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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. My Laptop had Ubuntu Linux i know that there are linux version of KSP, i prefer my desktop but it's cpu cooling failed My ASUS K50I Had only on 1 GM ram, it has 512 MB of NVIDIA CUDA GPU but i wonder does is enough to run KSP, i want some gamig (speaking honest i would want play Europa Universalis 4 (i love playing spian) i wonder does is Linux version of EU1,2,3;-), i bought some cool dlc at super cool discount price but it's not have linux version and i bet it would not run one 1 GB ram. Anyboy know how much cost RAM for ASUS? But retuning to subject does my laptop i bought it mainly to typing during lectures could run KSP???
  2. It's good that engineers invented such function only bad thing is that I'm disconnected from Europa Universalis 4 and some others cool game like KSP Take on Mars and my ofice 365 i can use Web app on my laptop but online word 2013 is not the same like Winword on desktop. I hope processor is not demaged
  3. No I bught it in 2009 the guy asked me what I want system because the computer store crated their owown and I can change evry component. I not bought screen because I have ctr from older ....y computer I have some cash because I broken my leg two years earlir and I put some money into bank (it worth to break boons some time BTW I love my Samsung Galaxy S3 xD Ps maybe SQUAD make KSP for Android 4.4.4 ;-) and how switch to mobile vbuletin KSP forum.
  4. Now i use my laptop, now i have tio fogot plaing KSP, Take On Mars and Rome 2, and Europa Universalis because i have only two core, and ! gb ram, and UBUNTU :-(
  5. No i it's need windows I have xp but I want new one and win8.1 look cool on ads and I get refund from EU because I was student and have Asperger
  6. I wonder does I can repiar win8.1 with win 8 orginal disc? ps how to swich back again to mobile forum interface?
  7. Ps how much i need to spend to buy new Intel core 2 quad Q8400 if they still in market I'm not rich:)
  8. Does is any program to check integrity of my GPU and cpu, i mean that it demage It or not
  9. writing to you from my brand new Galaxy S3 LTE ☺ because I cannot run my PC for longer than 5 minutes! And the modern Ui icon look strange than usual no filing
  10. I afraid that it maybe some hardware issue because system restore not help. Does is may be processor or GPU? Does is any program to check does is cpu falaut :-(
  11. I wonder why video processing with computer games, I'm not talking about recording but about converting. I wonder if I bought myself a better graphics card is whether this process would be faster? I wonder what has had a greater impact graphics card in my case MSI NVIDIA GT 630 4GB Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 2.66 GHz or 6GB RAM (various companies)
  12. I wonder does Squad to add to the game "science points" for the space station, for example, as I am I would like more to build Skylab, Salyout, Mir or ISS on Kerbin orbit xD The game itself give us such opportunity, but it's not profitable, as in real life ?
  13. I only need cryptography to hide university cheat sheets and my small VUXT collection
  14. Because i'm not rich person, my mom My mom did to me for that reason, reproaches that lavish spending, but this is my money from my social university social scholarship besides signing up for the work of the election commission this year because we had local elections in Poland. the encryption function is the best part of S3, and I not must worry about my movie collections
  15. I encrypted data on my s3 I did this on purpose, to secure my little friend when go to city or my university, but I wonder does I can temporary screen lock password but left data encrypted?
  16. This phone is simply awesome, today signed an annex to the Agreement with Orange, I bought a Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE and so-called "Power Bank" I forgot to charge my phone, and switch off at the worst possible moment, for example, as I was at the zoo with me BRO his daughters and my nieces, I'm not rich, I'm also moderately disabled, it is also the brother took me to the zoo to have a cheaper ticket and we need an extra person can enter as a group getaway. My old phone Sony Xperja J was probably the worst phone I had, jammed at any time, sometimes I feel like bashing the .... phone against the wall, even my first smartphone Nokia 5230 was better, as I think that I gave him 450 PLN is up to me gets sick, my mom reminds me that Samsung gave 300 Polish zlotys, and I remembered how much I gave my mom for Xperia two years ago. The best in my opinion is the encryption function, and I not must worry about my movie collections
  17. I wonder does is possible to protect phone useless for thief, make it worthless pieces of Silicon and electronic, just like Russian did with Moscow when Napoleon Bonaparte paid them uninvited visit. In short, is there any way to protect mobile phone against thieves?
  18. I'm running out contract mobile phone company Orange, unless it renewed for subsequent two years, as they have in the promotion Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE at a very decent price. My guards Sony Xperja J is the worst smartphone I had, in principle, it was my second smartphone so far, the first was a touch Nokia 5230 with Symbian
  19. Now i know:D The couple played in the game show, the woman want to bet all 25 thousand zlotys on Michel Collins, but the husband stopped her and said, that it seems to him that he only orbited around the moon but it did not land that only Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed and that had pee one of them, just do not know who, but in the end bet all the money, to Neil Armstrong, but the unfortunately ware wrong
  20. A) Neil Armstrong Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin C) Michael Collin I must admit that I did not know who but now I know That was the question on our Polish game show "Postaw na milion/bet on milion" Polish version of British The Million Pound Drop
  21. I thought I could take a picture of Orion then I threw it on Facebook and I would be showcased in front of my family and friends, and my nerdness would up to next level Unfortunately my camera phone to be completely unsuitable for the job:-( Now soon end my contract for a mobile subscription with the Orange company , I wonder whether to sign a new contract, they have the Samsung Galaxy S3 at a decent price. I wonder if the camera is good for shooting night scenery?
  22. I could not sleep last night so I went on my balcony, I saw that the sky is clear and you can see all the stars:-) I live in a city rarely when the stars are so beautifully displayed as to be visible tonight:-) Unfortunately, when wanting to photograph it, the camera on my phone (Sony Xperia J) in the picture could not see anything. A bit like it was with pictures from the Apollo missions, doubters do not believe that man was on the moon, because those stupid stars are not visible:D
  23. For example once when i did suborbital flight in ksp, i get 4 G during launch and 11.5 during reentry?
  24. In December, my contract ends, now I have a phone Sony Xperia J, I'm not happy with it. It's slow and often not responding to my inputs. I wonder if you do not buy a phone with Windows Phone system, I mean, of course, a cheap phone, because I'm not rich. I've heard that cheap phones with windows phone work better than android phones.
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