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Everything posted by Pawelk198604

  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/24/alan-eustace-record-jump_n_6044598.html
  2. http://www.dumb-out.net/british-scientists-heal-paralyzed-man/9472 This method was developed by British scientist but the Polish doctor performed surgery and in my City , finally something that my country can be proud
  3. I remember that i was playing Sid Meier Alpha Centauri when i was kid I wonder does is something like remake, for now i not have cash to buy it:(
  4. I set fundraising and patenting science to 50 % I got only 2000 extra for contract worth 75000 after compelling i got huge science boast for converting money and prestige to science both on 30 %, but on reverse is not working so well, i have technology to make Apollo like mission to Mun but not have cash. No bucks no Bug Rogers:D (1:23)
  5. I wonder if scientists could not to build some special filter glasses for pilots and drivers that were able to stop the laser beam?
  6. Yes you right we don't give knife to small children
  7. Children doing various dumb things that can then affect the whole future life. For example, I've heard stories that happened to one kid with ADHD. The boy was a rascal, was grounded, the parents went to work, left the boy in the house, closed the door with a key. Unfortunately, in the absence of parents, the boy went out the window of the apartment on the 1st floor because friends call him, the boy fell and broke his bones, the whole Fortunately it was the first floor, not the eighth or tenth, and it does not hurt his spinal cord , but spent most of the vacation in the hospital :-( You pay for stupidity. Returning to the subject of lasers, I think the kids that flash laser should be learned what damage they can cause, and give them but rather their parents hefty fine, but if it done by adult, he/she should get automatic prison sentence/
  8. I remember once as teen I had a damaged knee joint, doctor recommended laser therapy and cryotherapy, I had no objections to cryotherapy because I heard that it relieves pain, but I was wondering what would give me this whole laser therapy, but the doctor knows better. During laser therapy nurse told me to setup an goggles, joked that they will be here to do nuclear test:-) She said it was because of safety reasons, because even deflects the laser beam may damage my eyes. She also said that the medical laser used for laser therapy has a lot more power than the laser in the DVD recorder or laser pointers. She said that this type of lasers in Poland are not available in a normal sale. Although, as someone wants to can buy similar equipment on the city electronic market (she said that is held two times a month and "kujony" nerds interested in electronic meet there, although some of sales it is not exactly in accordance with the law:-) I asked if she says it seriously, said she was not joking, that if someone really want it can buy even X-ray tube but it is not exactly wise:D
  9. I canceled policy aimed to boost science, because i have enough tech to send manned oh i mean kerbaled mission to Mun. But i have short on cash 180 thousands (IMHO should be millions:) ) on by budget but i need to purchase prototype. I download Saturn V from Curse, but one launch cost 143 thousand, now i understand why NASA canceled APOLLO The point is i switched Policy from science to money, but i got very little money from it:(
  10. Lasers? It's a toy , I want phasers from Star Trek, or better Klingon disruptors
  11. high-class laser i thought only army could afford that :-) As for the rest, you're right, the parents giving any laser device your children are extremely irresponsible, at the end of a small child can damage their vision
  12. Recently I read that some teenage joker blinding PLL LOT pilots landing at Warsaw Chopin Intenatioanl Airport. He was arrested and threatened him to eight years in prison for trying to cause a "disaster in road, rail, sea or air" Our Polish police said that the arrested one man, but like a silly and dangerous jokes happen more and more often, not only in Warsaw, the perpetrator was 35 years, but the majority of perpetrators are teenage boys aged 14-19 years. I wonder if this type of incidents are actually so dangerous?
  13. I use it last stages of my boosters to bring them down to not make mess on orbit? My mom always said to clean when you finish you job, the orbit is not different, and i don't want to delete debris via tracking station, it's little cheating in my opinion. I just wonder how many players use Sepratron I to clear debris after launch?
  14. I want also make test of parachute but i cannot fulfill speed requestment :-(
  15. CieszÄ™ siÄ™ ze wam siÄ™ podoba
  16. i tried to play with this new stock space shuttle, but i didn't know how to launch it. I tried to launch it in sandbox but i crash it, even auto-ascent in mechjeb cannot handle this.
  17. music:-) something like in Orbiter(simulator) that i played long long time ago ?
  18. I do not know if you ever if you ever heard of the Polish cardiac surgery pioneer Professor Zbigniew Religa. He was the first conducted in my country successful heart transplant in 1985, the first attempt to transplant the human heart in Poland took place on January 4, 1969, the patient died and doctor who tried this was compared to ..... Polish doctors were very conservative and thought heart transplants as barbaric, watch out that the procurement of a heart as murder, while others are more progressive doctors believed that the determination of brain death, can take heart, because brain death is equivalent to death of man as a being. Professor Religa was a hardcore atheist but apparently he was very dedicated to his patients. Apparently, when one of his patients died and there were problems with finding a donor, a professor tried to carry xenogeneic heart transplant from a pig, as a temporary solution, the operation did not succeed, and he was compared to Joseph Mengele. Then it turned out that the pigs have a different immune system. Apparently the professor asked the Polish Ministry of Science grant for breeding transgenic pigs, but this was rejected because the Catholic Church opposed. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zbigniew_Religa
  19. Yes i know that, but why i cannot chose from where i can take off. But i fulfilled my contractual obligations, i lost plane, but Jeb survived so i can consider this a success
  20. Truth be told, I decided to build this plane because I did not want to pay liquidated damages for not fulfilling the contract, accepted a contract to test the "basic jet engine," I had it activated at engine speed of 120-220, at a height of 10100 to 12000. I just not read conditions of contact
  21. I tried to land on water and grass, maybe this was problem? I think i should invest in MJ2 :-) Can you try my design? PS does is possible to launch plane from opposite side of runway?
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