place the 1.1.2 version on top) KSPI-E SXT stock extension expansion. tweakscale mk4 systems (for 1.1.2 obviously) https://www.dropbox.com/s/0gjn88q2nnismr4/Shuttle%20Sequoia.craft?dl=0
  3. hmm, that is all in theory correct. i do have 'deadly re-entry' installed as a requirement for KSPI: which changes the way heat is transferred and dissipated (in a very irritating way) what I've been TRYING to do is make a powered inline cooling unit that consumes MW. using abalator no longer works on heat generated by parts (because of DR's heat mechanic) aside of writing and compiling some c# scripts, is there a way to manage heat in this fashion? can a fuel have a temperature/conduct heat? I've seen that exposing a part to an intake of cold air DOES make a difference. example: Using Insanity's mk precooler part as an intake, i gave it the thermal transfer module for KSPI to act as a bridge for thermal engines. gave it an active radiator module, etc. i basically copied the inline radiator into that part and removed the intake module. it acted slightly better, however the body that the reactors were attached to over heated fast. i then put the intake module back in, and not only sis the main body NOT overheat, the thermal engines took twice as long to over heat. i tried this same thing with a very hot nuclear rocket in atmosphere and the results were the same.
  4. Ooo, perfect. also, your other control mods... going riiight into my gamedata folder. Im not sure if you know about how to fix this, but im having some problems with TCA: it doesn't set my acceleration right. if i set it to 0 upward acceleration with only balanced thrust (hover) and engines on it still not only rises, but gains vertivcle acceleration. it also won't power up my main engines unless my ship is at a 5-90 degree angle from the horizon, and between -5 to +5 supposed vertical acceleration. Craft balances is not an issue, my engines are KSPI thermal hybrids, they're using atmosphere and MW to run, so no changes in fuel mass or position. i can't figure it out. using Davon's throttle mod won't work because TCA over rides the main engine throttles unless they're on manual, and if they're on manual the Davon throttle works all wrong...
  5. Well, i'm looking to add it to a specif part, or a set of parts. (more specifically all the OPT hulls and MK2 fuselages) Some of the parts i have already have Tweak scale built in, some using a Module Manager patch like that one to apply tweak scale retrospectively to that and other packs. I already HAVE tweakable everything installed, but it only affects stock parts... is there a way to target a specif folder and apply tweakscape to all parts in the given folder? or specify the parts in another CFG without making a mile ling list? Tweakscale confuses me because of the variation of its coding... all the TS modules look different to me.
  6. The title says it all: how do I apply tweak scale to a part (in it's .cfg)? particularly non-circular parts.
  7. If you're looking for a more powerful engine, i found a way to stick the KSPI Hybrid thermal nozzle module into the OPT j-61 engine, using its atmosphere and mach curve... (using a MK2 Precooliner as air intake, precooler, radiator, and thermal pipe from the reactor) It is literally so powerful it wrenches my ship apart unless i use a tun of struts and start with low throttle. I can't redistribute this part for obvious reasons, but here's the content of the CFG. make a copy of the engine, then replace all the text with this. only work if you have the 1.7 J-61 engine, KSPI, mk2 expansions, and mk2 KSPI integration installed.
  8. So I've been using Throttle Controlled Avionics for my VTOL ships for a while now and im looking for something more advanced. (Besides MechJeb which never works) can anyone suggest any control mods to replace TCA, or work along side it? (IE something that lets me land a vtol ship the first try instead of taking 20 minuets to get it atop the KSC helipad. )
  9. HA HA HA NO. as an Ubuntu user I can personally vouch for how bad Linux can be with KSP; not because of the game, but because of ubuntu's processor recognition and Nvidia's graphics drivers. (the ubuntu dist ones are horrible.) If you have a Nvidia card and an intell processor (75% chance you do), i HIGHLY suggest you run windows 64 bit hack. if you have a Radeon card, an AMD processor and want to get into linux, go for it. As for stability, the ONLY bug's i've ever ran into in 64 bit windows have been HUD glitches, which haven't interfered with my mission-play. 32 bit near won't work on my PC.
  10. fyi, i know people will jump all over me for this, but using the 64 bit unity libraries is MORE stable than 32 bit (at least on my system). if you're looking to run 64 bit, you need to download and install the version of unity what your ksp version uses, rename the KSP executable (or delete it). then go to the unity players, 64 bit players, and copy the 64 bit player to your ksp folder and rename it "KSP" then you have to copy the mono libraries and replace the 32 bit ones with 64 bit. for more information... this is the method i used, and it' superb. my ram goes as high as 13gb used with no lag and close to max graphics. if you have a Nvidia card i suggest you download and use the recommended graphics settings for KSP, it will greatly improve your performance in 64 bit. Keep in mind mods like FAR and Joint Reinforcement WILL NOT work in x64 unless you use a hack to change the libraries of the mods. there is a tool do do so, message me if you want it. (posting it might get be in trouble)
  11. all their previous version of B9 would be available on github.... if you feel like running ksp 0.25. this mod will NOT work on 1.0+
  12. It may seem counter intuitive, but after a few more tests, it seems sticking the inline KSPI radiator into a precooler with intakes makes for SIGNIFICANT performance boosts on atmospheric thermal engines. in the case of hybrids, i tried using that ablative IRSU trick, but instead used Water (IF) and it worked as long as the ship was in space (in atmosphere is made surrounding parts go keblewie). i could keep full throttle in both cases without catastrophic melt down. the engines took care of the waste heat while operational, and the inline radiator seemed to do a good enough job of dispersing heat when the engines were off. I didn't even use other radiators (ok, i had some wings). This is what i have so far, and so far it works VERY well.
  13. realistic yes, fun no. it's also absolutely pointless at the 3.75meter size. I wish you could implement some form of magnetic cooling for engines/waste heat in upcoming versions of KSPI-E. (i am trying and failing miserably on that front)
  14. i've tried that my making an irsu that uses MW and waste heat as a resource and offputs physical heat: it does NOT work. the reactor compensates after a few seconds and the change in waste heat (as acceleration) remains the same. i've also tried mucking with an older cooling pump design that uses electricity to generate a resource that acts as an ablator: it actually causes the surrounding tanks to over heat twice as fast! there's something weird with KSP's heat system. i've even tried making a part extremely high heat tolerance (over a billion)and connecting another part to it with the same heat tolerance and such high heat conductivity that it SHOULD suck all the heat out of a vessel... NOPE. instead whatever is creating heat seems to compensate and the entire craft goes critical due to the sudden accumulation of heat. it's not exclusively KSPI, it seems that heat generated by parts is actually treated different from environmental heat (atmosphere or sun). whatever creates the heat automatically adjusts to compensate for any non-radiator parts trying to remove heat. the same can be said for waste heat (though i believe that's intentional) The closest i've been able to making ANYTHING work is putting the module from the inline radiator (with tweaked stats) in with a MK2 Precooler. it seems the flow of air significantly helps. My test part for heat/waste heat generation is a custom engine: i put the thermal hybrid jet into the OPT mk2 j-61 engine, and kept the OPT Atmosphere curve and mach curve; it produces more thrust and gets exponentially hotter the faster it goes (8 of them can get a 1 mega tone ship into orbit, its scary). using an omega reactor for power/waste heat. My goal was to create 3 parts : a pump to physically cool engines with MW and subtract a constant amount of waste heat while converting physical heat into waste heat (and being a thermal energy conductor), a part to convert waste heat into physical heat at a lower amount with minor electric charge so that attached radiators can dispense it better (wing tip fuselage like), and a part that works like the thermal engine- venting waste heat and physical heat at the cost of a small electric charge and intake air (also acts as an arcjet rcs for atm)
  15. im trying to create a unique set of heat pumps and am having difficulty finding information on how the KSP radiator modules work. It's easy enough to convert electricity into a resource to act as an abalator, (what one cooling systems pack does), but i'd like to know the radiators full inner workings etc.
  16. do you have any guide (or a quick description) of how your radiator module works? I'm trying to make some inline powered heat pumps to convert physical heat to waste heat, and then waste heat to physical heat. also to radiate waste heat based on air flow etc, etc. not sure if this question belongs here~
  17. so, anybody who uses KSPI knows the pain of waste heat, and nuclear engine users know all about the melting; and don't forget about those high performance scram-jets that get redder than the atmospheric burn around your ship. There are a few good radiator packs out there, but i find they're not very... effective. I'm attempting to make a system that uses electricity (or MW at a higher level), radiators, and air vents, to do high performance cooling for engines, reactors, etc. obviously getting rid of waste heat as well. working on implementing the following parts: - An Engine precooler that also converts physical heat (from a directly attached engine) into waste heat. useful for atmospheric nozzles/turbojets. (1.25, 2.5, mk2. requires electricity.) - A Heat Pump that sucks up heat and waste heat, and redirects it to radiators. (it cools the attached parts significantly, and subtracts a constant amount of waste heat while running. heat will be converted to waste heat. (1.25, 2.5, 3.75) requires MW or eqiv charge)(requires radiators attached to part to run) - A powered vent (basically an engine with no thrust) that cools the attached part and subtracts waste heat depending on the temperature and amount of air added. ideally connected to a precooler and air intake. (0.625(rear), 1.25(rear and inline), mk2(inline). would have two models for 1.25/mk2; one requiring electric charge, one with waaay more power that requires MW (it might have an KSPI arc-jet RCS that only works with atmosphere.). both would count as radiators. these are the missing parts for making reliable heavy SSTO's, or anything with a powerful hot engine. I'm totally imagining these parts just using the stock squad models (and the mk2's expansions precooler) Right now this is no more than jumbled text in a cfg file using stock fuel tanks for parts... Btw, I put this under development because i very well intend to do this myself one i figure out how. any and all help/direction appreciated.
  18. KSPI-E has an actual quantum vacuum engine, however it produces so much heat it's virtually unusable considering how much thrust it makes and electricity it uses. you could just take a stock Xenon EM engine and throw the ratios out of wack, implement tweak scale, etc, etc. you could also look into Solaris Hypernotics; they use "Virtual Particle" technology which is supposedly similar. it's also a bit more stock-alike friendly because their engines use LF/LFOX and not Interstellar Fuel switch... so no mile long dropdown menus.
  19. i've looked for tools to generate parts, or edit the CFG's. but everything i find is either outdated, gone, or broken. seems everybody is relying on blender to make their parts. your best option would be to personally contact the makers of the packs and explain that you're looking to make a spinnof of adaptations. if they're willing, they could send you their files and you could mess with them in blender or maya. aside from that there aren't any tools for messing with part form factors. The problem with making any software for generating parts is the co-ordinates/orientation of the attachment nodes; they're really silly.
  20. you'd have to contact the creators and request permission to use their form factors of course. Their design is part of the open license. Other than that i BEG you to make more parts in these form factors: or other form factors entirely. i'd love to see an "L" form factor as an expansion to OPT. i love making massive SSTO's with KSPI tech but i can never have a big enough hangar bay with a rear opening door. if you could produce an OPT compatible form factor big enough to fit the average mk2 factor body and some large wings, and even a KAS winch built into it for docking.... I NEED IT
  21. so, I'm a heavy mod user, usually the more far-out stuff like KSPI-E. Now, its easy to make something go fast, the question is, how can one make it stop? I'm proposing a "Quantum Anchor". a device that requires charge in order to forcefully keep an object at exactly 0 acceleration; the greater the acceleration it fights against, the greater the power required. (i suppose it could also act as an SAS reaction wheel). the main problem I've come across is deceleration; ie, NOT tearing the ship to shreds when the anchor is activated at high velocity. I'm thinking it would have to work with translation physics (like many warp drive mods) The main use for this is expedient deceleration of large ships and bases, also keeping beacons or stations anchored in a certain place: excellent if you use some form of jump beacon mod. I suppose you could use it on a planet and simply let the planet fall away as a method of launch as well... that would be good for space stations... Can someone please implement this, or help me to? I'm very bad at coding...
  22. Love this idea, but a few quick questions: 1. does this mod conflict with KSPI-E? because i'de most likely have your drives installed on Antimater powered SSTOs 2. can you use more than one on a ship at once in tandem?
  23. simple! us a m2-1.25 adapter followed by a mk2-1.25 adapter then using the offset tool to merge the two together creating the illusion of 1 part.
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