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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. but why they are make such fuse about Asperger or ADHD? I can understand about epilepsy, but bother my why it's stil obstacle if someone not have it for 15 years? And how they can found that someone not tell them wole truth
  2. But what does EEG does that someone is honest, this test is about finding does someone have epilepsy spikes, not about honesty, and this test is not mandatory, off course doctor can order it.
  3. Probably many people have Asperger, like Bill Gates for exemple, Leo Messi(this is official) , it's open secret yet they did not showed official diagnosis and if someone lied on medicals how they can found this? Speaking of with Von Braun lied about his being pedant, and never get punished for it! So if someone is brave and opportunist how they can find this?
  4. but how to convince them, for exemple in Poland is lengthy medical form a bit like for driver license but with more questions on it, about cardiovascular system, neurology, psychiatry, and so on, so if someone ticked all nesesery fields, and thick other fields that you have problem with some aspect just to lead the doctor how such exams looks?
  5. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20170825154143AApSxi4 I wonder with country have less restrictive aviation law in Europe and the world ?
  6. Brexit would not affect anything because ESA is not part of EU but separate organization, but some of eurocreats want take care of ESA too, but ESA was not interested. I'm from Poland, my country is full member of it since 2011 i wonder does this mean that my countryman could apply for Astronaut positions during next selection?
  7. Not just Roskosmos i beet that many bright European engineers would glad to work for SpaceX or American Engineers want to work on European aerospace company, but they cannot because some excrementsty stupid cold war era laws!
  8. So here alternative either they change their company location (with is probably impossible) US change their Federal law or other non US aerospace companies severe their scientific ties with SpaceX Saying simple ITAR = total no cooperation But on of my friends told me that would probably end bad for both our European aerospace companies and their Americans counterparts, because could hinder science progress, and could lead that countries like North Korea or Iran would be ahead of both US and EU and that could end bad for both? and what do you think?
  9. So in this case i think governments and institution that send satellites, should just boycott SpaceX and any other American space company for that matter into bankruptcy, if they behave so LAME!
  10. Why SpaceX is solely American even trough Elon Musk is non American himself, why there non hiring non-Americans, it should be International company! It's not that I would like to work for SpaceX, I mean i would like to , but besides playing KSP form time to time, I do not have proper qualification Hiring only It's rather lame move if you ask me! I wonder does there any space company that recruit people form all around the World
  11. Pre-cadet what that means? 16-18? And why the heck on send random teen kid?
  12. The first thing it could be enlightening trip and experience for the kid and be perfect human space medical scientific experiment like 2nd flight of John Glenn, such kid would be very much "Laika" for scientists I'm of course joking
  13. This is because the Russians rent both space for NASA and ESA, because these agencies do not have their own space vehicle, it may change when the first Orion or Dragon capsule
  14. What about "spaceflight participant" AKA space tourists they usually stay there for a weak.
  15. But when my country send with Soviet help our first and so far only one Polish Cosmonaut mr. Mirosław Hermaszewski into Salyut 6 in 1978 he stayed there just one weak. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirosław_Hermaszewski
  16. you said "The hard part is that there are far, far fewer positions available in the field than there are people interested in it." and i'm partially agree with you, i'm graduated in Library Science bachelor degree with good average grade yet i cannot find employment with my specialization I get Job in fast food restaurant KFC, and sometime i think that this whole higher education was waste of time, but at least in my country we have free higher education And who said about 6 months? On full day a weak at best, in my country one crippled teen (now adult) made trip to North Pole and South Pole in less than a year and survived https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_Mela http://v1.explorapoles.org/UK/Gazette_UK/dia/com_2005/kaminski.htm So why the Spaceflight would be any difference?
  17. Maybe, but look like at this kid G force twisted his face like (he was just drank 100 ml of our Polish vodka , pardon this vodka humor maybe it's bit inappropriate ) he survived 8,5 g and smiling like jebediah Kerman And here you have adult petite Turkish woman a pilot candidate I think that if someone want to fly into space badly, the gender age and so on, are no matter only the strength of will are the matter
  18. I just talked with other my fellow Polish space nerd, we talked a loot, that many of us wanted to fly into space as kids, but mission could go horrible wrong like this one, that American gambled with sending civilian teacher in space, and it ended badly for NASA And Russians almost lost whole crew, it was ended in Emergency Mission Abort But i argued that new launch systems are much safer now, and if we send more civilians into space, not just kids, maybe spaceflight would be gain more so needed publicity. training aspect?
  19. Certainly the child inside would not cry, because it would likely be a kid dream come true and parents agree. BTW If it was boy he would likely not cry at all, a girl maybe
  20. https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20170821134351AAYSkSB About year ago i bought a early access ( alpha phase ) game Universim it would be about starting civilization of anthropomorphic creatures called nuggets from Stone Age until they can leave their home planet and colonize other planets in other solar systems. We start with pair of them Male and Female we need to help them survive and produce offspring, but one thoughts come to my mind we (our species) also come from 2 persons Adam and Eve and if they had their first children and ware only couple on the entire planet than with whom their kids have sex? ;-) https://forums.theuniversim.com/index.php?/topic/51314-if-we-start-with-2-nugets-and-they-have-4-children-than-to-whom-those-children-would-merry/
  21. Of course Captain Jean-Luc Picard without doubt but i would hard time to decide who is better Jean Luc or this guy As for Wesley Crusher, so you said that such kid in space would be basically real life Wesley Crusher? Maybe, as kid when TNG was first aired on TVP (Polish Public National TV) i was in fact very inspired by Wesley but when i becoming adult myself i found Wesley Crusher more annoying, deeply annoying than inspiring
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