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Everything posted by bsalis

  1. Updated the table again... just for you robopilot99! Keep them coming people. Would be nice to see a clearer pattern among the non-INT types.
  2. To hard to say really. It may not be of much help for making KSP multi-player, since the challenges may be elsewhere. Maybe what they are providing is already available via plugins anyhow. Personally I would be more interested in seeing Unity 3D have a stable 64-bit windows build, support for multithreading, and pluggable physics... Bullet? PhysX on hardware?
  3. I use single stage landers, , since they are re-usable.
  4. I'd like a Veyron or some supercar as much as the next guy. However, for me, my own car is always best car...
  5. Although I have been tested twice, I thought it only be proper to do the 72 questions from the link in my original post... Introvert(89%) iNtuitive(88%) Thinking(100%) Judging(22%) You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (89%) You have strong preference of Intuition over Sensing (88%) You have strong preference of Thinking over Feeling (100%) You have slight preference of Judging over Perceiving (22%) Hmmm... thats a lot of "strong preference" there, a bit worrying. Looks like I have drifted back to J. Possibly an effect of work last few years and more maturity with age. I will pencil in some more viewings of The Big Lebowski on my to-do list. Internet memes about MBTI types tend to be caricatures, so not to be taken too seriously. Adding to what AmpsterMan said about "T types". For an INTJ, the Auxiliary Function is Extraverted Thinking. So Thinking is how the outside world is engaged, and it is very practical for many things. However it does not lend itself to the touchy-feely kind of behaviour. Furthermore, the Tertiary Function is Introverted Feeling (yes - INTJs have feelings, but they are on the inside!). So add it all up and INTJs do like hugging, but only really for people that are very emotionally close to them.
  6. I have updated the table again. This might be a good time to thank everyone for participating so far. So... thankyou all! Those are a lot of questions for those that did the test. Hopefully you find the results as interesting as I do.
  7. I have updated the table yet again. Up to 33 samples now. I know a statistician may scoff at it, but I think I can safely draw a conclusion that the forums are a Hug Free Zone. That's good to know, and I'm perfectly ok with that. Anyhows, I found some good material here for those that would like to dig a bit deeper into understanding MBTI functions... http://personalitycafe.com/cognitive-functions/9813-mbti-functions-explained.html It's quite fascinating but not easy material to digest. However it does give you a proper understanding of the cognitive processes.
  8. Well, if there is to be an apocalypse, then I pick the slow Zombies.
  9. I want two! When i first saw this video i checked, and quickly googled again now. Sadly, i don't think they are mass produced for sale. These guys created them for research: http://www.idsc.ethz.ch/Research_DAndrea/Cubli
  10. Yes - perfectly flat (well, apart from the curvature of the moon). However inclination changes can be expensive dV wise. Or perhaps you could fly the distance north/south as needed.
  11. Updated the table again. That is a lot of INTJs! Is it even considered safe to have so many INTJs congregate together?
  12. I have updated the table again. Have thrown in a breakdown of the four dimensions as well. I'm actually shocked how skewed the results are. Almost 80% INT-, with no SF types at all yet. parameciumkid - I put you down as INFP, please tell me if you want it changed to INTP. hotmailcompany52 - Finally the first 'S', however I have left it out of the table since it is for forum members / ksp players. KOCOUR gets the honour of being the first Sensing member. The MBTI test was designed by Briggs and Myers based upon the work of Carl Jung. It is not some silly test, it is founded in analytical psychology, and well established. I know my type because the company I work for paid to have the project team I was on to take a one day training course. To be tested and discuss personality types as an exercise in better understanding ourselves, others, and to improve communication. This actually happened twice, on two project teams over the years. Your MBTI personality type does not define who you are. It is just a general classification of how you think, process information, and interact with the world, and other people. It can be quite informative, since there is a bias to think that others think like yourself. The reality is far from that.
  13. I have updated the table again. Now with percentages. Later if I can bothered I will add the Male & Female percentages, since they are different. That was exactly my prediction as well, with "SF" being under represented. In fact i'm surprised how skewed the results are... however a sample set of 11 is not much so far. Another oddity is that everyone so far is in a more rare type. draeath - I put you down as an INTP, but please tell me if you rather be marked as INTJ Spearka - I put you down as an INTJ, but please tell me if you rather be marked as INTP Also - if anyone digs deeper to get a better understanding of their type and wants me to change the table, please tell me.
  14. Ok - so I have put a table up now that we have some data points. Actually, everyone so far. I'm sure that that some S types will be represented soon enough.
  15. So, I don't think this has been posted before. So lets do it now! What is your personality type? Well, type according to the Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers typological approach to personality. I'm sure there are other classification systems, but this one is well established and insightful. >>> Take the test here <<< If you already know your type just post that. Or if you want to take another test instead of the one linked above, that's fine too. I would post a poll, but there are 16 types and a max limit of 10 poll options . So instead I will just edit this post to table them here. I'm interested to see the results, I suspect they will not match up well with the general populace. As for me, my tests have returned INTJ and INTP on later occasion. So I am borderline J/P, so probably drifting to P. Drift can happen over time... i'm getting soft with age! edit: Interesting website here if you are interested in seeing famous people that share your type. http://www.celebritytypes.com/ edit: I have setup a table now. Type # % Gen. Pop % --------------------------------------- INTP 16 26.67 3.3 INTJ 25 41.67 2.1 INFP 4 6.67 4.4 INFJ 1 1.67 1.46 ISTJ 1 1.67 11.6 ISFJ 0 0.00 13.8 ISTP 2 3.33 5.4 ISFP 0 0.00 8.8 ENTP 2 3.33 3.2 ENTJ 5 8.33 1.8 ENFP 1 1.67 8.1 ENFJ 2 3.33 2.5 ESTJ 0 0.00 8.7 ESFJ 0 0.00 12.3 ESTP 1 1.67 4.3 ESFP 0 0.00 8.5 --------------------------------------- total 60 100.00 --------------------------------------- Intro 49 81.67 Extr 11 18.33 iNtu 56 93.33 Sens 4 6.67 Think 52 86.67 Feel 8 13.33 Perce 26 43.33 Judg 34 56.67
  16. There are very few rules really, mostly just guidelines and design concepts that work well. I find that good SSTO Spaceplane design is mostly about balance and proportions. It's really a matter of personal taste and what you are trying to achieve. Personally I love the design challenge. When I started building them in v0.16, it was a lot harder. Nowadays I only build ones that are special in some way. More than anything I just find them great fun to pilot. With refueling, I have travelled all over the Kerbol system with spaceplanes (yes - even Moho). They are like the automobile of space travel. Which reminds me! I'll repost some pics from a previous "why spaceplanes?" thread.... Rocket SSTO Spaceplane I know what I prefer.
  17. I like it. I lurk the KSP reddit most days. The history pron reddit is awesome to visit sometimes.
  18. Other than The Claw, I'm not using the ARM parts, since I consider ARM to be a type of mod.
  19. Wow, congrats! I hope your studies go well at your new school.
  20. Both paths offer benefits and drawbacks. For me personally, considering the costs involved to push the boundaries, and with space being a "for all humanity" place. I would say Cooperation is the way forward. It would be nice if nations could partition off a multi-national space agency as a separate entity, that all involved could contribute to, and benefit from. An institution immune from "diplomatic issues". Unfortunately that won't happen... especially due to technology crossover, and military applications of technology intended for space science and exploration.
  21. Sort of a mother-ship, I assembled these 4 vessels in LKO in order to ship 'em to Laythe together. One tug up front and three surface fuel tankers...
  22. Agree. My advice is don't use a rover. You know what would be a really cool way to do this Mun mission? Ion engine powered hover bike! With the recent buff, and masslessness for the smaller batteries and surface mount solar panels. You can build a sweet ride to scoot about with. Just plonk down a whole mess of fuel on the surface or orbit to fill it up and go explore like a Sir.
  23. Well, I think Contracts and Money in the next update is pretty awesome. After that, the next awesome actual Career mode feature that I would like to see? Probably some kind of World Quest narrative. A story arc that threads it's way through contracts and other activities. A 2001 Space Odyssey themed story, involving artifacts and such. To me that would be the cherry on top that completes the game and makes it whole. ... won't happen though.
  24. Yeah - I just assumed a "buddy system" as well. It is pretty common for dangerous tasks to be done by two people, even if only one person is needed. Just so easy to make a mistake while concentrating on whatever you are working on.
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