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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. I wonder with one was better design?
  2. Zastanawiam się czy ten manewr ma jakąś polską nazwę, albo czy istnieje jakiś polski słownik terminologiczny dla astronautyki?
  3. We choose to go to the Mun. We choose to go to the Mun in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because are damn hard, and also fun
  4. I wonder does building lunar capable rocket with spacecraft and Lunar Lander for LOR type mission is cheaper than it was in the past. I wonder does private company, like M$, Google, or Apple can fund such mission, or only big countries like USA, Russia, China can do this?
  5. I think I watched this movie a million if not more times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP5HA8Vs2Vk I love "From The Earth to the Moon" mini series But i wonder why Alan Shepard used retro engines his flight was already suborbital so what is the point of using breaking rockets if the spacecraft will return to Earth on it it's own?
  6. I thought it would be rather simple mission turned out to be really challenging
  7. It's so lame to drive rocket without SAS :-(
  8. It stats that i need Kerbal with piloting skills :-) It's little silly to have crew in uncrewd, don't you think:-)?
  9. It's come with FASA mod, i need this because it has Gemini capsule, the stock parts doesn't have two seats capsule, because now we is almost impossible to launch capsule without kerb with piloting skills like Jeb. I want to launch pilot+scientist team.
  10. ...And it's impossible to launch it the shulle start spining, it's not possible to launch it.
  11. When i launching KSP i was stated that Mechjeb 2 and kspapiextensions is incompatible with 0.90, so i downloaded new ones and the message about Mechjeb is not shown but what is this kspapiextensions?
  12. I'm looking for something like Gemini, because now it almost impossible to fly craft without pilot's (jeb) skills, so i need capsule that i can put pilot and scientist together.
  13. STALIN SEAL OF APPROVAL BTW It would be nice to have stock capsule for two kerbals, so we can send one kerbonaut with pilot skills like Jeb, and one with science knowledge
  14. Citrus Altus Fortus (citrus altus fortus) if you are brainlass huperactive like kid who want awesome rride go ahead ;D Citrus Altus Fortus (citrus altus fortus) if you are brainlass huperactive like kid who want awesome rride go ahead ;D It's a expandable rocket system, it have just enough delta-v to get into orbit, the rocket use 4 Sepratron I as retro rocket to de-orbit burn http://1drv.ms/1AsRDxF
  15. The point is NASA na Roscosmos train their astronaut/cosmonaut in simulators before they even put them in real spacecraft. Space mission is the best way to learn astronaut in the same way as real surgery is the best way to learn wannabe surgeon everybody need job training.
  16. My third launch The craft uncontrolled rotation is annoying.
  17. My third launch The craft uncontrolled rotation is annoying
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