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Everything posted by AmpsterMan

  1. This version has been the first version I have played with any seriousness in QUITE some time. I have been strugling leveling my non-pilots because I have become dependant on that sweet, sweet, mainain heading SAS. I was actually under the impression that Engineers are the least useful. Is it a case of Pilots and Scientists being a form of First Order . That is, Engineers get relatively better only later on in the game?
  2. I wrote a pretty long post some time ago about how I thought Jebediah (and by extension, now Valentina) is the most important Kerbal in KSP. TL;DR, Jeb and Val represent the player. Notice how Jeb/Val have built up a following; they have a personality in a game where their only defining feature is that they have bads=yes. Jeb and Val represent the player because as the rocket is launching, we aren't scared or worried, we are (hopefully) having a great time doing so. Landed on Mun? Super Big Smile. Burning through the atmosphere? Super Big Smile. Huge Explosion? Super Big Smile. Perfectly executed Hohman Transfer? Super Big Smile. Completely botched staging event? Super Big Smile. Jebediah and Valentina are the closest one gets to having a player avatar. As such, I tend to play with them pretty often . The others... well I don't care that much for them .
  3. It's only missing one thing... *ahem* delta v reading *ahem*
  4. WHO SUMMONS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh duo. Hai Duo. Next person will be..... tetryds!
  5. I thought this launch pic looked pretty neat.
  6. Eh, i think terms like "death of challenges" are a bit extreme. Let's wait to see these things actually take place before we jump to conclusions. I'm sure "infinite fuel" "part clipping" or a host of other tweakables in the debug menu could have been causing issues there too. Tweakables included in the debug menu because it makes it very easy to debug or test the balance of the game. Many, many games have such menus and their challenges are intact. Ex Sims. Sims has a huge access to modifying game behaviour in game, and yet Sims challenges are alive and well. Challenges here will be fine too. Three weeks from now this will all blow pver and the community will go back to being divided over MechJeb, FAR, and Female Kerbals (Like the good old days )
  7. I can verify for a fact this is not a glitch as I was one of the testers that identified it. The structural intakes don't have enough intake air for the rapier. Try this: put the engines AFTER the air intake (one should do this with every craft btw) you will see, not enough air
  8. I didn't even know aero got changed in the new update xD. Does the thicker atmo at low altitudes affect Sea Level thrust much?
  9. People, please stop flaming the OP. He had an opinion and he shared it. Regardless of whether one thinks it is poorly written drivel or a masterpiece in contemporary English literature on the Duality of Man, it does not give us the right to be hostile Edit: I see a moderator has already handled this this is what i get for moderating from the porcelain throne at work xD
  10. People please stay on topic. The OP asked a question, their motives are immaterial in this discussion.
  11. What are the specifics of Aerodynamics?
  12. This sounds like it might be a modding question so I moved it to the proper section
  13. I have the parachute semi deploy at 0.5 atm and full deploy at 50. Haven't died since
  14. Echoing Regex here; is no longer necessary to hug terminal velocity like it used to be. 1.8 isn't the magic number it used to be. Less DV to orbit coupled with less thrust required, means rockets tend to be smaller than they used to be.
  15. SPOILERS AHEAD The aero spike is the only engine that has ISP deep in the planet. Therefore, it's your go to engine
  16. The shielded ones are heavier, so the uncovered ones got a nerf of sorts.
  17. I don't quite remember the specifics because this was done during experimentals. Yes those are only two radials on the bottom. Space planing has on some ways become easier; in others harder. To space plane, reduce drag as much as possible. Do this by streamling your craft. The less surfaces facing the airflow, the better. Reduce control surfaces and wings as much as possible; these produce a lot of drag. Make sure your planedoesn't need to fly at too steep an angle of attack; this reduces drag due to "lifting backwards". You need to be able to pass the sound barrier. Between Mach 0.8 to 1.2, drag skyrockets. Focus on beating the sound barrie first. Once you can beat it in a non spammy way (MOAR ENGINES) try to apply that lesson to spess planes. Rapiers are indeed the best engines for very high altitude flight now.
  18. Also, remember the administrative building. Trading resources you don't need for ones hi do is helpful. Currently i am trading prestige at 50% for science.
  19. Krillin, I myself am having issues as well. I would suggest trying to land little science packages all over the world if possible. You should have unmanned craft now. Another way is to have a plane and drop some science bombs in different places. I've been doing that since early career. It's a nice fun way to get science; especially since planes come so much earlier now. Edit: You could also try doing the part missions, I like doing those meself
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