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Everything posted by razark

  1. I'm at my mother-in-law's now. She's in the same neighborhood, but higher up. It's where we rode out Ike nine years ago. Water was into the garage, but not the house when we left. From what we saw/heard, we were one of only a couple houses without water. Walked a block or so, when someone with a boat picked us (me, wife, 13yo, and 11yo) up and dropped us off here. So glad we stocked up on water and canned food beforehand... Data shows the creek has reached a record flood, the sort that shows up every 500 years. However, it seems to be falling now. We'll see if more rain shows up before it can go down.
  2. @tater It's been raining all morning, and I've just woken up. I'm a little less than an inch from having the local creek in my garage, but the house still has some ways to go. We've got some stuff packed in case we need to go in hurry, everything else is up off the floor.
  3. The italicized part? That's kind of what it means that these have been addressed. You've been given resolutions to these parts. That you refuse to open your eyes and read the book reflects that you are simply opposed to multiplayer, not interested in a solution. But, hell, let's run down this path again. A. First: before all else- KSP will never be a massive online thing. That's out of the question. Don't ever again think of KSP multiplayer as "something like 27-32ish players". I'd say the maximum would be 4 or 5 players. With that established, try driving these facts into your mind. I already own a computer. I run KSP on it, my friends connect to it. We play. No money involved. This is a private server. If they troll, they get booted by the admin. If the admin is a troll, no one plays with him. Trolls dealt with. Small groups of people can make timewarp work. Yes, it's always going to be a case of paradox or wait, but such is the nature of the beast. If you don't have a bunch of people, it's tolerable, unless people are just fecal elimination orifices. My preferred method is everyone warps at the same time, limited by whoever sets the lowest warp. Point is, it's doable. Part count is always going to be a problem. My computer bogs down above a certain level. Therefore, no one should be allowed to use that many parts, ever. (Or, maybe I just shouldn't play on a server that has ships with a bunch of parts?) No, I didn't miss the point you were making about fairing. You just did a very poor job at it. Your equivalence between Procedural Fairings->Stock Fairings compared to DMP->Stock MP is a false one. Further, you ranted for a paragraph about fairings, before making the false comparison about MP in the last two sentences. (Although, I have to admit, you did better than your second post, where you, again, complain about the fairings before barely mentioning MP. Except you whine about it for several paragraphs and only mention MP in one sentence, this time.) For the record, I haven't even bothered to use Procedural Fairings for a while. The stock ones work just fine for me, and I hated them when they first came out. And none of this explains why making it MP from the start changes anything. You assert that, but never provide any evidence.
  4. ~2:00am The rain continues in varying degrees. Street has been replaced with shallow, fast river. People in the area are being evacuated from flooded homes, and the local city (not Houston, one of the suburbs) just drove by with a big truck, looking for people to rescue. Edit (~4:00): Nearly 11 inches of rain at Ellington Field on Saturday. Slightly less on-site. Rain continues, and the wife just showed me a picture of a flooded gas station near my parents' house. Pumps nearly under water. Power is now flickering... 8:20 The water is now halfway up the lawn. Houses on the other side of the street are getting water inside, neighbors to our right have called for a boat rescue. Power remains on.
  5. But, how does that address your points 1-5* listed right above it? If those are a problem in multiplayer, they're a problem in multiplayer whether it's built in from the beginning or added later. Aside from that, these points* have all been addressed previously. *Except point 4. That's just a rant about how you don't like the fairings, and has nothing to do with multiplayer.
  6. Pretty quiet most of the day today. Wind and rain overnight, and then it was nothing from at least noon until about an hour ago. We're getting another band dumping buckets on us now. Projection now shows it looping back to clobber Corpus again, and then heading due north.
  7. You're right. Computer is always better than human. Never a reason to have a human involved. Incidentally, driving back from the eclipse, I used roads that did not appear on either the roadmap or the GPS system, yet I made it home and also avoided the large amount of traffic that the GPS plotted us into. Curse my human frailty for leading me into such devastation. If only I had followed the computer that always knows better.
  8. In southern Illinois, once we got off the interstate and started taking smaller roads, we didn't really have any problem with traffic. We ended up in some random field that was almost, but slightly south of, the centerline.
  9. Days and months are obvious. But Kerbals have almost absolutely no reason to group them into years. To a Kerbal, it doesn't matter if crops get planted in the spring, or summer, or the dead of winter, since they don't have those. There's no reason to start storing up food at a certain time to get you through winter. They have no equinoxes, or solstices. There's absolutely none of what makes a year important and no reason to note it. Because we're human and we think in those terms. Those timers are for us, not the Kerbals. Of course, once Kerbals reached the point of developing a space program, the repeating "stellar" year would be known, and possibly used for tracking planetary positions. But it wouldn't really have much meaning to the average Mr. or Ms. Kerman, going about their daily lives.
  10. No matter how it is implemented, about 80% of players will disagree with how it was done. But @SQUAD should just answer the damn question already of whether or not it's still planned, post it somewhere visible, and then we can stop arguing over it already.
  11. Would Kerbals even have a year? Since there are no seasons, the concept of a yearly cycle may not even occur to them. Of course, watching the stars would show them a repeating, yearly cycle, but without other changes, why bother to pay attention to it?
  12. Let's pretend Flight 447 wasn't the only incident in the entire history of air flight, though, and imagine another situation. Let's go with the previously mentioned, completely hypothetical incident and consider how a computer reacts in such a case.
  13. Excuse me, I was unclear. The question I meant to ask was "What should the computer flying the aircraft do, when it has invalid data, and there is no one to give control to?" The problem was what the crew did (or didn't) do, right. Remove them from the loop and assume an automated flight for the purposes of the exercise. We've already established that some of the data the computer is receiving is invalid. Should the computer trust the AoA data? Altitude? Attitude? How should the computer determine what is instrument/sensor failure vs. correct data? What about other situations? If the aircraft loses engine power, how should a computer react? How does it decide on the best place to attempt a landing? There's a lot of questions involved before turning automated flight over to a computer that can be handled by a (well trained) human flight crew.
  14. And what would the computer have done? It shut off control exactly because it did not have valid data, and could not operate the aircraft. Granted, in this case, the crew didn't do the right thing, but a different crew may have been able to do something else. What would the computer have done in the absence of valid data on which to operate, and no way to get that data because it's neither programmed to nor equipped with the sensors needed? In this case, the computer did "recognize an unexpected condition is occurring", but could a computer have "correctly identif[ied] what exactly is happening and take the appropriate corrective actions in a timely way"?
  15. And a new planet won't solve that. I mean, sure, for a while, it will. But when you've completely explored it, what's next? Another new planet? And another? And another after that?
  16. Isn't that exactly what a computer would have to do? Except the computer can't think outside the box like a human can.
  17. Do you have a source for that? Everything I've seen says that his condition appeared after his selection as an astronaut. He was on flight status, he had a medical condition, he was grounded, the condition ceased to exist, he was put back on active flight status, and he flew. Same with Ken Mattingly. And Alan Shepard. Isn't it better to be on the safe side, rather than risk loss of mission, vehicle, and/or crew? Based on your comments and your other thread, I'm thinking you might be taking too much of a personal look at it, rather than an objective one.
  18. Is there any evidence that the plaques are made of metal? The way Kerbals are popularly depicted, they may very well be using Play-Doh.
  19. Sometimes I forget how big this state really is. It's been raining on and off in various degrees all day, but the wind has really picked up here in the last hour. Just ran to the store, and saw people cleaning it out of water; gas stations are backed up into the streets in some places.
  20. A lot of people here are afraid of another situation like that with TS Allison. That one looped around and hit the area multiple times, causing severe flooding. It became the first storm name to be retired without reaching hurricane strength. (And the only one until 2015.) While the Center remains open today, we're under instructions to wrap our computers in our "Hurricane Protection Kits" (garbage bags) before leaving, and there's discussion of what's going to happen next week.
  21. Lettuce, tomato, and a complete lack of ketchup.
  22. Windy. Rainy. Outer bands of hurricaney. I just spent a week out of town with no internet access. Got back Tuesday night to hurricane news. First, the sun goes out, now this...
  23. In some cases, I don't see much. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Clancy's_Op-Center https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Clancy's_Net_Force https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Clancy's_Net_Force_Explorers https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tom_Clancy's_Power_Plays Yes, you can argue over "celebrity" and "ghostwriter", I suppose. Does it really make that much difference? It's still someone using someone's name to make money.
  24. When is the last time Henry Ford designed a car? Celebrities have simply become an industry. Each one is a company, using its name to make money.
  25. <glances at the counter labeled Days Since Summer Vacation, as it ticks over to yet another number well in excess of 6000...>
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