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Everything posted by bsalis

  1. ASAS that was hard as a rock. Rockomax decoupler made of tissue paper. ORDA vs Erkle? The *real* Kraken (actually I don't miss that at all) MechJeb flame wars. The Great April Forum Derp. (not strictly game related, I know)
  2. Where can i configure it up to eleven.
  3. I just checked my small one-seater SSTO spaceplane, which also has VTOL ability.... 449 funds Fueled = 27,753 funds Recovered / Empty = 27,304 funds Only 46 parts!
  4. It's been posted before, but for completeness...
  5. Not your fault, the gimbals should work correctly when the engine is in front of the CoM.
  6. Gilly is... different. I find that a craft is more stable if you leave it lying down on its side rather than on landing legs.
  7. So Resources will now be included, and for v1 no less, but Multiplayer will be post v1! Wow... i don't have a problem about this, but it's a complete reversal in one announcement. Last time we heard of these two features, Resources was to be in v1 but was shelved (probably never to return), and Multiplayer was announced to be (in my understanding) added by v1. Looking forward to more Content... please please please more planets. I need something new to crash into. Will be interesting to see how the aero overhaul will go. Sounds tricky. I seem to be in the minority in thinking that the current aero model is fine (as in fine enough for a game, it obviously has issues).
  8. Will be interesting pictures... This must be a first in some way or another.
  9. Actually, more wings will make it harder to lift-off from the runway. Something I learned back in version .17 or there abouts.
  10. KSP has quite a few similarities to Minecraft. So much so, in the early days here on the forum, comparison threads were frowned upon. Sure, you build things lego-like, but theres more similarities... * Open sandbox world * Sold while still in development (Minecraft was Beta, KSP an Alpha, but neither development phase labels are accurate) * Indie game * Community oriented, with developer engagement * and um, you build things... both games tend to tug at your creative spirit
  11. Yeah - that's what I am thinking. Not so much that the pad and runway are too weak, but that they are vulnerable during the less than graceful physics engine startup. So a bug IMHO.
  12. The .25 plane does fly more realistically though. I see other reasons that the .25 plane is less maneuverable, other than less effective control surfaces... * Control surfaces on the canards is further forward on the .24.2 * CoD looks to be further in front due to the intake placement on the .24.2 * I think the .25 craft has proportionally less lift from control surfaces then non-control lifting surfaces (say, from lifting body parts)
  13. My view on this is that "Free Will" is an illusion. However, illusions are as real as anything else you wish to point at... sometimes more so.
  14. The animated release videos are all part of the fanfare and tradition of a new KSP version. They are entertaining and promote the game. I think Squad know a little about marketing. Time spent making them does not necesarily come at the cost of game development progression. You can always hire more animators. Though there is only one Dan!
  15. All the features are great, but for me the new spaceplane parts are the most significant. So most favourite by default. Busy days ahead as i rebuild my fleet.
  16. I read they were contemplating calling it Windows 1. However chose not to because there has already been a Windows 1. Considering the new Metro UI does not use windows, perhaps the should drop the whole "Windows" name all together.
  17. I'm guessing the name will revolve around the new Strategies feature.
  18. I think the current price for the current game is about right. I think it is worth more, but to keep units moving it needs to be priced appropriately for an in-development indie game. Much the same for the completed game... i'd say easily AAA price, but will be sold for a bit less i'm guessing.
  19. I updated the table again. Hit 60 samples now!
  20. I did this a long time ago, and once used the symbols in craft names to keep them short. Ѳ = Sun á´ª = Moho ÑŽ = Eve ü = Gilly ʘ = Kerbin áµ¾ = Mun Ô“ = Minmus ÒŸ = Duna ᶓ = Ike á´• = Magic Boulder ê = Dres ä = Jool δ = Laythe Ѫ = Vall Ѧ = Tylo Ò¨ = Bop ᶑ = Pol â‚ = Eeloo
  21. As others have pointed out, there will not be any overcharging because of the smart circuitry which has been standard for a long time. My understanding is that the following will shorten the life of a battery... * Charge-discharge cycles * Draining the battery to empty (especially for lead-acids) * (and obvious things like extreme temperatures, short circuiting it, overcharging, setting it on fire etc) Which is why for my iPad I do not start charging it until it gets to under half charge, so as to avoid draining it to empty and reduce the charge-discharge cycles.
  22. Tolkien's Middle Earth. There is so much depth and lore, with a whole mythology. Complete with whole languages to boot. Other than that... some fictional worlds I know a bit about but have not read the books by the authors: Larry Niven - seems to be very interesting. I especially like the motif of primitive descendents living among the ruins of the advanced technological civilisation of their forbearers. Since it echoes real history when civilisations fall (to an extent). H. P. Lovecraft - I really dig cosmic horror. Have seen a few Lovecraftian themed movies.
  23. So the above criteria. Combined with the new Strategies, and existing Career functionality so far... I would say the feature is that if you have a run of catastrophic failures, resulting in deaths. Your space program will be punished. Such as no Kerbaled flights until your Rep is above a threshold again.
  24. Picture below shows what is probably the best island to land on from an equatorial orbit. There is a large flat area where the flag is. As for estimating the landing point. It's much like Kerbin, you will fall short of where the orbit line intersects the surface. However, you will land closer to it, from the thinner atmo, but mostly from Laythe not spinning so fast.
  25. I thought it was because we didn't pay the rent and got evicted. Ok, mebe it was the evolution thing. Or possible Kraken attack if you try and land there.
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