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Everything posted by Dizzle

  1. I got very very very lucky. I touched down at like 90 m/s.
  2. Just made this. You can see the quote I'm talking about at 0:54. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1hUcTKpl_w
  3. There's a line in Apollo 18 that got me. One of the astronauts looks through the porthole at the surface, I think it was at night, and comments something like, "...almost feels like something's staring back."
  4. I have to agree about the Mun, especially the poles. The whole place just seems so dead.
  5. Planes aren't hard at all with the new SAS (and without Ferram). All you'd really need is a tutorial specifically for building and flying planes, if there isn't one already. Maybe the first vehicle could even be given to you, and the first task is to accomplish a simple mission with it. That said, I like the idea of the program starting small and working its way up.
  6. No solar panels, no battery, fuel lines not set up correctly, disordered staging, forgot RCS, sent up the wrong crew...
  7. There's no way you passed within 37 meters without deorbiting LONG before you got that low. Pretty sure you meant kilometers.
  8. Same. The slower load times are my only issue with it.
  9. They definitely make it a massive pain to play.
  10. "Eh, the side of this mountain looks like as good a landing site as any."
  11. The speed you saw in the vid, as others have said, is the speed relative to the target. When you have set a target, click the speed indicator and it will change between orbital, surface, and (relative to) target.
  12. Thought this would be a thread for whoever locked the "What Is Inside the Not Food Bin" thread.
  13. You son of a kitch! You moved the old scenery, but you left the buildings, didn't you? You son of a kitch, you left the buildings and you only moved the models! You-only-moved-the-models!
  14. Okay, so I'm not quite sure how to include a Speed Racer comment, but you can make up your own.
  15. Here you go. http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/docking-tutorial/
  16. Saw that I had one and thought some of you guys would have interesting stories. Basically, do you have any instances of not just debris, but entire abandoned ships? The inspiration is the lander of an Apollo-style mission in my new game. It was my first time trying such a thing and the orbiter was running on fumes. When the lander docked with it, I had no choice but to transfer all of its fuel into the orbiter. In order to lose weight, I decided to just leave the lander behind in a 66km munar orbit. This turned out to be a good call, since even then the crew just barely made it back. Now the lander just sits up there, and it's kind of creepy. I like creepy, so there it will stay.
  17. None yet. I thank the new ASAS for that, since I've primarily been messing around with planes. I may end up with kerbals trapped in a Munar orbit though.
  18. While everyone else hates the ASAS, I've found my own pet peeve - having to exit to the space center and go to the tracking station to recover a landed plane, even if it's on the runway. Maybe there should be a recover button on the same popup as revert flight?
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