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Everything posted by razark

  1. Last time we gave NASA big rockets, they didn't use them all. They made one into an RV to go camping in LEO, and left another lying in the yard in Houston. Parts of others were left scattered about Alabama and Florida, too. On a more serious note, how many presidential administrations will come and go, not to mention congressional elections, before SLS and Orion actually fly, much less fly a useful mission? How many times are budgets, goals, and policies going to change? Both sides will scream that the other doesn't know what it's doing, and why their plan is so much better. And someday, my grandkids can grow up wondering why we haven't been to the moon since Apollo.
  2. What's great is those seats at the back of the wing, where at some points, you can see the ground through the wing.
  3. A lot of them are built with a big metal thing right on top of the CPU. You need to take that off, so that the air really has a chance to circulate around and cool things off.
  4. Google image search. "steampunk". Alright! I'll admit that I haven't actually read any steampunk. But when everyone I know that has proposed steampunk to me is shoveling junk like what I can find in that image search, it really hasn't interested me at all. Like I said, demonstrate that any of that stuff could actually work, and it'd be different. (At least, I'd be able to take it seriously.) Y'all steampunkers like your zepplins, you say. I say fine, show it to me in a way that it doesn't come off as an utterly silly concept. When you say "based upon 19th Century technology", I just can't wrap my head around how any of the technology I've been shown is supposed to function based on an early/mid industrial level; without that, the whole concept fails to coalesce into something I can enjoy. Of course, it's based on personal preference. You like steampunk. Certain types of sci-fi and fantasy reach me much better. Show me a 1950s Heinlein spaceship, and I'll get drawn in (even if the technology is really pretty silly). Steampunk is just one of the genres that hasn't grabbed me. It's not the only genre I am not a fan of. Cyberpunk, vampires, transhumanism, and superheros also get a "meh" response from me. (Maybe there's a connection between those types that I just haven't recognized. And then again, I have no problem with the works of Jules Verne, even though what he wrote would be steampunk if written today.) But I will check to local bookstore to see if I can grab a copy of Boneshaker. Edit: And one spontaneous trip to the bookstore later, I have Boneshaker sitting on my desk.
  5. It was a test flight. We did put in the press release that this is only a test flight, right? The real flight wouldn't do staging in that order.
  6. Thank you for this. Here's one I've come up with based on something I found somewhere:
  7. I've got an Intel Pentium D 925 with two cores at 2400 MHz, 3 GB DDR2 RAM, GeForce 9800 GT 512 MB, running Vista 32-bit. Bought it in 2007, and I've replaced the graphics card twice and added 1 GB RAM. I've gotten quite used to seeing the yellow in the MET, but I can usually keep it in the green if I build small. I did stop using ScanSat and RemoteTech due to lagging, but otherwise I'm rarely complaining about the performance. Hopefully I'll be getting a new box soon.
  8. No. Nothing. It all seems so ridiculous. Everything I've seen seems to be modern technology in a wooden case with lots of useless shiny brass bolted to it, literally and figuratively. Now, if you were to demonstrate an actual working device that uses only steam-age technology to function, I might be interested. But stick your iPad in a wood box with useless dials and pipes? Meh.
  9. "Oh, another program down the drain. Glad I'm not on one of those contracts."
  10. Can you please clarify exactly where it says that?
  11. Awesome new tool. I like the black and white version. Is there a chance of getting these to show up in IVA as well?
  12. The link works just fine. It's just that it's linking to this page.
  13. Yes, but it's a theory in the scientific sense, not in the "wild ass guessing" sense. And the "Theory of Evolution" is simply a model that explains the observed fact of evolution.
  14. "What is your college major? or what will it be when you go?" What about was? Or do you not care about those who have left school behind?
  15. Well, there's the ships that acted as communications stations, there's the recovery fleets that picked up Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo capsule, there's the SRB recovery ships that retrieved the boosters from shuttle launches. But I agree. I'm here for the space part. I've played enough boat simulators that I don't need this to be one as well.
  16. Astronomy vs. astrology. There's only one science involved.
  17. Well, it worked. It got you to start a thread here. If you don't like the drama/attention it's getting, don't be part of the problem. What the heck is "flappy bird", anyway?
  18. Reminds me of an He 162. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinkel_He_162
  19. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/51861-Forum-feature-highlight-the-reputation-system
  20. Two people that work in my office.
  21. Can someone post a link to the devs saying "Resource mining is out, we will not be doing it"? Also, can someone post a link to the devs saying "We're going to think further on the mining aspect, but we're not ruling it out"? Cause both sides seem to say their preferred version a lot, so I was wondering if someone could point me to what the devs actually said.
  22. I'd like to see any ranks added as user-editable. That way, those who want military ranks can have them, and those that don't won't. Or better: two scales of ranks. One for the military Kerbals, and one for the civilian Kerbals.
  23. It's dot ten, not dot one. Software version numbers are not decimals. As for the two versions, the original developer of kOS has been gone for three months with no indication of ever returning. A new developer has stepped up to take over development.
  24. Right, but it's rather hard to tell notepad to execute the program or issue commands that are then executed. I have to switch back to KSP for that.
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