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Everything posted by razark

  1. There's not currently a way to do it. Currently, you open a kOS terminal in KSP, edit and run commands/programs there. I'd like a way to, in either (both) an external program or over a network connection, connect to kOS and interact with it as if I was using the terminal window in KSP.
  2. Unless Telemachus has added a command line interface, no. I want to be able to open a connection and run commands the same way I currently do in the kOS terminal window. Telnet to IP and port, and interact as usual.
  3. I'd love to see a way to have a terminal window outside of KSP, or even a server set-up, where you can telnet into it and operate the computer.
  4. Neither was NASA, but most of the astronauts were (even today) active duty military.
  5. Is this panel with the dials functional? If so, how is it working?
  6. So the panel shown in the picture is not actually functional at this time?
  7. Wow. It needs a few labels, but it's looking really good. Starting to make me really consider what I can do. How are you running the panel with the gauges?
  8. Alright, I admit it, I haven't read through the entire thread before asking. I see the biome and altitude maps. Is there a way to get a natural color map of the planet?
  9. Have you tried Outside? I hear the graphics are top quality, and it's really got atmosphere. It makes you feel like you're really there. Seriously, though, if games aren't doing it for you right now, find another hobby. Go do something else for a while. If you come back to games later, it will be with a fresh perspective, and maybe you'll even find something else you like more.
  10. There was a tutorial?!? My first flight was so long ago, I don't even remember. I don't even remember my first flight in 0.23.
  11. How about a shot of a crawler rolling out of the VAB, cut off so that you can't see what's on top of it? Kerbals can stand around, watching in awe/shock/fear/laughter as it starts rolling out the door.
  12. Apollo Applications Program, the only result of which was Skylab. Sounds like Gemini B with the Manned Orbital Laboratory.
  13. Why don't y'all have anything listed in Houston?
  14. I live not too far away from the mentioned Space Center.
  15. From what I could see this morning, the graffiti is gone.
  16. Great. Now we're going to have a bunch of conspiracy theorists claiming that man has never landed on the sun. http://waterfordwhispersnews.com/disclaimer/
  17. Very nice. I can almost see the "No Handball Playing in this Area" sign.
  18. I just watched Marooned the other night. Very odd that is came out only a few months before the Apollo 13 incident. Definitely worth the watch if you get the chance.
  19. I'm not sure about that. I don't know exactly what the graffiti said, but there were quite a few people upset that what got sent to Houston was a mockup. I'm just waiting to see how they're going to get the 747 to the site. They moved the mockup from it's original location. It's closer to the road and it has another fence around it now.
  20. My wife would probably say I play too much, but I insist that I can't hear her unless she's being relayed through CAPCOM.
  21. You're both right. Lunokhod 1 didn't land until 1970. But Luna 2 did make the first lithobraking landing in 1959 and the first soft landing was Luna 9 in 1966, both of which beat similar US feats. The only thing the US did first was get people there.
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