Alright so I just started fiddling around with launching multiple ships at a time (because it's awesome) and I am making a program to launch two satellites into orbit at once. The program will launch the rockets, drop boosters when needed, circularize at 120,000m drop the fairing shell, drop the probe, and turn retrograde to deorbit the mainsail. Here's what I have clearscreen. print "3...". wait 1. print "2...". wait 1. print "1...". wait 1. lock steering to up + R(0,0,180). lock throttle to 1. print "Ignition!". stage. wait until altitude > 10000. print "Beginning gravity turn". lock steering to up + R(0,-50,180). wait until stage:liquidfuel < 1100. print "Initiating stage separation.". stage. print "Stage separation complete.". wait until apoapsis > 120000. lock throttle to 0. lock steering to prograde. print "Waiting until Apoapsis Reached.". wait until eta:apoapsis < 15. print "Circularisation burn in 3...". wait 1. print "2...". wait 1. print "1...". wait 1. lock throttle to 1. print "Ignition.". Wait until periapsis > 110000. print "Circularization burn complete. Killing throttle.". Lock throttle to 0. wait 5. print "Ejecting fairing case.". Wait 1. stage. print "Separating probe.". wait 2. stage. lock steering to retrograde. print "Initiating retro burn in 5...". wait 1. print "4...". wait 1. print "3...". wait 1. print "2...". wait 1. print "1...". wait 1. lock throttle to 1. wait until stage:liquidfuel < 1. print "Retro Burn Complete. Program terminated.". This program works perfectly, but only for the rocket currently in focus. The out of focus rocket refuses to stage and I can't figure out why. If I switch to it in flight and manually stage when necessary it works but the program won't do it. Any ideas? EDIT: Made a few test vehicles with no success. I made a video of the problem including the test script I was running here:
Also a little request for future versions: Can we get stage:solidfuel so we can eject solid rocket boosters more easily?