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Everything posted by razark

  1. The problem is that there's not a central, official source of what certain features/parts do in the game. Note this thread. It has multiple different people speculating on what the lab module does and how to use it. We're not asking for a novel documenting every nook and cranny of the game (gods, I miss the days when you could club a man to death with a game manual). A couple of sentences about each part, what it does, and how to use the features is all we need. I don't always have time to search through youtube and watch a bunch of videos in the hope that I might find a crumb of information. It's very annoying to sit and watch a rather boring/stupid/etc video just to find a five second portion that explains something that could should have been a couple of lines in a readme file.
  2. To my understanding, the courts ruled that Monsanto couldn't use the modification that prevented seed reuse. Monsanto's response was to put some clause in the contract that even though the seed was viable, the farmers purchasing from them wouldn't reuse harvested seeds. The cross-pollination issue is because the genetically copyrighted (or is it patented?) material is found in crops that are growing in the fields of nearby farms that didn't pay Monsanto. Obviously, those farmers are stealing Monsanto's IP.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Zgw1Ik9LaI
  4. It's not a matter of the map suddenly being centered on a flag. It's more your active vessel suddenly being shifted to a flag.
  5. The 12 day Apollo missions are pretty long, but the two 12+ day missions had the LM, which gives a bit of extra space. Apollo 7 was three guys in the CM only for almost 11 days. Of course, Gemini 7 was two guys for 13.75 days. I hat to think what that thing smelled like at the end.
  6. Has it flown yet? Once it flies, then you can determine if it met budget and time goals. It is a government project, after all.
  7. Yeah, there's this little blue-green planet called Earth. I tend to forget it at times.
  8. razark


    I seem to recall something like that in Bradbury's Martian Chronicles.
  9. The limit of 1/x as x approaches 0 from the positive side is infinity. The limit as x approaches 0 from the negative side is negative infinity. So, is your "infinity" from 1/0 positive or negative? (And this is why calculus is based on dividing by 0.)
  10. How about: A. Make a marker that shows the prograde direction of an object when you hover over it in the map. or: B. Provide a setting, so those who want it can turn it on, those that don't can turn it off.
  11. razark


    True. Neither side can really maintain much of an operation on ISS without the other.
  12. razark


    Can you please point out the extensive crop fields of the Vatican City?
  13. We had nuclear rocket engines five decades ago. We just never put them into use. So, it worked, then? Need to? No. But then it would not have the same effect.
  14. First, the devs need to determine what technology level the Kerbals use for kurrency. Should they use a modern system of kredit kards, or should Kerbals use a system of kash and koins to konduct trade? Given the lack of evidence of kurrent civilization, perhaps they are even stuck with a barter ekonomy, trading rocket parts and fuel for livestock like kows or trade goods like knives.
  15. Well, there you go. Thanks for pointing me to the problem. I had been running version with no issue, but upgraded to and got the problem. Removed texture compressor mod, and it's working. I'll go dig through the thread and see what I can find. Edit: Updated to the latest version, and it's working again.
  16. If someone has an answer, please specify if it is working with Kerbal time, Earth time, or both.
  17. Chatterer is mostly working, but there are some issues. RCS Sounds seems ok.
  18. I don't know, but a quick test seems to show the one in your link working.
  19. They say there are no stupid questions. But really?
  20. Correct. OV-105 was largely built of structural spare parts after the loss of OV-99.
  21. So just leave the pieces laying around?
  22. This is pretty much how it went for me. I launched one ship, then a second ship. The rendezvous was effortless, and then the two ships docked so very easily. The second attempt was a complete disaster, one ship ended up plunging into the atmosphere. Maybe ten attempts later, something finally clicked and I understood what to do.
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