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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. And when i saw i always thing about Challenger and Soyuz 1 tragedy, i think it was little bit offensive if you ask me But the other things feel is Disasters don't just happen the're a chain of critical events unravel the faitful desicions in the final sceonds from disaster
  2. i just understand it's now, it's because ship is the slowest on apoapsis, but on other hand if we want to accelerate fast it's better to do on periapsis
  3. Oh yes orbital mechanic i still have problem with that Especially when i got contract in KSP of course to put satellite on specific orbital inclination, someone told me that best way to change inclination is the apogee but still have problem why????
  4. The only thing i can remember that 2*2 = 4 4*2 = 8 8*2 = 16 16 * 2 = 32 32 * 2 = 64 64 * 2 = 128 128 * 2 = 256 256 * 2 = 512 512 * 2 = 1024 I learned this by accident by accidentally pressing sum button on calculator It was on my gimnazjum (middle school) I asked about that my teacher she was actually one of me beast teacher i ever had, she worked on Elwro during communism time, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elwro They produced computer the best one in whole former eastern block I asked why computer parts are always specified as 8 bit, 32 bit or 64 bit, that what dreamed at that time was Nintendo 64 gaming console with was very expansive at that time in Poland , i asked her why all this parts for computer are are described at 8,16,32 and so on. She said that what i just saw was pattern, the pattern Power of number two, the basic of binary system, on which all computers on earth are run. She told that she was programmer in Elwro company and known ALGOL, COBOL, FORTRAN, BASIC, TURBO PASCAL, ASSAMBLER programming language, she pressured my mom into writing my into TURBO PASCAL programming lesson that was conduced by other teacher from my school. In her opinion i can "learn math from backside by learning programming" i even liked that at first this whole turbo pascal but i started to not like it when computer science teacher started to teach us about loops and Conditional loops i cannot keep with that
  5. The same is Poland and was even i communist time despite all companies was State owned The prohibition prevision written in employee contract prohibiting them for working in certain fields for specific time, but former employer must paid them for duration of that time portion of their last salary. It's very common in Poland especially in IT, high-tech, and adverting businesses KSP is very good teaching tool for kids i read that is even a educational version of KSP http://kerbaledu.com/ It's Especially true if said kid (or adult) for that matter have Asperger
  6. i wonder does they gave us bete version of it, at least for those of us who bought game in early 2012 We old guard of KSP deserve it
  7. Jeb was mad that i send Val and some rookies instead Him bill and Bob, but i plan something special for him, which is first ever Kerbaled circumunar mission on Kerbollo 8
  8. I search for info about it and cannot find, i wonder does is abandoned?
  9. I have problems learning the multiplication table as an adult. I'm an adult, but I’ve always had problems with math, despite having Asperger’s, but i'm quite good in technical stuff i would have loot of problems if not use calculator i just wonder does is possible to improve my math go to engineering studies?
  10. Not me i always try to launch my early design without kerbals on it, using probes cores, i know some of us consider this a bit lame, and we should let our kerbals be kerbals but i'm always sad when something bad happened to them BTW i wonder does is any mod that make random failure possible like faulty boster, faulty coil in fuel cells, depressurization on re-entry, of fire on oxygen rich environment, and so on. It would be challenging if we had limited life support like it was in real life spacecraft
  11. So you would disqualify this guy too some said that he was on borderline of ASD I once talked with on of my friend, a psychologist, and she said that depend on particular person with ASD, that if she had to evaluate, aspie applying candidate for pilot license she would examine said aspie very closely to make general public safe on other hand and not be unfair or discriminatory for said aspie She said that every Aspie is different and no doctor or psychologist should generalize it. Like vision impairment that you can be driver even career driver or even pilot if this impairment not deviate to much. That when she goes for driver license doctor stamped (as we in Poland say despite most polish driver license are plastic one ) special codes in her driver license that she need to wear glasses/or contact lens when she drive car, and if she violate that limitation is penal ticket and 2 penal points on her license
  12. Today I was with my internist for a painful sore on my foot, the doctor said that it was allergic atopic inflammation, but I did not want to write about it. This is because the skin was in contact with the chicken picking mix, "hot & spice" because I works in KFC Poland have a loot problem with finding job. I asked doc does i should mention transportation medicine doctor that i have pre-diabetes, because i once asked dermatologist does i will need to do so if i try for driver license, and that doctor said that depend on me, because i did not have diabetes officially, yet, and i will maybe never get it if i uphold her dietary regime she imposed on me, that i would not need to report it on medical but it's good things to do so. As kid i have on condition that is listed on most nationals aviation permanently disqualifying and also can make pain in the ass if you try do driver license, but not have it since i was 13, so it's 18 years without it i asked that does i need to report it does i need to report it on driver license medicals, she said that should just mention facts that are relevant now, that i can omits some Information from childhood, that no doctor not make detailed checks of those info even for people who trying for D (bus) C (for 18 wheeler) so i did not have mention it, but it would be good if tell that i have Aspergers because it hard to hide that
  13. Poland become full member of ESA in 2012, (Finland is member since 1994) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/European_Space_Agency#International_Space_Station But we don't participate on ISS because we join after it was completed, but from i know to be ESA astronaut it's just require to be citizen of full member state of ESA, so being Finnish or Polish is not the problem, maybe people from country that participate more in ESA manned programs are more likely to be ESA Astronaut, but the only official requirement is being Citizen of ESA member state, as for Poland, but even before full membership we participated actively in unnamed ESA activities, Polish scientist created scientific instrumentation for Cassini-Huygens mission, for Huygens probe that landed on Titan, the Jupiter Moon
  14. In another words welcome in GATTACA World but protagonist put them down easily And it is almost certain that both Wright brothers had Asperger's Syndrome, that is, they should not fly because some moron in a white apron think so? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carolyn-bass/new-novel-suggests-wright_b_3167940.html Gentlemen please We are maybe clumsy, but we can do many things. Some time is better lie to doctor than be treated by them like we would be not fully human being
  15. I heard that people working on aerospace industry in USA cannot leave their country to work in another country, they must wait several years to do so. It's resemble me labor law in my country Poland, when you work in IT industry or even advertising industry, when you quiet or being fired you must wait up to 3 years for work in other company in the same branch, but it's must be written in you employment contract prevision, gut former employer must pay portion of you last salary for that time
  16. but what if somebody had illness that is "permanently disqualified" but it's cured, but for doctors this is not matter that somebody is cured for many years Beside most jobs especially in aviation are heavily computerized, so it even in some case not require human input at all Even first Yuri Gagarin was driven on automaton and he only get codes for manual override only if something goes wrong.
  17. So is as i was think doctors are sellout and governments snitches Who next lawyers, maybe even someday even Catholics priests, the seal of confession would be no meaning for them!
  18. Thanks for both of you, i forgot his name, he was chief astronaut despite he never fly into space. But i think that decision to ground him was a bit lame, because docs already knew that, during early recruitment, so they can fire him earlier, and he was kind of WW2 hero he flew many combat mission during it, so he had right to have some heart problems. But what do you think about Ken Mattingly original CMP of Apollo 13, the grounded guy for nothing
  19. I have asperger despite i was originally diagnosed with ADHD later changed to Asperger, but i find that individuals with Asperger or ADHD are subject to additional testing and exams, aviation exist long before ADHD was ever described and even more before autism was fully understand i beet it's planty of pilots in old times with Asperger or ADHD only now it become problems! I think doctors have way to much influence over time, i found very sad story about early American astronaut who was grounded because he had some minor glitch with heart, somehow it's was no problem in days when ha fight pedant during WW2 or later when i was admitted to original 7 American Astronauts, but some stupid doctor grounded him He eventually flew on Apollo-Soyuz mission
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