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    KerbalX.com dev
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    Orbiting Something
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  1. When I first loaded up KSP (0.16) many orbits ago I was presented with something that was clearly incomplete and buggy, with a rough and strange interface. Yet even though every 3rd launch would be to the desktop, I was instantly hooked. There was the hint of possibility lurking underneath all that incomplete UI which made me want to find work-arounds and solutions to the game's shortfalls. KSP 1 was a new frontier and I think that makes you ignore a lot in the name of exploring something new. To expect that same "new frontier" feeling from anything with "2" in it's name is folly, so I didn't expect KSP 2 to make me want to explore the game in the same way. But I was hoping for more visual wow, not for my first thought to be to check if it was in ultra-low res because...what's with the font? The UI elements along with the font makes me think of old point and click adventure games from the 90's. I was expecting issues/bugs, not missing features from things that had become quite polished features in KSP1. Just picking on two things; action group interface and orbital markers. Those had both been the focus of much discussion, feedback and testing. There was a clear design spec based on years of work and community feedback. Why do we have something (in the case of the action groups) that looks like a place-holder and (with orbital markers) are missing key functionality? It's disappointing. Trying to stay positive, this as early access with scope for improvement, but....didn't we just do that?
  2. Hey Guys, I feel I owe you all an apology and a bit of an explanation; KerbalX has been on auto-pilot for too long and recently has been crashing a lot. Without details, life knocked me down and then kept kicking. It's been a relentless few years and I'm not what I used to be. I'm sad that because of that I stepped back from this community because I couldn't cope, with anything! I've just about managed to keep KerbalX running, but I've not done anything to it in ages. Big thanks to the KX moderators who've kept things clean. I'm going to try and get back in to it, but I can't promise anything. Aside from performance/stability issues, what is the most significant issue on the site right now? Now I've seen what a KSP 2 craft file looks like (JSON, thank Jeb!) it looks like adding KSP 2 support will be possible. I'm still completely in the dark about how parts are stored in the game and I don't know what's known about how mods are going to work. If I can get data about parts and there's nothing too weird in the craft files, then that should be simple enough. Rather than having a separate section for KSP 1 and 2 craft, they will all be together but filterable. That fits with the treat-everything-equal mindset I've designed with. Later I could expand that just to give more visual separation, if that's needed. Anyway, I am sorry for the somewhat dishevelled state of KerbalX and it's great to see so many still using it.
  3. Thank you for creating KerbalX and Craft Manager!

  4. Hi @EndAllFilms, @Anonymous49 is right in that the craft is missing a part, but in this case it's not from a mod, it's from an older version of KSP. The craft you've selected looks like it was built in KSP 1.2.x and some of the stock parts have changed since then. So that's a little harder to fix that just getting the required mod. I can't remember of the top of my head, but I'm sure there are ways to upgrade and older craft to the current KSP version. One thing you could try, is exiting the VAB and then clicking on the launch-pad and seeing if you can load the craft from there. If that works then hit escape and revert to VAB and then try and save the craft again....not sure if that will work though. Sorry I can't be more help right now.
  5. This was just a delay, not the same problem as before. Sometimes it can just take a little while to generate the thumbs. There is a background worker queue, which processes jobs like making thumbs and sometimes you gotta wait for other jobs to complete. If I had more funding I'd run multiple worker queues, but I can't afford the costs for that unfortunatly.
  6. Fixed!! New craft should be doing the thumbnail thing properly from now on and those which had failed have now got their thumbs back!
  7. So far nothing clear. But problem has to be somewhere between the process of generating the thumbnails and storing then on my image server. I spent a couple hours trying to track it down last night. Annoyingly I can't skip work this morning, so I've gotta put this on hold for a few hours. But I'll try again hopefully after lunch. Bear with me guys, I'll get it sorted!!
  8. @Lady Sean, @miguelsgamingch Not sure what happening with craft thumbnails, but I'm looking into it.....
  9. omg, I was away for a few days and missed a bunch of notifications and totally missed this! This is epic! Thanks so much @swjr-swis This has made my day. I'd actually completely forgotten the anniversary this year (it's been such a strange year!) so thanks for reminding me and for making this. Yeah, 6 years! 41k+ craft and 3.4 million downloads. I am pleased! This has been the most enjoyable coding project I've ever worked on, and that's entirely because of this community. Still got loads of things I want to do with the site, it's just finding the time to do them! And there is also the upcoming KSP 2 which at the moment is just a can-O-uncertainty that I can't do anything about yet. I know Craft Manger is in need of some attention in the latest KSP release. I've also got an idea for a mod (maybe 2) which would use KerbalX as a central point, but its just finding the time these days! I'll do a post about it and see if the idea appeals and if anyone would be able to work with me on it.
  10. I only change one thing in keybindings; to enable wheel controls in docking/rotation mode (or as I calling it, driving mode). I use RCS with the IJKL keys so I've got pitch, roll, yaw on WASDQE as normal at the same time. I also bind H/N (RCS forward/back) to thumb buttons on my mouse, that way I can control attitude with one hand, and have RCS forward/backward thrust and camera control with the other hand. I never use docking/rotation mode for docking, I only use it for driving.
  11. I don't really agree about them not being economical, they're a core part of my space program transporting all crew and a lot of payloads (the only real limit on that is if it can fit in a cargo bay), and all they cost is the fuel (also, I find launching SSTOs to be much more laid back than rockets, my main cargo transporter needs 2 pitch adjustments to reach a 100km suborbital path, where as rockets need all that mucking about with gravity turns! ) The re-use bit is more tricky, but definitely not impossible. For one career I did a lot of my tourist and training missions using one SSTO that was refuelled on the tarmac. It's payload was crew so that's a bit easier; Just load crew into a "bus" with a claw and dock it with the SSTO and transfer crew, and same for fuel. And the fuel was mined and refined at KSC, so it was a truly re-usable setup. The draw back was having a mining setup, fuel storage tanks and various ground crew craft parked around KSC all the time; made for a more laggy experience at the space centre. It did also get rather tedious transferring crew all the time and stock fuel transfers are also a pain. So eventually I gave up on that idea, but that SSTO had flown 10's of missions without being recovered. Loading cargo into an SSTO on the runway is more of a problem and you need a good crane setup (more craft making KSC laggy). Loading cargo so it's properly centred can also be awkward. It's totally doable, the question is, are you playing Kerbal Ground Crew or Kerbal Space Program? If you want to spend the majority of your time refuelling and loading aircraft then great, but my feeling was, as much as I wanted it, it wasn't worth the time.
  12. yeah I'll just play a couple hours KSP....6-8 hours later...and that was much of the first few years If I played an ave. of 6 hours per session, 290 days of the year for the first 5 years that's ~8700 hours. and then in the last 3 years more like ave. 4 hours per session 175 days in the year (~2100). I'm almost certainly over the 10,000 hour mark.....and that's a fairly conservative estimate.
  13. Yeah I'm still here! I've been a bit quiet on the forums over the last year, but never actually left, just lurking and keeping KerbalX running. I've been getting back into playing KSP again which is nice after a long break. Glad to see you're still about too! I'm so happy that vid still gets views. I really want to do something like it again, but I just don't have the time for vid making these days.
  14. Yeah, there is something special about reusable kit. I've been really fixated on SSTO space planes for a while now, infact I built these rockets partly to force myself away from SSTOs for a bit, but still keep some of the reusable aspect. I wanted reusable, but also fairly cheap to launch which is why I went with engine clusters rather than more powerful single engines (also I was aiming for something based on the Falcon 9 design). Mostly Pizza! I have a rule that crew are only launched on space planes; they tend to be a smoother ride and also when things go wrong they can mostly regain control and glide back down even if all engines have failed. So I rarely launch crew on rockets unless they've got an LES built in. Which these could have, but these are more intended as unmanned cargo launchers; so basically anything; satellites, station and base modules or interplanetary craft (just without the crew, they come up via SSTO later).
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