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Everything posted by Rushligh

  1. Heya, big fan of the MK2 expansion and your KSPI adaptation. being that this whole mod is about space planes, and there's a new version of OPT coming out soon... (v1.8 beta release 4) well perhaps you two should share notes? I would beyond love to see KSPI compatibility in opt designs. more so the larger form factors makes for nice places for reactors an such. also the electric thrusters are super useful on larger space-planes... oh, also a small request. any chance you could add KSPI electric thrusters/resource to the AoA falcon RCS cockpit? I've done it myself, and i think it would be good for everyone to have a MK2 drone cockpit with electric thrusters.
  2. same. I'd love an updated version of this for making engines and such; even if it only makes the CFG files. the syntax with all these new values and modules added by squad and mods are difficult to wrap ones head around. even the old version would be nice to have if we could get an updated link.
  3. like, half of near-future and station parts packs are based on that principle. you either use large fairings and radiators or construct them soley in space/other planets.
  4. Gotta agree with full metal machinist. there are a few very simple mods for that. is the more complicated of the two major ones; this will however allow you to make far more complicated, stable, and faster VTOL craft. you'll have to control all the throttle's yourself however, and set all the values manually. TCA is the simpler and more 'beginner friendly' version. it doesn't require as much design and it mostly automated. it also allows you to use engines as thrusters. very useful if you want to mount smaller LFO engines in place of RCS thrusters. its more for landing/take off vertically, not as much for inflight. in theory you could use both of them together; they don't conflict. and neither add's parts to the game (DTCS has one part which acts as a controller like a MekJeb cpu) there are other mods out there, but these are the most common/supported/multipurpose. even if you run stock parts i would suggest these plugins.
  5. I'm having the same problem with a lack of information. What i CAN tell you with certainty is... MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester //The name of the module tells kerbal/plugins what the heck is going on. HarvesterType = 0 //The type of the harvester seems to change the mechanic of the module. 0 is specifically for land/water drills. it assumes surface contact and is designed for ore/metals. the game will measure the amount of resource in the ground where the drill the drill is activated(topographically). USI Karbonite pack utilities modes 2 for air-scoops and 3 or upper stratosphere. im assuming that the DLL's tell the game how much of each resource should be at a given altitude of a given planet assuming you set the resource to extract to a gas (especially if its a gas recognized by KSPI). Efficiency = 1 //Self explanatory. for settings 2/3 or the harvester type (Gasses) this is not the intake rate, but rather a multiplier of what the suposed air/resource density is. in space you'll still get a wopping 0. ResourceName = Ore //the resource you want to intake. keep in mind that different Harvester modes are better suited to different resources as they have different mechanics. I've been looking into a way for one to switch resources without making a billion different modules to switch between but no luck so far. (Interstell Fuel Switch Dll modification may be required) ConverterName = Surface Harvester //this is the literal name displayed when you right-click the part. this has no bearing on the part's mechanic unless another part or scrips calls upon it (highly unlikely) StartActionName = Start Surface Harvester // this is the text displayed for the 'start' button for the right-click menu. StopActionName = Stop Surface Harvester //likewise, this is the 'stop' function text. ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform // this function seems to be unique to Harvester type 1. it relates to contact with the ground. if a drill of type 0 has no contact, it will NOT function. i do not understand the details of this specific value. ImpactRange = 5 // this is specific to Harvester 0 again, it has to do with the distance at which a drill makes impact with the ground. in kerbal, when you see a drill move, the PART isn't actually moving, nor does the drill arm have any collision frame. this distace represents the distance between where the drillhead is when it's 'deployed' and where the actual part is. basically, the movement of the drill is just an animation, nothing more. AutoShutdown = false //this means if the drill overheats it will automatically shut off. other values may cause it to shut off that i don't know about. GeneratesHeat = false //very importand. this means the drills operation generates heat. for realism purposes on setting 0 this SHOULD be enabled. UseSpecialistBonus = true //this means certain crew members of certain traids give a bonus to the resource extraction efficiency. SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 //this is a multiplier for how muchbonus you get based on the number of specialists and their skill SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 //this is the base amount if you have a specialist of the givin type, no matter their number or skill Specialty = Engineer //the type of specialist that this all applies to EfficiencyBonus = 1 //added efficiency for having a specialist. INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 15 } //the resource part is self explanatory as its a universal part of kerbal CFGs. you have have multiple resources required for input. in my case im working on an atmospheric processor, so i require electricity and air intake }
  6. thaks, that's a good idea. I chekced the IRSU's, and it seems the just convert one resource to another using a preset ratio (varying with heat) my objective is to vary the output based on atmospheric composition (like the scoops in kspi). following the IRSU idea, i though about a drill and modified what i could/would. i don't know what all the values represent though... What does harvester type represent, and what options are there? What does impact transform represent exactly, and what alternate options are there? is there a way to substitute ore for any Interstellar gas, or would i have to create a separate module for each and switch between them? Would this even work for detecting the correct ratio of each resource in air? I would make and test it myself however ksp take a LONG time to load for me. MODULE { name = ModuleResourceHarvester HarvesterType = 0 (What does this represent?) Efficiency = 5 ResourceName = Ore (is there a way to set this as a switch for different interstellar fuels?) ConverterName = Atmospheric Processor StartActionName = Start Processor StopActionName = Stop Processor ImpactTransform = ImpactTransform (i know this represents the drill head's contact, but how?) ImpactRange = 0 AutoShutdown = true UseSpecialistBonus = true SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.2 SpecialistBonusBase = 0.05 Specialty = Engineer EfficiencyBonus = 1 GeneratesHeat = false INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 15 }. INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = IntakeAtm Ratio = 15 }. } [UPDATE] i took a look at the Karbonite atmosphere scoops. still curious about the above, but more so about switching the resource types. also curious if the configuration used in Karbonite for their scoops requires contact with the air like the KSPI scoops (at speed?), of if they merely generate it based on its abundance?
  7. Hello all, I'm still a novice here, so if what im asking for already exists, please point me the right way I'm looking for a set of large in-shell propeller engines, like those on a Sci-f- helicopter or the Marvel Helicarriers. something that would optimally be usable with twaekscale, and surface mountable (so that it could bat attached to the wing). I've been experimenting with using the high bypass fan from the MKIV pack as a graphic for a 2 part engine. the engine its self is an intake with reversible thrust (it can act as suction and intake, or propulsion). Ideally you would toggle the modes in the SPH, or have 2 separate parts functioning in tandem. the suction engine function would have reverse thrust of low power and high intake, the propulsion side would have high output but no intake. also, true to realism, neither would have any gimbal.also might opt for a resource that isn't intake air as not to allow use of alternate air intakes, powered by electricity preferably. im kinda bad at the codeing, so if someone could provide some scrips for this (of just a part; i don't wanna be stealing someone else's graphics) that would be awesome. (the idea is something like this http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y90/hybriddiesel/maglevrotor.jpg )
  8. This is glorious. i need it. I NEED IT. I can't tell if I'm being silly and blind of if the download link for the parts isn't there... if at all possible i"d love to have those parts. for... science. yes, science >_>
  9. I've just become so irritated at developers refusal to even talk about x64 bit versions. Like, if they could just provide an unlocked and unguarenteed versions explicidy saying in the page that it is UNSUPORTED. Like, if people want to go making bug posts about clearly unsuported versions than the Moderators SHOULD be deleting the posts, and warning the poster. i myself literally can not run 32 bit, even stock it crashes 10 minuets into the game for me. 64 bit runs like silk. Hence my up-in-arms-nes about all this.
  10. Im sorry to hear about that; I didnt read this whole thread yet, but ive seen this theme through out the whole community. At least I finially know the gist of it. As someone who works in customer service, I believe I understand your gripe with bug reports, its fair enough. I wish stupid people wouldn't get in the way of good development though. For 64bits instability; I dont know about older releases, but 1.0.5 is more stable as a 64 than 32 in my experience, with or without mods. Squads choice to make only 32 bit was most likely because they wanted to use the same unity project for every platform release (including the upcoming Wii U one).
  11. I do not understand why you're all acting like 5 year old kids arguing over who gets to play with the toy truck. It a game, you're mods for a game. If someone is using X64 they understand its inherent instability. There are backups, and saves for that. You can also uninstal mods at will. Frerram4, you yourself provide the source code on github; all this is open source license. WHO CARES. If 64 works for some people that's great! Im not expecting developers to make 64 bit versions, or claim to support them, but unless its proven to not work why lock it. as for 64 bit instability i have over 40 mods installed and ive only had the game crash twice.... ever... in 64 bit.
  12. you could make that with Kerbal Foundries, B9, Infernal robotics, and Buffalo Base/vehicle pack.
  13. Yes, but I'm looking for something that follows KSPI's atmosphere composition rations; also, something that uses intake ATM as a resource to convert. i don't want a part that IS an intake. I was thinking about using the ATLAS engine for the fuelswitch, something that uses a negative fuel amount to generate fuel, and positive resource. i just need a module for figuring out how much of each resource should be available at a given time.
  14. My theory: Squads choice to develop 32bit versions solely is because they intend to use the exact same release for every platform; including the Nintendo Wii release. yes, KSP is coming to nintendo Wii U. In the 64 Bit version works for PC however certain, resources that work for windows (Debian and OSX) that improve x64 in unity, will not support alternate distributions like nintendo or Xbox. in other words, to make a universal release it HAS to be in x32.
  15. Hello all, So I've been messing around with a lot of Space Planes; I've got the Mk2 expansion and starlion industries upgrade with KSPI. One thing the pack is majorly missing is atmosphere processing. I've been wondering if there's a way to make a separate part that can convert atmosphere intake (intake atm) to a gas/liquid fuel much like the stock KSPI processors, but not acting as it's own intake. ideally it would use the ratio of gasses in the current atmosphere and same charge-output ratios as the processors. the point of this is the have in inline processor hooked up to a few streamline standard intakes to use with KSPI and other engines. cuts down on part count, drag, and weight, and makes it more realistic and pretty. tl;dr i want a part to be an inline atmosphere processor, but not an intake, that can convert from intakeATM to other gasses. I've tried cut-paste code from the processors, but the KSPI setup is far beyond me. [EDIT] the code in the .cfg file seems to refer to another module somewhere else, or perhaps something in a DLL file. also, sorry, i wasn't clear that this was a request for said part.
  16. I'm aware that KJR disables it's self in the x64 version (which i am using a workaround of 1.0.5) I've nerve had any glitchy issues at all, in fact, x64 runs 1000times better on my computer than the stock 32bit ever did. anyway, i was wondering if there's a way to force enable KJR in x64, or get a version that supports it? im sure the publisher had good reason to do this, but yolo.
  17. I love this mod more specifically the J factor and mk2 parts. i tend to built overly complex aircraft... borderline startships with lots of small parts, and i find these are very useful base hulls. I got the V1.8, and noticed that the legacy parts don't have the exact same form factor; they're a slightly different shape. is there any chance of getting the J and K attachment plates back in the new release? More on my mind though, is if there's any chance of a rotating joint (like an Infernal Robotics washer) for making large moving section for VTOL that matches the size/shape strength, and colour palate of OPT? I know these mods are created by other people, but i would love to see some compatibility between j/k, mk3, mk4, and the B9 formats. Also KSPI integration with fuel tanks and thrusters. (and possibly some engines :3 ) If anybody knows or has any unofficial adaptations I'd love to see them!
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