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Everything posted by razark

  1. Hrm. Not sure what's going on, but I finally got a download to start. Thanks to those helping!
  2. I run noscript on Firefox, but I rarely use Chrome or IE, so I've never used it on them.
  3. I'm seeing the same thing. Any version I click on to download opens a blank page (earlier it was parse error on line 132). I've tried Firefox, IE, and Chrome. Same blank page in all of them.
  4. Percentage of Tetris games that end with a losing condition: 100 Percentage of Tetris games that end with a winning condition: 0 And yet, I'll still play it three decades later.
  5. Well, it works like this: When the devs add something I like, it's a "new feature". When the devs add something I don't like, it's "ruining the game". When the devs add something that was modded in, it's "stealing". When the devs take time to make sure things work correctly, it's "being slow".
  6. If you want to convince your parents to give you money, demonstrate what it means to you. Show them that you're willing to work for it, and they're more likely to meet you halfway and help you meet your goal. (NB: This works on people other than parents, too. If you're just going to respond with "don't tell me to work for what I want, just tell me how to get it handed to me", you're not going to have much luck.) Just install a suitable operating system. You want the funds for the other machine, so devote all available funds to that machine. Adding on to an older machine depletes funds that could go into the new one. You can run a server on just about anything, and specialization shouldn't really matter unless you're trying to run your own datacenter and charge people money.
  7. The more you do an activity that takes time, the closer you are to an arbitrary point in the future? Isn't that just the normal passage of time?
  8. I'm fine with the current music. What I'd like to see is a way to modify and add to the playlist, as well as change the currently playing track.
  9. I still find it amazing that we live in a world where men have walked on the moon and some people yet to be born will never see a flushable toilet.
  10. razark


    Make sure you get a window seat. Bonus points if it's towards the rear edge on slightly behind the wing where you can see the control surfaces move.
  11. Nice. First you add so much to the game, then you make it even better. That's awesome.
  12. My wife comments on me playing with "those little green things". I've played KSP so much that I had to request Ground Control to tell my wife I love her very much. I'm not allowed to ignore her on the grounds that she's not going through CAPCOM any more.
  13. Go away. Get outside. No, really. If you find KSP boring, take a break from it. Tell yourself you won't play it for two months. Find another game, try a different hobby. Do something, anything, else for a while. Have fun doing something you do enjoy, and don't worry about KSP. When you come back, you'll have a different outlook on the game. Maybe you'll leave it alone long enough to get a couple of updates and a bunch of new mods. It will be, if not a new experience, at least a different one. Burnout happens. So does getting back into a game.
  14. Well, there's your problem. You actually have to download the updates.
  15. No, it's "P", because it's an "R" with a leg cut off.
  16. I'll also point out that "It's in alpha" is a valid response to complaints that "(X) doesn't work properly", where (X) is something the devs have mentioned as being a placeholder that they intend to revisit at a later time.
  17. Squad announces planned release dates: People get their panties in a wad if they miss one because they're trying to make the game better. Squad doesn't announce dates: People get their panties in a wad because they don't know any planned dates. Squad makes small, quick releases: People get their panties in a wad because things don't get tested and the updates don't have much "substance" they can see. Squad makes larger, more substantive releases less frequently: People get their panties in a wad because Squad is moving too slow and there's not enough new stuff to play with. Y'all paid for an unfinished game with an undefined schedule. Don't complain when you get exactly that.
  18. Microscopic? Tesseract? No. Simple answer: Everything goes into a blender, goo comes out.
  19. Interesting. I didn't know that, but I've not studied much in detail on the Soviet programs.
  20. Depends on how you define "craft". The Skylab station had an airlock to allow EVAs, but do you consider a station to be a "craft"?
  21. It doesn't matter what you call her, she won't come to you anyway.
  22. The Command Module also lacked an airlock, as did the Gemini capsules. Spacewalks were accomplished with all of these crafts, however.
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