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Everything posted by razark

  1. I've not done much web programming, so I decided to make learning experience out of tracking my missions/Kerbals. I've got an old laptop with a bad screen that wasn't doing much else. I have a little site with pages to display Mission, Ship, Ship Class, and Crew, including pages for adding and editing each. http://imgur.com/a/oztsH Every so often I come up with an idea and try to make an improvement. I also keep a page with the mods I'm using, current version, and a forum link. It comes in handy when a new version of KSP is released. I figured it was a more interesting and personally useful learning method than going through some book and following examples to make a movie or book database.
  2. A fallout shelter is built to withstand the radioactive fallout. It's not (necessarily) built to withstand the blast and thermal effects of a nuclear weapon. Fallout shelters and blast shelters are different things.
  3. Wrong. VG starts making paying tourist flights. Demand for flights increases. Someone else sees how much money there is to be made. That someone find a way to do it cheaper/better. Innovation occurs. Human race wins. It may not be the best way, but there's a good chance that the fact that VG is creating an new industry could lead to other companies getting involved and making vast improvements in the technology. Just out of curiosity, when is the last time you saw a Wright Company airliner?
  4. It gives a reliable, easily seen, and known reference to tell what the rocket is doing in terms of pitch, roll, and yaw when you go through the imagery frame by frame.
  5. I like most vegetables. Asparagus, green bell peppers, and squash are about the only ones I don't like. I blame my father. Half of our backyard was a garden, so we were always eating fresh vegetables when I was growing up. There's nothing like a fresh homegrown tomato.
  6. Could it have been the label from a piece of debris or another ship?
  7. I changed someone's mind on the internet?!? Does that mean I win? Is this a new record? I'd love to see Kerbals actually do something. Let me design a ship, select a crew, and tell them to fly it. Free me to go do things I've never done before, and let them handle the supply runs to the space stations, or deliver a lander into Munar orbit. If the game can track what I've done, I should be able to have AI Kerbals do the same thing. I couldn't tell them to go make ten landings on Duna and collect all the science if I have never made a Duna landing, but if I reach a stable Duna orbit with a certain class ship, then my pilots should be able to do the same thing without me needing to babysit the entire operation.
  8. Need? No. But I do enjoy them. It adds a bit of life to what would otherwise be rather pointless characters.
  9. I can understand that position. An older version of the mod had the requirement to bring specific parts, but the parts basically had to be built into the delivery vehicle. The abstraction can still work as you need X tons of "parts" to build a craft that weighs X tons, so you can handwave it as being "I'm bringing these specific parts for this design". It just requires a little bit more roleplaying.
  10. There's an orbital construction mod. It has a resource that is required, "Rocket Parts", and if you wish to have your ship fueled you must have fuel/oxidizer/RCS/electricity available on the shipyard. You build your new ship in the VAB, and once you get to the pad, you select which dock to build at; if the resources are available it places your ship about 1 km away from the shipyard with no crew onboard. There's a kethane to "rocket parts" converter included. I like this system, and would not mind seeing something like it added to stock.
  11. When the booms happen, the pictures go away.
  12. Because humor helps to relieve tension, and no people were involved.
  13. Some very good points here. I've been thinking about how a story/plot mode would work for this game, and I've been unable to find one. If the devs did find a way to work it in, I hope it would be dynamic. I'd hate to see the game get stuck with a "Keep trying to do A until you succeed, then keep trying to do B, and then C" progression. I think such a linear story would get stale after the first couple of times. Even a branching tree of "if A, then B, else C" would get old, even if not as quickly. I'd love to see an entire virtual system in action. Start off with some small start-up space programs that you can compete or collaborate with, and build a dynamic story from that. If I choose to sit and do nothing, the Kerbals continue doing what they do, another space program lands on the Mun, or builds a station, or a base on Duna. Since the game has a framework for tracking player progress already, the pace of other space programs could be based off what the player does. Classic '60s style Mun race with another program? Ok. The game notices that you've orbited the Mun within X meters of the surface, and the other program turns its focus to Minmus, or building a station. Maybe they'd go all-in and throw a less than optimal lander to beat you there; if they fail, they could contract you for a rescue mission.
  14. literally | in a literal manner or sense | used for emphasis or to express strong feeling while not being literally true cleave | to divide by or as if by a cutting blow | to adhere firmly and closely Do you want words with different pronunciations? There's wind and wind, or bow and bow and bow and bow.
  15. Yeah, this is where I'm at. The only time the clock is green is if I have a very small ship. I've learned to play small ships and live with the situation, plus I hardly ever leave Kerbin Localspace. I do have one station in orbit; that's the only large thing I have, and docking with it is a pain. One of these days I need to get a new computer. This thing dates back to 2007, and wasn't exactly top of the line then.
  16. JSC in Houston. 100% genuine astronaut buildings, Mission Control, administration buildings, and R&D.
  17. One of the science instruments is made to fit on the end of it.
  18. If you need plausible deniability, you probably shouldn't be in that situation to begin with. After the last couple of days, a little levity is a welcome thing.
  19. If you're in that situation and you're watching the paint, it must be the most damn interesting paint ever.
  20. Have you ever seen what goes on in the admin buildings of a space center? "Blessed" isn't the word. Try "passed".
  21. This makes sense. But then we should see that. Not just have it handwaved away with "more thrust" or "more ISP". That's not really a good objection when you're talking about a fictional universe.
  22. But the way this was presented to a community was like a doctor telling you "You could bleed out on the table, overdose on anesthesia, die of an infection, have various surgical instruments left inside you, and there's a very a slight chance of removing your appendix."
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