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Whirligig Girl

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Everything posted by Whirligig Girl

  1. Space starts at the Karman boundary, an area (where there is atmosphere!) that in order to get aerodynamic lift, you need to travel at the velocity for a circular orbit. It's about 100 km.
  2. Let's see... I was born in 1850, skipped a bit, went to the future in 1882... Jupiter has gone around the sun around 13 and 3 quarter times since I was born. That makes me [REDACTED] Jovian years old. So I guess I can't say my age because it is under 18.
  3. There's not a single part in the entire game that doesn't have a use for me. I almost never use the engine mount thing because of how creepy it is, however it can be useful for things like rover seats where you need to detach a command pod for the crew. And a lot of inventions that I haven't made depend on its springy nature.
  4. Maybe a mock-RSS-subreddit? The SpaceX mod is clearly a rip-off of Elon Kerman's SpaceY company. European Space Agency just sounds weird. Is it some kind of game overhaul on another planet? Maybe the moon of Jupiter?
  5. Is there a way to disable the warp bubble?
  6. RoverDude's stuff isn't that great for planetary exploration, more of settlement. Karbonite is the replacement for Kethane, and Karbonite is made by RoverDude, so not all of his stuff is for settlement. He also has a warp drive mod that is not overpowered. I always browse for mods on this forum. For science there is the StationScience, which again isn't much of exploration, but still very fun. There's DMagic Orbital Sciences for more science experiments. To help get to the various planets and moons, there is the NearFuture packs which add some nice tech, including advanced electrical propulsion systems and nuclear reactors.
  7. Don't worry, it just renames the ships. Try searching in the backup for "Senate Launch System" or something like that. You might find it there.
  8. Sending cats to space is cruel because they'd be falling and they wouldn't know which way. - - - Updated - - - We do send small people into space. You can't be too big to go into space.
  9. Hmmm. Mulligan-Edwards. Dr. Tony Mulligan Pistachio perhaps? Anyway I really do like the name Tony Pistachio. I think it should be the name of a character, be he playable or not. EDIT: It just occured to me that there might be regions of space in-between galaxies that could form real, full scale planets due to the fact that there would be no super-high gravity gradient. You said that matter obeys the same gravitational attraction it does in our universe, so that's no obstacle. Could there be real planets? Even stars?
  10. Fueling rockets Reticulating Orbit Splines Hiding from Danny Deploying Solar Panels Flying Safe Commanding Modules Rebuilding Stations Bugging Maxmaps Generating Science Making Science Manufacturing Snacks Eating snacks Loading Part Models (Hey, that's what we're really doing!) Slaying Krakens Programming Kerbal Space Going Boldly Loading Loading Screen Answering the Untruth Machine Escaping EVE Online Escaping Eve Crashing Kerbal-X on the Mun Shrinking Earth Exploring Strange New Worlds Draining Souposphere Lithobraking Trying Science Praying to Goddard Buzzing the Tower Downloading Necessary Modifications Nagging NASA Aggravating ESA Satisfying SpaceX Recoloring Danube Probing Space Probing Not-Space Trying not to Crash Breaking the fourth wall. Hello Player! Boarding the HypeTrain Loading Munbase Alpha Voice System Painting the Skybox Setting Phasers to Stun Capturing Baby Kraken Conquering Kerbin Unifying Kerbin Exploiting Unity Beaming Up Building KSC Upgrading Sandbox KSC Painting "Kerbal" over "Kennedy" on the Space Center visitor center Doing a Barrel Roll Explaining difference between Ailerons, Elevons, and Barrels Cutting Off Mainsail Engine Staging Boosters Digesting Asparagus Performing Wind-Tunnel Tests Hiding Old Part Models Launching Tinfoil Astronauts Answering Machines Painting Kerbin Bombarding Mun Getting Rid of Boulders Cutting Budgets Distracting from long loading times Throwing Mun into Orbit Whacking Kerbals Kremoving Kk Kfrom Kevery Kword Stealing Saturn-Vs Calling an Orbital Mechanic Spinny-Docking Drowning OSHA in a pit of Acid full of Acid-Resistant Sharks
  11. I don't think I mentioned it being government. And I kind of had to use Pistachio as it was the only name known at all. Is the complex still not known as "MEA?"
  12. Solar Panels being 5 times larger is in fact a bug. I have never seen it before, or heard reports of it, but they shouldn't be that big.
  13. I would like to make a minor correction here. With RSS installed and something like RSS-Stock-Parts or Kerbal Isp Difficulty Scaler, RSS can be a fun game as well rather than a simulator. There's just a few immersion problems in-universe. Kerbal Space Program is a Rocket-building-and-flying game in a solar system, where you are trying to accomplish Kerbal's grand endeavor to learn more about space with a severe lack of funding and judgement from the rest of the planet. I'll be honest, i haven't played Career Mode in a while, but I will say that in some cases Science Mode can be really fun!
  14. It couldn't have big enough. A Mun-forming asteroid would be the size of Duna hitting something the size of Laythe, mixing materials to form Kerbin and shooting them out to form Mun.
  15. Here's a conundrum I have thought of. If gravity travels at the speed of light, then how does the gravity of the singularity of the black hole escape the event horizon at all? I've heard of stars that are so massive they don't leave anything behind when they die, could that be why? I just woke up, and this is essentially dream logic.When I wake up I'll think about this more.
  16. Well I guess I didn't see it as a major update because it felt a lot like 0.14 and 0.13... Also Minmus was added. Oh well.
  17. I am in one of those moods where I am really really insane about neutron stars. How about extremely dense extremely tiny SGCs. Like, pebble sized SGCs with the mass of, like, a LOT of SGCs.
  18. I hope to start a sort of a small megathread on sharing your headcanons about Kerbal biology, relationships, science, and history! For me, ever since the beginning, I thought of Jebediah, Bill, and Bob Kerman as being brothers. Bill was the oldest and tries to keep his little brothers safe, Jebediah was the middle child, badS, who was always blowing stuff up and playing too dangerously on the playgrounds to Bill's dismay, and Bob was a little nerd who was obsessed with Space from a much earlier age and assisted Jeb with the chemistry of the blow-stuff-up stuff. At some point Jebediah and Bob founded a junkyard to gather materials for their experiments, eventually culminating in their failed attempts at rocket engines. Bill then joined as the engineer, mostly just to keep his brothers from blowing each other up. In human-age-equivalent terms (that is, not Kerbin-years or even necessarily Earth years), at Y1 of the Space Program, Jeb is 27, Bob is 24, and Bill is 30. Now to fit Valentina into all this. Val is Jeb, Bill, and Bob's little sister. Val was born six years after Bob, so she is 18 at KSC start. Fitting her into my headcanon was easy. She was always fascinated by Jeb and Bob's stuff so she wanted to do it as well, but she was too young to participate. She was just as crazy as Jeb, probably even more so. She was hired as a test-pilot by C7 Aviation Division when she was 17, and finally she left for the space program. Wernher von Kerman (Birth name Wernher von Grün) was an engineer and astronomer on the other side of Kerbin about 20 Kerbin Years prior to Space Program start. He knew what rockets were for. They were meant to get Kerbalkind off of Kerbin and into the space environment. During a minor war that his country was fighting, his rocket experiments were funded by the government, but to his dismay they ended up using his rockets as missile-bombs, rather than science packages. As the war came to a close, he defected to the country that would eventually house the space program. His L-V2 Liquid Fueled Rocket Motors were lost, but the concept was used to develop Jebediah and Company's LV-T series rocket engines. His group of engineers and scientists also came with him, eventually making the bulk of the KSC staff. Well that covers the relationships and a little bit of the history part.
  19. "Dr. Pistachio, we are go for transuniversal injection." Dr. Tony Pistachio was buckled up in a definitely-not-stolen space capsule that had been placed in the Universal Transference Cabinet. He flicked some switches on the spacecraft to boot up the computer panel and get the life support system running. "I'll see you all soon!" Dr. Pistachio confirmed. The air of the Unimatrix Transuniversal Catcher had been siphoned out, and with a whirr of the machine, a flash of bluish light, and a powerful BANG sound, the inside of the Underperforming Teledistance Catapult was replaced with deep-space. Not just any deep space, but really small deep space. The Space Capsule was equipped with a low-gain antenna, but the UTC was not a Undeniably Telephonic Contraption, so there was not yet any direct communications. At this time, Dr. Pistachio was not terribly worried about communications with the MEA complex, he was more worried about how to keep his lunch down after what felt like being thrown off a cliff into space. After successfully keeping his eggs and bacon inside a doggy-bag, he locked his helmet on to begin his work. Dr. Tony Pistachio was the head of the Multiversal Exploration Agency for quite some time. After previous attempts to explore the new Microverse using contraptions ranging from mile-long tethers that a robotic submarine was hung out of to a clockwork-controlled soil sampler, it was time to face the fact that they were going to have to use active telecommunications or else use far more complicated control. No one yet knew if telecommunications was possible through the Microverse, so the control issue was planned to be resolved by the use of highly-trained astronauts. The MEA could not afford astronauts. To make matters worse, the nerds that worked at the MEA were all far to scared to go to space. Someone had to be found that was willing to take the risk. Dr. Pistachio himself had to be that man. He was regretting it. He figured he had about six minutes to deploy the communications beacon and configure it before the deadly plunge into the "Starlike Gravitational Core" killed him in a murderously deadly way of death and not-life. Not exactly the best way of staying focused. The Space Capsule had about 200 m/s delta-v, enough to probably-almost-certainly correct the course if he was able to control the ship. But he was not here to explore. Not today. Today, he had to get the beacon up and running. Dr. Pistachio opened the Space Capsule's hatch. The communication beacon was hanging off the end of the service module package. Standing up in the capsule, he suddenly took in the beauty of the whole place. He saw a shimmering box of warped space behind him where the Untranslatable Tractor Carrier was holding idle, slowly receding. He looked forwards, and had to avert his eyes from the bright sun. He saw a dull brown cloudy sphere, a lumpy blue and green rock, and a peanut-shaped potato. "Wow." He heard himself saying, the closed communications loop echoing his voice several times before fading off. Tony climbed over the capsule and opened the service module hatch, revealing a control panel to release the beacon. His arm reached out to grab on to the beacon as he pressed the red button to let it go from the capsule. The beacon was really just a glorified radio transmitter/transceiver. If all went right, the guys at MEA Mission Control were playing a tuning signal. Tony twisted the various knobs all over until he could start to hear a warbled musical song. "Haha. Magic Carpet Ride." He tuned the radio further until he could hear the music fully. He then turned to calibrate the some other thing to compensate for the Universal Train Coach's unreliable name. "Hmm. That's odd." Tony Pistachio thought. His feet were getting warm. He looked down. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH" Tony was no pilot, but he was almost certain that he was just flung past the sun on a collision course with the blue-green planet. He strapped the probe in, and tried to get back in the capsule. "You're kidding me." Dr. Pistachio's keychain was floating several meters away. He jumped at it, holding onto a loose wire as a tether. "Just a few more inches!" Impact was imminent. Tony pulled a doggy bag out of his pocket. "Of course!" He held the bag out barely catching the key on edge enough for it to slow down. The Blue-Green planet was looking awfully large. He pulled himself (and the key!) back to the ship unlocked the door, and coupled the piloting to manual control. No response. Auto-Control it is! -REORIENT- --RETROGRADE- --SELECT BURN TIME- --3 SECONDS-- ---T-2--- ---T-1--- ---ENGINE IGNITION--- CRASH "Ouch." Tony Pistachio stood up and tried to understand the situation. His helmet was lying beside him on the ground, shattered, along with the debris from his Space Capsule. The Communications beacon was sitting in a bush, considerably less destroyed. "Well I guess this place has an oxygen atmosphere." Dr. Pistachio was no astrobiologist, but he was pretty sure that oxygen on a planet means that there's some kind of life there. This was not surprising when he looked at the bush again, realizing that in fact it was living foliage. "Well this is a disaster."
  20. As cool as having fairings is, I will be super honest when I say that the moment I saw the model for the fairing I was disappointed. They look too bare and boring. A little ridge on a edge of a fairing piece or maybe construction out of corrugated metal would look so much better!
  21. Yes. Very very yes. I've always felt so ingenuine about jets in KSP. But how do we account for RAPIERS? Also, we should be able to have 2.5m engines for Mk3 craft.
  22. You can't do that. Maglevs are not steam trains and you can't just upgrade the tracks without permission! HypeTrain already is in space. Metaspace, but nevertheless, it's space.
  23. Oooooh I like that. I feel like it needs rivets to be stockalike in 2.5m. I think the Phoenix actually had rivets. Also, how about standalone warp engines.
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