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Everything posted by razark

  1. My first post was lost in the Great Forum Crash. I have no idea what it was. I created my account to be able to post on the forum.
  2. razark


    Lock the forum into read-only mode. If nobody can write to the back-end database, then there's no chance of this happening. But is that what you really want?
  3. I can't say anything about the price, but we all know Squad has a long history of always being forthcoming with release dates. The fact they haven't announced one yet is probably the surest sign yet that KSP is dead, and we should all just go hang our heads in shame for ever even thinking that Squad might reverse their steadfast course and provide updates to KSP.
  4. About 50. Why? Cause I like them and think that they make the game better.
  5. This thread is way off topic! Shouldn't we be sticking to the point of the thread, which is "some people want the DLC offer extended", and not talking about Take Two and modding?
  6. No, it was the entire sentence which mentioned it was an interceptor. As for the XF-85, yeah, it wasn't so great, beyond carrying B-29s. The EF-84 Thunderjet might have been better, but it took two of them to carry a B-29:
  7. Do I get to count the zipped up versions I have dating back to 0.15, and the 0.13.3 demo? I've got nine right now. Counting the zipped older ones gives many more. Edit: Including the zipped installs, 39 total.
  8. I like how you cut out the sentence right before that: "The Lockheed YF-12 was an American prototype interceptor aircraft evaluated by the United States Air Force." Anyway, the best jet fighter has to be the XF-85 Goblin. What other fighter has been designed to carry an entire strategic bomber along with it?
  9. They have also removed things or changed plans due to the forums. There was something about changing a certain fuel tank, and a certain set of buildings that were both withdrawn after the forum raised a mighty army of angry commoners comments. The later still has the potential to get people heated.
  10. "Making sense" has never been a limiting factor on what is done with KSP.
  11. Why limit everything to a single launch?
  12. I just want to point out that all you people who aren't playing exactly like I do are playing wrong. You might think you're having fun, but you're really not. (You're also wrong about your favorite color. In fact, you're probably all ignorant heathens who don't even know the right toppings for pizza!)
  13. The "flying birbs" are no more innocent (or existent) that then the Kerbals.
  14. Well, honestly, you're answering what I asked. I was genuinely curious, since I've never really considered how to do it a different way. I may have to try some experiments just to see. I do like the RCS, though, because I have the option to immediately reverse (or lateral) thrust. I'd think that the time put in to turning the ship around to thrust retrograde could become problematic in a crisis. (And from a game mechanics perspective, I was under the impression that RCS wouldn't affect the other ship, but an LFO engine pointing at it would.)
  15. That part right there seems like a pain in the ass if one is docking a small ship to a large station. Seems easier to learn to dock with RCS and do it that way, rather than to learn two different ways of doing it and figuring out which one you're going to use this time.
  16. A. Because it's KSP, not "copy reality exactly". (Or so I've seen posted repeatedly. Just because it makes sense doesn't mean it makes it into the game.) B. Someone didn't feel like going to the effort to recreate the middeck.
  17. I've never been exactly clear on this. How does one dock without the RSC?
  18. Did you just visit the tourist trap Visitor Center, or did you take the tram tour? I'm curious as to how that is. The only part I hear is when they're passing my building. The two parts I can remember are a recording of Gene Kranz talking about Mission Control and some blurb about food preparation. I really need to go do it one day, just to see what it's like. I missed the chance I had to see one. My father got tickets for a bunch of family shortly before he retired. There were plans for a bunch of us to meet up in Florida for the launch. And then they had to roll it back to the VAB due to hail damage to the ET, and the plans all fell apart. I did get to see a shuttle rollout from the VAB, and a satellite launch from a nearby beach. That would have been in '92. Geez, I forget how much I've done. I've visited areas of JSC that the tourists don't get to see. I got to play with the shuttle mockup the astronauts used for training. I remember when the visitor center was on site, and anyone could just drive through the gates. When I was in elementary school, I recall a number of fire drills called on account of the shuttle passing by on the SCA. Met quite a few astronauts. I know of four or five items we had in the house that had been in space. I've even watched an eight-year-old try to teach a retired NASA engineer how to play KSP.
  19. Thank you very much. I'll have to try this one out.
  20. If the ship needs to dock, I use it. If not, I'll drain it during design. Which mod is that? I didn't know one existed.
  21. Squad has repeatedly shot that idea down (even after the great console experiment), but with new management, things might change. Personally, I've never been a big fan of the whole idea. I play games for my own reasons, and usually track my own accomplishments in my own way. I love the Final Frontier mod, for example. To me, it makes a lot more sense to track those sort of achievements in-game.
  22. Well, there's the sci-fi warp drive, or modifying engine ISP, hyperedit, etc. that can make things easier. In addition, you'll have people complain "But I use life support, so what I did was more impressive", and what do you do about the Realism Overhaul folks? Or the influx of people saying "I should get X, Y, and Z because I did those in another save before the forum started tracking them!"? While landing on Mun or Minmus might be easy to redo for the ribbon, there would be some (Grand Tour) that people might not be so willing to spend the effort for. It honestly sounds like a lot of mess for a small gain to me. Maybe when the DLC is released, there can be some official missions put out that could award some sort of trinkets on the forum? That seems the best that might be easily worked into it.
  23. How do you propose such a system handle mods? After all, I don't want my "real" validation devalued by someone else's "fake" validation based off of all the cheating mods they used.
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