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Everything posted by razark

  1. I agree. If you look at the pictures, there's no way they actually went to the Lego Moon. They probably got Lego Kubrick to fake it. I mean, seriously, his name is Kubrick! Look at this: Those are obviously not real minfigure astronauts! More like minifibure astronots! There's no way that "lander" could actually fit into the Saturn V, and that recovered Command Module is completely different from the one on top of the rocket! And that faked moon surface! That's not what a real Lego moon looks like. We know. If it was real, it would look like this: The Lego Apollo landings were faked! Don't let them get away with constructing their lies. They'll just end up building on this, piece by piece. Soon, they'll be telling us the Lego world is round! WE MUST SPREAD THE TRUTH!
  2. This thread has grown quite long, and needs more power. Scotty! Set the reactors to "Over"!
  3. Oh, you're free to post here. I'm just wondering why you would post here instead of somewhere relevant, or publish your work in some actual form where it will get noticed. I mean, sure, Einstein worked in a patent office, but he didn't just write his theories on the counter. He had to actually get them noticed before they were worth anything.
  4. If you have a decent design for a perpetual motion machine, or some new research to overturn Newton's laws, why the hell are you posting it to a video game forum, and not somewhere that actually matters?!?
  5. Kranz was a Flight Director, not CAPCOM.
  6. Sky falling. All doomed. KSP is over. Civilizations ended. All human life wiped from the face of the earth. You know, the same thing that happens any time Squad announces something.
  7. Yes, and as we've seen, TTI has completely changed everything. They just announced they were turning the ship a few degrees northward, and some are already building a monument to the victims.
  8. People have been complaining about how KSP is going downhill every release. Usually one waits until after hitting the iceberg to call for the lifeboats, though.
  9. There's something wrong with your post. I can't see the pictures.
  10. Can you confirm if it has the internals mentioned here:
  11. Your OP link points to a non-existent Extraplanetary_Launchpads_v58.0.zip instead of Extraplanetary_Launchpads_v5.8.0.zip with a dot between the 5 and 8.
  12. I figured and tried that. Everything seems to be working again. With as many mods as you maintain, I don't think anyone can complain if something slips through. Thanks again for the quick response.
  13. That was quick! Reinstalled and restarting now. I'm not sure, but is the "PluginData" also supposed to be a folder?
  14. Has something changed? I'm not seeing the SIM button in the game. Ah, think I found the issue: Seeing the same thing in both Github and Spacedock downloads.
  15. Why not? Simply naming him is not a political act; it doesn't show support or opposition for him. You've already identified him, so there's no anonymity. It's not like people don't know who he is. "Donald J. Trump." If this simple string of letters is offensive or forbidden to someone simply for being what it is, then that person needs to get on with their life and stop pretending that words have some sort of magical powers.
  16. There've been plenty of discussions on this. Can we please not turn this thread into one of them? Edit: The last one of them is even still on the first page of the subforum, where it's not cluttering up a discussion of when/if Squad will be implementing a feature they stated was planned with debate only tangentially related to the subject.
  17. If only there were some sort of place to make Announcements where this information could be posted before people get caught by surprise.
  18. Can you show me the piles of locked threads verging on flamewars going back years where people argue over whether they should exist or how they should be implemented to the point that the forum once had a rule that was nothing less than THOU SHALT NOT DISCUSS [ISRU|ComNet]? Something about multiplayer seems to rile folks up. Seriously, this thread has been locked twice already, and it's only 46 posts in...
  19. That's what makes it a problem. There's too many solutions, and everyone has their particular favorite, and is deathly opposed to any of the others. Unless a multiplayer implementation includes a number of options, a decent subset of players are not going to be happy with it. (Of course, if they'd just do mine (which is, of course, the best), everyone would see how truly superior it is)
  20. This is something I would love to see. In the US, news has merged into infotainment, and even the so called "news" channels tend to be quite heavy on the opinion side of things.
  21. To the best of my knowledge. I haven't actually tried downloading any mods recently. (But that didn't fit the quote.)
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