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Everything posted by razark

  1. Pilots Irwin and Scott were able to collect the Genesis Rock, considered to be one of the most important samples collected. (Granted, they had training in geology as part of their mission preparation.) Awesome.
  2. I've tried reading the descriptions here, and I'm still not quite clear on it. If someone has a link to a really good video that explains it, it might help to see the system in operation.
  3. You can get this from the map screen. On the right hand side, there's the information tabs. One of them displays the Kerbals, including class and level.
  4. This seems to still be working: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/75308
  5. Being an RPG player, it looks like a class and level system to me, so I just naturally call it that. I don't remember seeing an official name for it anywhere. It means nothing to me now, however if I had the file that defines it, I can look it up easily enough. It's about as involved as finding "Test Pilot" or "Mission Specialist" or "Ensign Seventh Class" on a list to see what they are. Perhaps even easier, if it's in numerical order and there's on the order of 400 of them.
  6. No, they've always said that it was planned for after 1.0. (Well, they've said that ever since they stopped saying it would never happen.)
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Character_class As I said, I don't care how it is implemented. Integer or string works for me. I merely said that if a user is lacking the basic competency to read a number from one text file and type it into another, they aren't the sort of user that would be mucking about in the files.
  8. Shhh. Don't ask questions. Simply rely on blind faith that the devs will do what they say they will.
  9. I don't care how it's done, as long as it is done. Allowing access to the classes so that we can create extensions would be nice, even if it's just combinations of the existing ones. If a user can't handle that level of "difficulty", they won't be bothering with it in the first place.
  10. I wonder if the point of the analogy was not about children, and more about people that say something is ready?
  11. I asked my child "Are you ready to go to school?" He says "Yes." I look over, and he's not dressed. I say "Look, you don't have a shirt on, no shoes, and your hair isn't brushed!" He says "Well, I know what a shirt is, I plan on putting on shoes, brushing my hair is just a cosmetic thing, and ready is such a meaningless concept, anyway."
  12. Well, they also stated that it was something that would come after 1.0.
  13. So instead of adding new features, testing to make sure it's ready, putting the final coat of polish on it, and then releasing, they're going to stick a bunch of new stuff in, hope the thing works properly, and release it? I'm not sure what the Beta part was here. Before 0.90, they would release new updates, with features, bugfixes, etc. In Beta, they released an update, with features, bugfixes, etc. With 1.0, they're releasing an update, with features, bugfixes, etc. After 1.0, they're going to continue to release updates, with features, bugfixes, etc. What's changed, besides a (apparently very arbitrary) number?
  14. I'd love to see some sort of Edwards AFB giant dry lakebed with runways, so that we can have a clear, huge area to test aircraft/spaceplanes, and provide a landing area.
  15. Bad news. It looks like any testing is going to face further delay. The wife just surprised me with a brand new computer to replace the 2007 beast I've been using. I'm going to have to spend time transferring my life from one machine to the other. Come on... install it! From the last few pages, it looks like I'm the only one using it, and the more testers, the better.
  16. Thanks for the clarification. I see what you're saying, but I do disagree with it. I also think they should be focused on getting the big features nailed down and fixing the bugs. However, I also think that they should go ahead and work some of the small issues (like this) that add detail, life, and immersion to the gameworld. If they have someone that isn't being utilized in something, they can use that person to work on one of the detail bits. Just because they put some time into one small part does not mean they are ignoring the bigger parts. Watching the expressions on the Kerbals' faces adds nothing to gameplay, nor does it answer any issues with the big stuff. But I've seen quite a few people comment on them, how they made Jeb scared, or Bob would only smile once the landing was finished. The small things may not be as important, but they add up and add so much to the game. These detail parts should be worked on as possible, not just left until the end.
  17. See previous about all software having bugs. So you think Squad should do 0.91 as a bugfix release, and then do 0.92 with aerodynamics and female Kerbals? That's reasonable. The problem is that from what you've been saying, people are hearing "Fix all the bugs, and in a year add the new thing." Furthermore, I'm seeing a lot of pushback on this one feature. I haven't seen any sort of backlash on waiting to add the spaceplane parts or aerodynamics until all existing bugs are fixed. Hell, people are still asking Squad to add the barn back in, not fix the bugs and then add the barn back in. Do you see the difference? Cause to some of us, it's casting a very bad light on certain members, even if they don't deserve it.
  18. I don't know anything about that game. But from your description, all I see is bugfixes. You didn't explain at what point the devs are allowed to add something new. The problem with doing something "later" is that it's always "now", and not yet "later".
  19. The problem with that is there will always be bugs, and therefore, there will always be something to point at and say "Well, why not fix that first?" Or do you have a way to measure how much bugfixing needs to occur per feature added?
  20. Valentina? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valentina_Tereshkova Also, Edlu Kerman? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ed_Lu
  21. This is a really damn stupid idea. Possibly the worst one I've seen from Squad in a long time. I've already got one "Val" annoying me in a space program! Couldn't it have been "Sally"?
  22. Sorry, I haven't had a chance to play lately. In fact, I'd barely had a chance to use 0.4.0e4. Hopefully I'll get some time tonight or tomorrow to test this out.
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