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Everything posted by razark

  1. So long, and thanks for all the fish!
  2. Yes. Highly likely. And Yes.
  3. I was never introduced to it at all. Frankly, I'm utterly confused by this place, and have no idea what you all are talking about. (And yet, this thread seems sooooo very familiar. As though I had seen it before, many times.)
  4. Mission Control should be what we see in the Tracking Station. However, it should be further extended. Allow for planning missions in MC. Let us set targets and see how much delta-v is needed, or select a vehicle and simulate what it is capable of. Set up timing of launch windows. Interplanetary transfers, playing with trajectory nodes, etc. All of this should be possible without building a rocket and launching it first. For currently running missions, we should be able to set up maneuver nodes and see what happens. Give a time slider so we can advance the planets' positions and rotations, so we can see where everything will be when our ships get there.
  5. Verisimilitude. That sounds like nothing a Space Program should be doing. (Unless they're ballistic flights...)
  6. This is exactly why I think any multiplayer KSP will need to be small (3-5 players maximum), and the people will most likely be doing related tasks (everyone working on a station or building a Munbase). Having one player doing something that requires a lot of timewarp and another doing something that requires no warping makes me wonder why they're doing it in multiplayer together.
  7. 5.6667 Kerbal: 2/10 (The game definitely has them, but it's too deep in the "LOLKerbalsIsDumb" crap. Further, they don't really do anything.) Space: 10/10 (Yes. It has this. Plenty of it in a way that works.) Program: 5/10 (It's kind of there, but it's really lacking a coherent "program" aspect, rather than just "a series of things".)
  8. I must admit that it's a hell of a way to start a jet engine.
  9. @WhiskyHotel3 A clarification, please. Is this drug's effect temporary, or permanent? I'm wondering if changing that answer would change people's responses, too.
  10. Depends. In my normal day-to-day life? No. If I was recovering from surgery or a serious accident? Yes. If I suffered from chronic pain like my wife? Hell yes.
  11. Try https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ocarina#Types?
  12. But there are rockets on the upper stage, which is firing at the time the interstage is jettisoned.
  13. It certainly should be, but Squad still insists on hiring game developers that are mortal beings that have not yet learned to absorb energy directly from their environment, so they still like to be paid so they can buy food.
  14. While I support this, I support not supporting this, because everyone is entitled to their own opinion, however wrong they may be.
  15. If they're starting from nothing, they should have much smaller rockets, and not a Mercury capsule.
  16. Just because I haven't seen it in so long: Pintles and gudgeons.
  17. Possible? Certainly. If you don't mind throwing all of humanity's resources into it, it would be doable. Just ignore every safety protocol, dump the entire population into building ships, and launch as many as we can, and by pure chance, at least one of them will make it to plant some flag. Even better, you don't have to worry about them wanting to return to the burned-out, strip-mined, ruined funeral heap of a planet they destroyed to get there.
  18. I'm opposed not to the WIP state of it so much as the fact that it digs way too deep into the "Lol! Kerbals build everything out of trash!" craptastic aesthetic. However, I'm opposed to the concept, as well. A converted farm/industrial area would be perfect for a tech tree that starts out with small sounding rockets. The tech tree we have, however, starts with Mercury/Vostok level spacecraft. Rework the tech tree, and I'm fine with a (reasonable) barn. (Even a slightly run-down looking place would be fine. But building it out of trash? Bleh.)
  19. Except that this idea is exactly that. It warps one object in the universe, while not affecting everything else. And as repeatedly acknowledged, yes, it breaks physics and gives you one magically moving object.
  20. I didn't say you (specifically) were. It's obvious that you are opposed to the idea, and why. The post I quoted specifically referred to different time frames, however.
  21. If the DLC includes a new executable with the needed code to replace the one in the standard game, why not?
  22. No, all objects are still in the same timeframe. This is NOT timewarp. (@Tex, perhaps that's why people are confused about it? Maybe call it something else, but never refer to it as timewarp?) Your ship is moved along it's own rail at a higher rate than it moves by itself. For example, imagine a ship moving in a straight line at 10 km per minute. At 1 minute, it's traveled 10 km. At 2 minutes, 20 km. At 3, 30 km. and so forth. The Mun, Minmus, Jool, Joe's space station, Emily's capsule, and John's mothership are unaffected. They experience 1, 2, or three minutes of time passing. Your ship? It also experiences the exact same three minutes passing. Now, we turn on magicwarp at 2x. At 1 minute, it's traveled 20km. At 2 minutes, 40 km. 3 minutes, 60 km. The Mun, Minmus, Jool, Joe's space station, Emily's capsule, and John's mothership are unaffected. They experience 1, 2, or three minutes of time passing. The same as your ship. Let's up the magicwarp to 10x: At 1 minute, it's traveled 100km. At 2 minutes, 200 km. 3 minutes, 300 km. The Mun, Minmus, Jool, Joe's space station, Emily's capsule, and John's mothership are unaffected. They experience 1, 2, or three minutes of time passing. The same as your ship. To the physics engine, however, it's still moving at 10 km/m. It interacts with the world for all purposes except it's location as though it is moving at 10 km/m. If it impacts a stationary object, it impacts with the force of a 10km/m object. It, and every object in the game, is all contained in a single, shared timeframe. Let's say you're going to the Mun. It's going to take you an 10 minutes to get there, so you turn on magicwarp at 10x. You now travel to the Mun in 1 minute. "But, but, but," I hear you cry, "the Mun won't be there!" Well, yeah. So when you set up your maneuver, you don't aim for where the Mun would be in 10 minutes. Aim for where it will be in the 1 minute you actually spend traveling. And yes, it breaks the physics of the game. Of course, once you stop warping, the physics are back to where they were, and you can get on with playing. Any multiplayer system is going to be a set of tradeoffs.
  23. Of course not. Bogey goes on the top shelf. Box sets are on a different row. But they have met before.
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