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Everything posted by bsalis

  1. THis mod allows you to change the textures... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/44135-0-22-Universe-Replacer-v4-0
  2. Few threads here that might help... http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/48641-Ways-to-lift-a-lot-of-fuel-to-orbit http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/59032-Help-with-massive-launcher http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51828-What-s-the-highest-mass-you-ve-ever-put-into-Kerbin-orbit-with-a-single-ship There a design floating around called a Thrust Plate, which is worth looking into. Not really... Building a massive lifter with Skippers is actually quite sensible. The lower thrust helps cuts down on the forces at play, reducing chances of a break. A big wide rocket made of Skippers with a single Jumbo on each has enough TWR to work well.
  3. Fuel Transfer and Docking were also available via mods before becoming built-in features.
  4. There are stickies like this in the Tutorials section. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/forums/54-Tutorials
  5. Prices are set to what the market will bare. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Price_discrimination
  6. Again Vanamonde! Anyhows, I took a different approach to other helpful peeps here and just flew your bird as-is (well, I just changed the Action Groups so I could close the intakes). Guess what, works just fine. Did a full orbit and landed back at the KSC runway. It's terrible, granted, but make no mistake, it is a fully K-prize capable SSTO Spaceplane. Only "trick" was that I used up almost all the jet fuel to cut down on mass during ascent. Had 14 units per tank before switching to the rocket motor. Orbit! Overshot, and needed to glide back.
  7. bsalis

    Epic Nerdgasm

    Looks like much the same feature set as Outerra
  8. I refueled in LKO to get that SSTO Spaceplane to Moho. Sent a tanker separately so I would have fuel to do some landings and return to Kerbin. However it useless to land anywhere unless it's very flat. Damn Space Cthulhu sucked a stack off my tanker.
  9. Least appropriate lander for Moho... To think I had my sights set on the moholes. What was I thinking?!
  10. Probably this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/32383-Islands-of-Laythe-one-flag-at-a-time However I have done so many other cool things. Did an mostly-grand tour with an SSTO Spaceplane (using refueling of course). Visited Magic Boulder (which I miss greatly). SSTO Spaceplane to Duna and return, with no refueling. Built a stock VTOL SSTO Spaceplane, no clipping or hoggin. Done a K-prize qualifying flight using only kOS.
  11. Laythe is amazing, and the Jool system in general. Low Laythe orbit makes a great staging point for Joolean adventures. The moons are great fun to navigate. It's why i'm surprised more players are not clamoring for more gas giants. After hating on Moho for so long I do finally get why people do like it. It is rather desolate and a bit creepy. In a polar orbit, zipping across the surface in orbit at low altitude, with the huge Sun on horizon, it's epic.
  12. Plenty of good comments here. Another way of looking at it... Rocket SSTO Spaceplane I know what I would rather be piloting.
  13. Most recent significant purchase...
  14. Although Kerbals are a Part, there is no Part file that you can change. They have very hard helmets though. Often survive high velocity impacts, head first.
  15. Yes. All else being equal, higher pressure/density will increase lift. Both in game and RL. However as RSwordsman pointed out, there is more drag too. So increased parasitic drag will probably make the glide distance worse.
  16. Try not bothering with legs at all, and let the craft settle on its side, or how it may. Worked for me to help settle it.
  17. Is this interplanetary, with or without refueling in LKO? Also some pics would be nice.
  18. From the screenshot I see it already has a name: "Shuttle" Maybe you could be more elaborate and call it "The Shuttle". Or if you're adventurous, call it "Space Shuttle".
  19. Reliable source is a relative term. Is Wikipedia more reliable compared to... * What the taxi driver told you * What some self-proclaimed expert you met at the pub said * Your Uncle Bobs view of things * What you saw on TV * What you read on some blog on the internet * What Kim Kardashian tweeted
  20. Well placed sepratrons can fix this. Make sure they are near the CoM of the spent stages... so basically more near the engine end, since the tank(s) will be empty. However... it's always good to try and fix it without adding to part count and mass. Note that Struts pretty much cancel the ejection force of decouplers. Sadly they are typically not optional. Other than that it's just... * better placement of where the radial decouplers are * more spacing, and/or shifting the stacks down * more careful piloting when staging
  21. Yes, exactly that. Background on-rails physics does not take much processing power, but it still does. Disappointing that even Landed craft are still a factor though.
  22. Agree. Much liking the drama. Had a good chuckle at the 80s movie references. Was totally expecting one from Aliens too.
  23. That's all I can think of too. But could be some other random persist bug... Some people have lost whole crafts. Always be there for SOI transitions.
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