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Everything posted by razark

  1. That is a sad sight to see. Hopefully, everyone makes it through alright.
  2. What happens when you install it and try?
  3. Then why does it need achievements on Steam?
  4. We don't have to reinvent mathematics and philosophy and physics and chemistry every generation, because we are able to pass on what has already been learned in a usable format. The speed at which technology advances seems to be related to the speed at which large amounts of information can be transmitted, and people's ability to access it. A single person can do amazing things, but it is a society that makes advancement possible. Something about standing on the shoulders of giants...
  5. This is quite true. Just because a person is highly knowledgeable in one area, does not mean they are highly knowledgeable in any other area. I've dealt with a few people in life that may be highly successful in their career, but I still wonder how they manage to make it to work every day.
  6. 5 years? That's plenty of time for changes at the that which shall not be discussed level. If a future that which shall not be discussed entity decides that the policies of the previous that which shall not be discussed entity, it could all come crashing down. Any number of events in the realm of that which shall not be discussed could happen to delay/cancel the current plan, and the people involved in that which shall not be discussed are known to engage in "whatever the other that which shall not be discussed group proposed is evil" line of thinking. Technologically? Easily doable. Funding? Possible. That which shall not be discussed motivation? Changeable as a stalk of grass in the wind.
  7. Something to do once you get somewhere, besides "Click click science done".
  8. No, see, that thread was only for complaining about things. This one specifically allows complaining, as well as response and discussion that arises naturally from those complaints. Totally a different subject, you see.
  9. It should look like this after you push the download button: (Someone keeps beating me to the answers here...)
  10. The first question is what source you got KSP from in the first place. How to upgrade depends on the answer to that.
  11. The average hand makes up approximately 0.58% of a human's body weight. Some of them are a much higher percentage.
  12. Who could ever forget the classic "The uploader has not made this video available in your country" by Video Unavailable.
  13. You forgot the option for "What is this question even supposed to mean?".
  14. For 99% of what you really need to consider it for, yes. Unless you're a physicist, you probably don't need to think to much further into it, much like pi = 3.14159 being good enough for any practical applications, 3.14 for any day-to-day usage, and 3 for a back-of-the-napkin figuring.
  15. I miss the days when games came with an actual manual. I remember games that had a manual that was only about a third about the actual game, and the rest was various other bits of information/immersion into the game world. What passes for a manual (last time I saw one, anyway) is what used to be the Errata/Quick Start Guide.
  16. Every time someone asks, they delay the release by a day. (Well, they should, anyway.)
  17. "Tell me everything you know." is a command, not a question. It's a matter of phrasing. Like Jeopardy, you must answer this thread in the form of a question.
  18. Beyond agreeing with these, I'm not sure what I can add to the discussion that's not going to (further) push this thread against/past the 2.2b line, which often leads to 2.2d being invoked. Edit: I will add, however, that I have discussed with my children and friends what I expect, and I hope that they will carry it out, no matter how hard it is to install an ice cream truck sound system into a hearse.
  19. Oh, I've been hearing it since the picture was posted in the other thread.
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