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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. When i play KSP i mostly do rockets, i for long time not design airplanes, but i decided to create one, Jeb died several times, but back to life thanks autosave and revering (like in Groundhog Day ) But finally i made working plane i watched some Tutorials online and i made it:D but have problem with landing when i tried to land speed is always 80-110, so i ejected capsule. How to make landing smoothly? http://1drv.ms/1w8HyFL
  2. i just wonder does heat shields that is part of some mods are only decals or is have value if i install mod that make reentry realistic?
  3. I know that original Ariane was designated to be man rated, for ESA Hermes spacecraft with was canceled for budgetary reasons. I wonder why Europe does not try to creating our own space capsule, currently only Russia and China have manned launch capability, America canceled own space shuttle and now NASA haven't any human rated launch system at all.
  4. I think it's cool especially "Soy-Juice" capsule And several other think like two-kerbal capsule with is sadly lack in unmoded game
  5. NavBall watch??? Are you a Nerd! Where you bought it?
  6. I would like to have something like Gemini/Voskhod in main game, i know that i can download HGR mod, but i would nice to have this standard. BTW The new stock shuttle it's looking great especially the blue screen of death in IVA view , the only problem i crash it every time i try to launch it.
  7. I wonder does are any other science based game, i don't mean rocket science, just science, where you running lab conducting experiments and make money of it. something like tycoon series game. "Lab tycoon" perhaps:-) P.S when i was kid i played "transport tycoon" i loved it
  8. I've heard that you can lose career mode, if there is someone really bad manager, it has not happened to me, maybe because I'm an experienced player, I play KSP since version 0.12 I just wonder that maybe game should have final goal, akin sims 3 life wish? That player can choice lake crewed Mun Landing, Duna Ladning?
  9. I wonder how reputation affect the game or how will be affect in future? (i can always convert it into science points with the most sensible solution) I used Unpaid Research program and outsourced R&D policy i drooped the last one because i need cash too
  10. I heard that is planned in future that after reaching certain level is career mode victory? Does is true?
  11. So it's better not use science boosting strategy? I think i load my previous save and use only "unpaid space research" prestige to science and not use "science outsourcing" I wonder what prestige are for what for? I heard that after accumulating certain numbers of "prestige points" is career victory?
  12. I want to maximize my science i want have both on 100 % what do you think? How maximize science? now i have 55 and 65 % bust because i cannot afford more, to little money an prestige
  13. I think i make some small craft, launch it on several rockets, and assemble on orbit.
  14. But did two launches once pointing arrow up once down and result is the same EDIT: That's my crafts file http://1drv.ms/1vQnIPz
  15. Thanks for support but i think "slumpie" has right i talked about regular declarers
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