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Everything posted by bsalis

  1. Hmm, you just need a lot of delta-V. There is no real way around that. Whatever the delta-V map says for Moho should be taken with a grain of salt. One thing you might want to try is what I did for my last mission there. I ignored the transfer window, and left Kerbin when it was at the ascending node. Setting the Pe down to intersect with Moho orbit at its descending node. It doesn't matter which node you use, leaving at descending is the same. At the solar Pe, i did a retro burn to change my arrival time back at Pe to rendezvous with Moho. By doing this i have a) spent nothing on an inclination change and reduced my rendezvous velocity a bit to make the orbit braking burn a little more manageable. If you do this, play around with maneuver nodes first to make sure that this burn at solar Pe does not lower the Ap too low.... if the Ap falls within the orbit of Moho then that is a waste. Warp around to the next ascending/descending node and try again.
  2. Perhaps it's the Osep. Which is Peso backwards. One Osep can buy you one Joule of energy. Since it would make sense that Kerbal currency would be an SI unit.
  3. Yep, that. Try to keep the wet and dry center of mass (CoM) close together. Try moving the hitchhiker container further back in the stack.
  4. Example.... Source: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/47236-Radial-decouplers-as-rover-suspension
  5. Loved the frogs! Agree with many here - tech tree progression seems odd. Would have thought RL progression from Sputnik/1950s onward would have been a template. So... KSP is in experimentals now. Since this is a *big* update, i'm calling release date of 24th, no earlier. Mebe 3 weeks. Time will tell.
  6. VTOL SSTO Spaceplane ...useful for me since I like Laythe so much. Also have a version with vertical lifting rockets as well.
  7. Sadly, the game load time is limited more by the CPU I believe. I have a couple of SSDs in a stripe set! Yet - still takes a while to load. It will probably be improved eventually.... by loading parts-on-demand perhaps.
  8. It really depends on the craft... so much so that you are best to try different things and see what dV you can get to orbit. IMO angle of attack is a secondary thing. What matters more is things like altitude, velocity, rate of ascent and available Intake Air.
  9. 656 ton to LKO Only really built it to see what was possible with a certain design approach.
  10. I was out at the airfield where i'm training for a recreational pilots licence. Only minutes before preparing for my own flight, i witnessed a plane crash from a forced/emergency landing (the engine stopped in circuit) that didn't work out. Good news is the pilot and passenger survived, with injuries. They were lucky, it certainly looked fatal. They were taken to hospital via ambulance helicopter. Later in the evening at my local pub, after finishing my first beer while contemplating my choice of hobby. I headed back to the bar... my foot caught behind chair leg... tripped, and had an epic fall. Grazed both knees, and an elbow pretty bad, and what i'm certain feels to be a cracked rib. So that's my day (actually, the above was yesterday.. today i replaced my shower curtain and bought some new bags for my vacuum cleaner, but I thought i'd mention yesterday instead because it was more interesting).
  11. Yeah - or mebe like SimCity. Where you could start at year 1900, 1950 or 2000.
  12. Where will Career Mode start? ... since i'm thinking it may not be at KSC. Note that i'm NOT talking about 0.22, but the *finished* game. Just recently HarvesteR blagged about Biomes. This new feature was partly to deal with being able to access more science on Kerbin early on in the game, since you would have so few parts (and possibly little funding) to go very far. So I am thinking that early in the game, we may not actually start at KSC. Perhaps it will start at the Island Runway... or maybe another simple airfield complex near more interesting areas for science. You may actually start with parts for only building vehicles (rovers) and aeroplanes. Then only later do you unlock rocket technology. There is an overhaul of the Island Runway in the works as well it seems. Bac9 put out a picture of the new hangars a while ago. Also note that Cities are on the planned features as well. Maybe you will be able to spawn at many locations. In RL, NASA started the same way. Beginning with National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA). They operated out of places like Edwards Air Force Base...
  13. Yep - pretty much all of them are cylinders with fins. Pellets of Pu-238 inside. Some look a little different. Big russian ones... Abandoned ones... (source: http://www.neazoi.com/technology/thermocouple.htm)
  14. bsalis

    Sputnik 1

    Well, happy birthday! I wouldn't say it was just an American "crisis", more a Western one really. To add to the developments you listed, there was also a big push in Education, especially in the STEM fields. Which was a quite a positive outcome.
  15. Sound like a lack of static stability or too much dynamic stability. Flying to fast can also make things twitchy. Best way to learn to fly is using an aircraft that is really well balanced and stable... with some practice, it's becomes a lot easier flying with keyboard.
  16. I went with a wide, push-and-pull design. Lots of LT-Ns, with modest fuel. Can pull decent loads out to Jool. Here are a couple of caravans, the tug is the one with four arms... Towing a couple of tankers... Towing a spaceplane and pushing another...
  17. Also, make sure you are NOT using the "Fallback part shaders"
  18. Yep - it is visible. It's at 81.57.18N 128.30.54W
  19. Pfft - yeah right bro. As if. Good luck on your whackventure. The thing about this game is that if you keep trying, you will succeed.
  20. Well damn, looks like this is going to happen. Congress have failed miserably. Any unlucky folks here directly hit by this? Any thoughts? (please be civil) Looming very close on the horizon is hitting the debt ceiling on October 17... Now, THAT will be interesting.
  21. Ok, so let me get this right, you want an... * SSTO Spaceplane * 100% Stock * VTOL ability * Water landing/takeoff capable * No airhoggin (less than 3:1 ratio) * No clipping * No LT-N * and I suppose you want to do a transfer to Jool from LKO after refuelling too eh? Well, wait no more! It's possible, and here it is... (craft file) Clicky pic for a demo video of the older model. This version is basically the same, a little better actually. (RCS system purchased separately - but be a man and dock without it) Have plenty of experience on Laythe with this craft. Works brilliantly... There is also a variation with additional rocket VTOL engines... (craft file) But wait, there's more. Land and sea refueling kit available too...
  22. I think it's wrong to assume that just because a planet is there, and has a surface, that you are meant to be able to get to the surface and return to orbit. I'm not even sure if Eve was intended as a return-to-orbit planet... not for regular players anyhow. If anything having a "gas" giant with a surface makes it even a more desirable destination. It will have moons to explore like Jool, and a surface you can send a one-way probe to.... or some Kerbals if you are ok with that. I'm itching to any new planet beyond Jool! It's been so long... I have all the craft and experience I need to explore beyond Jool using Laythe as a hub of operations and Tylo for so-good-it-feels-cheaty slingshots.
  23. Anything further than 2.2km from the craft you are in control is "on rails". Anything on rails, and below a certain cutoff threshold altitude (which i *think* is about 30km for Kerbin, but please speak up anyone if that's wrong) will be destroyed. I don't see any of this changing soon. Recovery feature has already been added, yet it still works like this. With the way it works now, best I can think of for a re-usable multi stage rocket is to have two stacked booster stages. First stage needs to be large, and be able to lift the whole rocket into a sharp suborbital, with say Ap at 100, with trajectory set for splashdown just off KSC. That suborbital will give you enough time to decouple and use the next stage to circularise, then switch back to the first stage booster to land it. Then return back to the craft in orbit, decouple second stage, deorbit and land.
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