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Everything posted by razark

  1. When I was growing up, I had to learn the shuttles by Orbiter Vehicle number, because my father, being a NASA engineer, didn't know the shuttles by name. Edit: I've seen Mir, ISS, several shuttles, and quite a few satellites from the ground. Of course, they look like bright points of light passing overhead. But sometimes, it can be amusing to watch the point pass over someone's head...
  2. Depending on how you want to understand the statement "'...Squad is committed to making multiplayer a part of the final release,' Squad PR manager Bob Holtzman said." (While it could be interpreted that way, my personal opinion is that taking it as a guarantee of multiplayer being added is a bit of a stretch.)
  3. Well, the question here is if it is possible to terraform Mars, not if it is likely. Even if it is a side effect, we've demonstrated that we can have an effect. (It just becomes a question of funding and will, plus time.) In your analogy, it's true that you're not likely to win, but the question becomes "do cars exist?". The answer to that would be "yes".
  4. I grew up watching the reruns on TV. I've seen quite a few of TAS, but not all of them. I managed to pick up a cheap box set of them, but never finished watching through. I saw TNG when it came out. The first couple of seasons weren't that great, so I didn't get hooked on it until later reruns. I still haven't seen the whole series. DS9 is one I haven't seen, except maybe a handful of episodes. (How can it be Star Trek? It's on a space station. Where is the "These are the voyages..."?) Voyager I missed most of because I started working, and didn't manage to catch it when it was on. The episodes I did manage to catch seem like they ran out of ideas and filled it in with Borg. I enjoyed Enterprise when I caught it in reruns later. The Motion Picture always seems like it was a rewritten episode that got padded out to make a film. (Probably because that's exactly what it was.) The padding does seem to be a lot of "Hey! Look at the cool effects!" shots, as well. The rest of the movies were not bad, some better than others, though. I stopped watching after the Borg/time travel one. I'm still not sure why they skipped straight from 4 to 6. Odd numbering, I guess. I'm interested to see what happens with the new series. Of the reboot movies, I've seen the first two. Not really thrilled with them. Just not what I'm looking for in a Star Trek, I suppose. Wasn't it Season 3 that was the season-long arc?
  5. It's been in for a few versions now. I forget when it was added.
  6. Step 1: Explain it to your friends. Use small words as necessary. (If you need to grunt and wave your hands around extensively, see step 3.) Step 2: Show it to your friends. If you can't show them your game, send youtube videos. (Depending on the friend, either Scott Manley or something more lolsplodey. (For those certain friends, you know who I mean, fingerpaints are acceptable.)) Step 3: If they still don't get it, get better friends. Step 4: If they still don't get it, repeat step 3.
  7. That's a problem right there. Your list of "essentials" is going to be completely different from mine. (Out of the ones listed, I've only ever used one of them.) Everyone is going to have their own list. Good point! What has Squad ever done for us?!?
  8. My portable hand computer with a 24/7 internet connection isn't convenient enough. I want a telepathic interface, so I can visit the forums by just thinking about it! Wait! Even better! Let me visit the forums without even having to think! Meh.
  9. My job. Edit: When this collects enough likes, I'm going to replace it with a description of how I tour elementary schools and teach children that the moon landings never happened. It will confuse people in the future, which amuses me.
  10. I am unaware of any ICBMs, but Operation Dominic - Frigate Bird tested an SLBM.
  11. The damn thing looks like a Kerbal design. You see it flying, but your brain tells you there's no way it should, no matter how many times you've seen it.
  12. Honestly, is there anything else left? The poll results are pretty clear. Squad's position has been repeatedly stated. The facts leading to their position have been laid out. The OP has been silent for a significant time. Unless someone from Squad or TTI's PR teams has something to add, there's not much else to say.
  13. Thank you for providing this wonderful utility, and hope you have fun doing whatever it is you've moved on to! And once again, @linuxgurugamer moves to consolidate all modding power into the New Mod Empire...
  14. I remember it slightly differently: Squad had the line about "all future updates for free" in their EULA. Then someone (HarvesteR?) mentioned on the forum that Squad might consider the possibility of making DLC/expansions at some point in the future. That caused the backlash that led to Squad's goodwill gesture to their customers (and potential customers who bought by the end of that month). In the end, it boils down to the same thing, but the problematic statement was in the EULA, not on the forums. Edit: Here's the post that kicked the anthill: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/developerarticles.html/about-dlc-and-expansions-for-ksp-r44/
  15. They did. Deddly linked it twice on the first page of this thread. Some people are just going to complain anyway, no matter what Squad does.
  16. I'm not clear on your categories. What sort of propulsion do you use for your SSTOs? (Personally, I think it's kind of silly to put a cockpit on an SSTO unless it is also a spaceplane. Pods work for holding the pilot, and they're great for simple reentries.)
  17. They need to just add customizable categories and user-selected (and editable) icons, because a lot of people are going to have different ideas about what the categories should be.
  18. I would like to see the license for KSP updated to disallow anyone that complains about the DLC deal from playing, unless they play using a specific set of mods chosen by rolling dice every time they start the game.
  19. That really doesn't matter. The simple fact is that Squad did it, therefore it must have been for bad/nefarious reasons.
  20. It's been suggested many times. I'm personally against this, or any sort of set story mode for KSP. I much prefer to write my own reality about it.
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