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Everything posted by razark

  1. I suppose the argument could be made that Adams was not sci-fi, so much as parody/satire.
  2. Time + Water -> Some godsdamn amazing things Water flows downhill, and it carries debris with it. The faster it flows, the more debris it will carry. The greater the gradient, the greater the flow. Initiate feedback loop. The geology of Greenland was right enough to channel any water runoff into a certain area. Over time, flowing water and tiny bits of debris eroded that area down. Since it was lower, water tended to flow into that area. More water flowed into that area, carrying more debris, which eroded more of a channel which allowed more water to flow into that area, carrying more debris, et cetera ad nauseam and you've got a river valley turned into a canyon.
  3. Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more!
  4. And so it goes.
  5. That's not called "uniting". The proper term is "quarantine".
  6. Go read back through the history. "SoonTM" and "When it's ready" have been Squad's stock answers to ANY question about release dates since the beginning. So whatever other valid complaints you may have, in this case you're being treated to equality with PC players.
  7. I really hope y'all can figure out a way to work together, because this sounds awesome!
  8. Robert Heinlein. Aside from his well known novels, he's got some good short stories, as well.
  9. Why? I can pat myself on the head and say "good boy!" whenever I want. I don't need the game to do it for me. I prefer something like the Final Frontier mod that tracks and rewards you in a meaningful, in-game way.
  10. Ok, and how do you propose to achieve it? How do you balance the need to make a quality product with the need to get it out fast? What is the best way to minimize game-breaking bugs, but have the product ship tomorrow? How do you define a "reasonable time frame", and how does that relate to a working product? Are you willing to trade some bugs for a faster release? Are you willing to rush through development and drop features to make sure the ones you do have are working? Are you willing to risk a major bug getting through QA just so you get it on shelves a little bit earlier? At what point do you say this is good enough, even though you know you're going to get slammed by critics who disagree with the decision, even though they don't know all the facts involved? Please, what is the magical formula for software design, implementation, and release?
  11. Well, we're missing one thing we had in the '60s. Now, how much are you chipping in today?
  12. What do you want? Do you want a release now, or do you want a working product?
  13. There is a list of parts on your ship. <KSP>\saves\<name>\Ships\<VAB|SPH>\<name>.craft That will at least tell you what's on it.
  14. There was no political content. A well known person did something, and UranianBlue made a reference to it. He does happen to be well known because of politics, but this reference had nothing to do with any sort of public policy or the man's views. Talking about JFK inciting the Apollo Program would be more political than the post in question, since it's based on actual policies.
  15. I'm not familiar with the latter two, but the first two are great.
  16. Not really the way I'd phrase it, but thanks for the link.
  17. According to that list. Which I agree with. But if you're going to point out the Orbiters as Rockwell, to be fair, you also have the B-1 from Rockwell, the Apache from Hughes (and then McDonnell Douglas), Lockheed Martin gets credit for the F-22, McDonnell Douglas gets the F-15 and KC-10, and Boeing only gets one stage of the Saturn V, since North American and Douglas also built stages.
  18. To be fair, a number of items on that list only became Boeing products due to mergers.
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