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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. http://store.steampowered.com/app/514670/ As above?
  2. I would buy DLC, but i think we "Old Guard" should get it for free or at least some huge discount But i think i would buy it anyway even if not
  3. I bought KSP for $18.00 on April 30 2012 and it was on of best game purchase i ever had even trough i not play it as often as i did in a past, i logged 206 hours of gameplay experience, and this is only time a played after i transferred KSP to steam, i'm lucky because i should get this expansion for free if SQUAD honor their deals http://kerbaldevteam.tumblr.com/post/47730955705/expansions-dlc-and-the-future-of-ksp And i know that they would because SQUAD is the most gamer friendly dev studio, i know that they would not become money Grabbers like Electronic Arts
  4. I Did not played game long time but when i tried to play it today i read article on Steam that would be new Expansion Pack does is true? :-) When it would be released?
  5. I downloaded it from CURSE but it not working I put it in steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData but it dosen't work
  6. I mean real mission control that make go/no go before launch, to add more realism ?
  7. I recently bought Iphone 5s and when i browsed trough iOS store i come across this does this is any form way related to KSP franchise
  8. With a little bit afraid because I have bad memories of math class at school and lesson of programming in Turbo Pascal programming language in Gimnazjum (midle school) But I always wanted to learn to program, now feels like Dr. Strange, when he volunteered with the desire to learn from the masters in Kathmandu I bought a book that was indeed quite expensive as for Polish standards for books market, because it cost me 70 or Polish Zloty about $17.73 http://ksiegarnia.pwn.pl/Python-dla-dzieci,114592565,p.html https://www.nostarch.com/pythonforkids
  9. So what is the use of Python, someone told me that the best learning for beginners programming is the programming language Python, during the job fair in my town, I was talking about, I have seen jobs Nokia research center in my city of Wroclaw, prevailed offers for people familiar with JavaScript, HTML, C ++ and Python's,
  10. Thanks, as a child I was a complete idiot in mathematics, but I never had excessive problems with computers, by the way, thanks to KSP learned more mathematics and physics than trough the entire school I recently visited the Career Expo event in my town, I thought I'd find a job, I have a problem with that and my Asperger's syndrome (albeit mild) does not help matters. It turned that most jobs offer on Career Expo was for IT specialists, medical, and some for logistic and transportation, I have higher education i have BA in Library Science, but there was no offers for me But there ware some very interesting presentations, on was about computer programming, and on of the speaker said that "you don't need to be math genius or even specially bright in math to be good programmer, "and fun with programming can start at any age 8, 14 30 or even 60 years old" So i thin hey maybe i try too? I would not know if i don't try it? So i bought this book Maybe i even get job in ESA after all Poland is now full member of ESA But i'm 30 years old, i think i would be too old to work there
  11. Is the age of 30 I'm too old for this? In high school I signed up (actually my mom at the urging of a teacher of computer science) to the class of computer science. I had a basic knowledge of programming in Pascal, barely I, I had an assessment of 3- (ie, D-, in the Anglo-Saxon rating scale) Today I was in a bookstore I bought a book for learning's programming in Python, someone told me that this programming language is fairly easy to learn, but wracjąc to the topic bookseller recommended me the book Authored by Jason R. Briggs / "Python for kids. A Playful introduction this programing "its Polish translation, the bookseller said that the book is indeed dedicated to children, but it is used also as a primer in our Polish polytechnics and universities, and that may well serve for adult self-taught, but do computer programming, you can learn by yourself ?
  12. I was required to do this because contact specification "to test heat-shield trough staging sequence after splashdown" And BTW i think it look even cool giving fact that from i know original mercury spacecraft did this too, and Soyuz spacecraft did this too.
  13. I means something that give me information about the the highest acceleration in Gs during ascent, re-entry and so on
  14. I do not know either what is wrong with my brain but all the icons on your desktop appear as if they were smaller. I do not know maybe I should go to an ophthalmologist or just i’m mad? :-) How to fix it?
  15. leadership initiative, what is that?
  16. I tried to load my old career file but i had problems. I'm considering start new game with additional tech points, i wonder does you like start game with tech-points for start-up and if so how much, to not spoil the game too much?
  17. BREAKING NEWS Lawmakers begin to wonder does financing incompetent bunch of nerds and psychos with knack for pyrotechnic and rocketry, after yet another embarrassing failure on Kerbal Space Center
  18. This guy who said "look at that acceleration of this ..." was Chris Kraft But i always wondering what the German guy saying, thanks What do you think about my video
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