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Everything posted by bsalis

  1. Don't worry - it does get better. Re-adjustments hurt too, but only for a short time. Nothing like the first fitting.
  2. Basically that. It's easier to clean your teeth properly if they are straight and not crowded.
  3. IMO the game has become the digital equivalent of Lego. Neither Lego or Minecraft have peaked. The appeal is timeless.
  4. Bingo! You win. This whole automation of all labor has been in motion for some time. The video in the OP is just the next phase. You would think such a shift would be greeted with joy and relief. No longer would people need to work as many hours, and eventually we will not need to work at all. Free from having to sell our labor to be able to consume, we could pursue our own more satisfying and enlightened activities. But no... the established cultural expectation is that one must submit to labor to contribute to the economy in order to extract from it (ie. consume). Otherwise to consume without contributing is seen as amoral. Full employment is still an economic goal. The fact that it is not needed any more is lost on people. It's simple inertia really. One day this will all change. Until then, many of us will be busy pushing digital paper around, many thinking that what they do matters.
  5. Looks like it's a double. Another is on its way. If i'm lucky I may be able to witness the Southern Lights. I happen t be in Tasmania atm.
  6. Well, when the oceans warm, they release more CO2 as well. Question is, if such a positive feedback loop exists. How has the climate been stable for so long.
  7. No strong feelings here either. Though I have not played the game in a long time, and was never involved in the community (and from what i hear, that was probably a good thing) Unlike, say, Yahoo, I generally don't think Microsoft mess up what they acquire (though someone please correct me if that is not true). They may be able to take it in new directions with the resources they have. Perhaps they can integrate it in the next version of Windows. That way users can build their own desktop UI that does not suck. EDIT: and one last thing... Can't help myself having a chuckle seeing Microsoft pay.. possibly $2 billion on a game written in Java.
  8. Agree - but I am still surprised how skewed it is. I was expecting a few more extroverts at least. Oh, and I have updated the table again.
  9. Your forgot to mention Contracts. That adds a lot to the game. I think Science could be more interactive/in-depth, as you also suggest. When Squad dropped Resources, they did mention they have some ideas planned for more End-Game activities. Not sure what they have in mind - but i'm looking forward to it.
  10. I updated the table again. Over 50 samples now! Wow - thanks for the responses guys.
  11. I updated the table again. Close to 50 people now!
  12. Wow... this thread is back! Good thing I still had my spreadsheet. I have updated the stats on the original post. Means iNtuition as a perceiving function, combined with Thinking as a judging function. Lots of good material to read on the many links I have included in my posts if you want to get a better understanding.
  13. Another possibility is that all the mass of Terra and Theia coalesced into Earth in a less violent way. So that the Earth would be larger.
  14. From the dev notes... So, "single feature". Could it be Multiplayer? Has been a while since that was started. Probably isn't, but it's a long shot.
  15. Neat find. My 7 planet jobby : http://goo.gl/vhExBj Remarkably stable for minutes before things go astray.
  16. Because it just would get in the way... Building your own tower would be a better feature.
  17. My guess? KER or Spaceplane Plus. Leaning towards Spaceplane Plus, since i'm not sure they will integrate a mod that uses floating UI windows rather than something properly integrated.
  18. Have visited every body in the system. Still many places of interest I have never been too... - North and south pole of most places - Some easter eggs (eg. Tylo cave, Duna face) - Very low solar orbit as well as edge of solar SoI - Small islands on Laythe
  19. As others have pointed out, there are many factors that define the exchange rates for a currency. Note that having a highly valued currency is not necessarily a great thing, since it encourages purchase of imported goods over domestic. Exports also suffer since they cost more to foreign buyers. Currently (and for some time now), most developed nations have been debasing their currency to encourage growth. A highly valued currency is also an aspect of Dutch Disease. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_disease
  20. Yes, very possible with stock parts. You can do it with LT-Ns. Though a small craft using Ion engines is pretty neat. People were doing Laythe returns even before they were buffed. It's actually pretty easy now with Ions.
  21. I find them hard to dock with on spaceplanes. I dig how you're using it there.
  22. I have a couple of small SSTO Spaceplanes with a docking port, but no RCS. Docking is not an issue - actually quite fun. Puritans may mark me down on style though.
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